Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 33-2023

  • Cập nhật: Thứ ba, 5/9/2023 | 11:01:54 AM

QLMT - Chuyên trang Quản lý môi trường trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 33-2023 với những nội dung chính như sau:

Về quản lý môi trường

- Thực vật hoang dã và thô sơ là chất chỉ thị sinh học ô nhiễm đô thị toàn cầu bởi không khí, nước và đất ở Riyadh và Abha, Ả Rập Saudi.

- Một cách tiếp cận tổng hợp để quản lý chất thải thực phẩm bền vững hướng tới sản xuất tài nguyên tái tạo và giảm khí nhà kính.

- Khai thác tiềm năng giảm phát thải CO2 của hệ thống vận chuyển dầu thô từ góc độ dấu chân carbon.

- Tôi hành động có trách nhiệm với môi trường vì công ty của tôi có trách nhiệm với xã hội: Con đường chuyển đổi sang một xã hội có trách nhiệm.

- Khám phá mối liên hệ giữa phát triển tài chính và dấu chân sinh thái ở các nước APEC: Một góc nhìn mới về nhận thức tham nhũng và tính nghiêm ngặt của chính sách môi trường.

- Biến động trở lại, mối tương quan và bảo hiểm rủi ro của cổ phiếu xanh và nâu: Có vai trò nào đối với các yếu tố rủi ro khí hậu không?

- Cơ chế khuyến khích trừng phạt chất lượng khí quyển khu vực (AQPI) có thúc đẩy quy định về môi trường không? Chính phủ cấp dưới như một thời đại.

- Theo dõi sự thay đổi của vật chất hạt trong khí quyển tại một địa điểm bán đô thị ở miền Trung nước Pháp trong thập kỷ qua.

- Sự phát triển của lượng khí thải carbon trong nền kinh tế kỹ thuật số của Trung Quốc: Phân tích thực nghiệm từ góc độ toàn bộ chuỗi ngành.

Về môi trường đô thị

- Những tiến bộ gần đây trong việc kiểm soát phát thải hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi từ các tấm gỗ trong nhà: Đánh giá toàn diện.

- Nhận dạng, sự xuất hiện, nồng độ và thành phần của fiproles trong các nhà máy xử lý nước thải đô thị.

- Phân tích đa phương pháp nhằm xác định mối tương quan tiêu chí trong đánh giá tính bền vững của dịch vụ giao thông đô thị.

- Ozon hóa Vs các quy trình điều khiển năng lượng mặt trời tuần tự như các phương pháp xử lý đồng thời bậc ba và bậc bốn đối với nước thải đô thị: So sánh đánh giá vòng đời.

- Đánh giá tác động môi trường của quản lý chất thải: Nghiên cứu so sánh về lượng khí thải CO2 tập trung vào tái chế và đốt rác.

- Máy lấy mẫu thụ động có thể tái sử dụng bằng ống nano cacbon để theo dõi các chất gây ô nhiễm trong nước thải: Ứng dụng, tái tạo và tái sử dụng.

- Các mối liên hệ và con đường chung từ không gian xanh, ô nhiễm không khí liên quan đến giao thông và tiếng ồn đến sức khỏe tổng quát tự đánh giá kém: Một nghiên cứu dựa trên dân số ở Sofia, Bungari.

- Đặc điểm theo mùa của sự phân bố kích thước hạt của các chất đánh dấu hữu cơ trong các vấn đề hạt khí quyển ở Bắc Kinh.

- Ước tính dựa trên máy học về nồng độ CO2 trên đường đô thị ở Seoul.

- Tìm hiểu sự đánh đổi của các phương pháp ước tính chất thải rắn đô thị quốc gia cho chính sách kinh tế tuần hoàn.

Về môi trường khu công nghiệp

- Tính đa dạng, tiềm năng chức năng và sự tập hợp của các cộng đồng vi khuẩn trong trầm tích bị ô nhiễm kim loại (loid) từ lưu vực công nghiệp ven biển.

- Vai trò của quá trình đông tụ đối với số phận của PFAS, chất chống cháy brôm và các chất gây ô nhiễm vi lượng khác trong xử lý nước thải cấp ba để kiểm soát phốt pho.

- Lượng khí thải carbon tích hợp với các thông số cắt để lập kế hoạch sản xuất.

- Quyết định tài trợ doanh nghiệp ô nhiễm nặng theo chính sách tín dụng xanh: Dựa trên góc độ truyền tải tín hiệu và truyền tải chuỗi cung ứng.

- Chất thải công nghiệp giàu Al như một chất thay thế mới cho silica bốc khói để sản xuất các tấm cách nhiệt chân không để bảo tồn năng lượng tòa nhà.

- Hướng tới tương lai bền vững: Mối quan hệ giữa mục tiêu phát triển bền vững và quản lý chất thải trong môi trường xây dựng.

- Xử lý nước và đất bị ô nhiễm kim loại nặng bằng phương pháp xanh và sinh học: Đánh giá hiện đại.

- Tối ưu hóa xử lý nước thải nhiễm thuốc nhuộm bằng composite cốt liệu đất sét trương nở nhẹ sợi nấm.

- Hiệu quả xử lý sinh học của Aspergillus niger và Aspergillus tubigenesis ở dạng tự do và cố định trên nước thải thuộc da.

- Xử lý đồng thời đất bị ô nhiễm bằng sắt hóa trị 0 được nghiền bi kết hợp với quá trình oxy hóa persulfate.

Sao La - biểu tượng của đa dạng sinh học không những của Việt Nam mà còn cho cả khu vực châu Á. Ảnh: ITN

Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!


1. A machine learning-based study on the impact of COVID-19 on three kinds of pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 884, 1 August 2023, 163190


Large-scale restrictions on anthropogenic activities in China in 2020 due to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) indirectly led to improvements in air quality. Previous studies have paid little attention to the changes in nitrogen dioxide (NO2), fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) concentrations at different levels of anthropogenic activity limitation and their interactions. In this study, machine learning models were used to simulate the concentrations of three pollutants during periods of different levels of lockdown, and compare them with observations during the same period. The results show that the difference between the simulated and observed values of NO2 concentrations varies at different stages of the lockdown. Variation between simulated and observed O3 and PM2.5 concentrations were less distinct at different stages of lockdowns. During the most severe period of the lockdowns, NO2 concentrations decreased significantly with a maximum decrease of 65.28 %, and O3 concentrations increased with a maximum increase of 75.69 %. During the first two weeks of the lockdown, the titration reaction in the atmosphere was disrupted due to the rapid decrease in NO2 concentrations, leading to the redistribution of Ox (NO2 + O3) in the atmosphere and eventually to the production of O3 and secondary PM2.5. The effect of traffic restrictions on the reduction of NO2 concentrations is significant. However, it is also important to consider the increase in O3 due to the constant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the decrease in NOx (NO+NO2). Traffic restrictions had a limited effect on improving PM2.5 pollution, so other beneficial measures were needed to sustainably reduce particulate matter pollution. Research on COVID-19 could provide new insights into future clean air action.

2. Impacts of the population ageing on the effects of the nationwide emission trading scheme in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 887, 20 August 2023, 164127


Nowadays, population ageing is a common social phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Rapid ageing may have profound socioeconomic impacts, and thus it may influence effects of climate policy. Nevertheless, very few previous researchers have evaluated climate policy in an ageing society. In this paper, we attempt to narrow the research gap by incorporating ageing impact in climate policy evaluation. Specifically, we have modeled ageing impacts on labor supply, household electricity consumption, and health expenditure. The core of the research framework in this paper is a dynamic recursive Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. The model results show that population ageing tends to decrease private health expenditure but increase governmental health expenditure. In contrast, Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) decreases both private and governmental health expenditure. Both population ageing and ETS decrease labor employment, employment rate, GDP, and carbon emissions. The results imply that population ageing lays heavy burdens on social healthcare system, whilst climate policy reduces governmental health expenditure. In ageing societies, mitigation targets can be achieved less costly and more easily through implementing ETS.

3. Association between long-term green space exposure and mortality in China: A difference-in-differences analysis of national data in 2000, 2010 and 2019
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 887, 20 August 2023, 164023



Effects of green space on human health have been well-documented in western, high-income countries. Evidence for similar effects in China is limited. Moreover, the underlying mechanisms linking green space and mortality are yet to be established. We therefore conducted a nation-wide study to assess the association between green space and mortality in China using a difference-in-difference approach, which applied a causal framework and well controlled unmeasured confounding. In addition, we explored whether air pollution and air temperature could mediate the association.


In this analysis, we collected data on all-cause mortality and sociodemographic characteristics for each county in China from the 2000 and 2010 censuses and the 2020 Statistical Yearbook. Green space exposure was assessed using county-level normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the percentage of green space (forest, grasslands, shrub land and wetland). We applied a difference-in-differences approach to evaluate the association between green space and mortality. We also performed mediation analysis (by air pollution and air temperature).


Our sample consisted of 2726 counties in 2000 and 2010 as well as 1432 counties in 2019. In the 2000 versus 2019 comparison, a 0.1 unit increase in NDVI was associated with a 2.4 % reduction in mortality [95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.4–4.3 %], and a 10 % increase in percentage of green space was associated with a 4.7 % reduction (95 % CI 0–9.2 %) in mortality. PM2.5 and air temperature mediated 0.3 % to 12.3 % of the associations.


Living in greener counties may be associated with lower risk of mortality in China. These findings could indicate the potential of a population-level intervention to reduce mortality in China, which has important public health implications at the county level.

4. Terrestrial transect study on pattern and driving mechanism of ecosystem services in the China–Mongolia–Russia Economic Corridor
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 884, 1 August 2023, 163880


This study quantified the gradient characteristics, trade-off/synergy relationships, and spatiotemporal changes in five key ecosystem services on the meridional (east-west transect of the Siberian Railway (EWTSR) and zonal (north-south transect of Northeast Asia (NSTNEA)) transects of the China–Mongolia–Russia Economic Corridor from 1992 to 2020. The results showed significant regional differentiation of ecosystem services. The improvement in ecosystem services in the EWTSR was significantly greater than in the NSTNEA, and the synergy between water yield and food production in the EWTSR improved the most from 1992 to 2020. The relationship between ecosystem services and different levels of dominant factors was significant, and population expansion had the greatest impact on the trade-off between habitat quality and food production. The leading drivers of ecosystem services in the NSTNEA were normalized vegetation index, population density, and precipitation. This study helps reveal regional differentiation characteristics and drive factors of ecosystem services in Eurasia.

5. Quantitative evaluation for the sources and aging processes of organic aerosols in urban Guangzhou: Insights from a comprehensive method of dual‑carbon isotopes and macro tracers
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 888, 25 August 2023, 164182


Organic carbon aerosol (OC) is a pivotal component of PM2.5 in the atmospheric environment, yet its emission sources and atmospheric behaviors remain poorly constrained in many regions. In this study, a comprehensive method based on the combination of dual‑carbon isotopes (13C and 14C) and macro tracers was employed in the PRDAIO campaign performed in the megacity of Guangzhou, China. The 14C analysis showed that 60 ± 9 % of OC during the sampling campaign was associated with non-fossil sources such as biomass burning activities and biogenic emissions. It should be noted that this non-fossil contribution in OC would significantly decrease when the air masses came from the eastern cities. Overall, we found that non-fossil secondary OC (SOCNF) was the largest contributor (39 ± 10 %) to OC, followed by fossil secondary OC (SOCFF: 26 ± 5 %), fossil primary OC (POCFF: 14 ± 6 %), biomass burning OC (OCbb: 13 ± 6 %) and cooking OC (OCck: 8 ± 5 %). Also, we established the dynamic variation of 13C as a function of aged OC and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) oxidized OC to explore the impact of aging processes on OC. Our pilot results showed that atmospheric aging was highly sensitive to the emission sources of seed OC particles, with a higher aging degree (86 ± 4 %) when more non-fossil OC particles were transferred from the northern PRD.

6. Wild and ruderal plants as bioindicators of global urban pollution by air, water and soil in Riyadh and Abha, Saudi Arabia
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 888, 25 August 2023, 164166


Recently, environment pollution around the globe has increased because of anthropogenic activities. As part of the biota, plants can assimilate the compounds present in air, water and soil and respond to changes in surround conditions, for that, they can be used as bioindicators of global pollution. However, urban plants' ability to monitor organic pollutants in air, soil, and water have not been profoundly studied yet. Anthropogenic contamination produced by five different types of pollutants [polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), pesticides and organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs)] has been studied in Riyadh and Abha areas (Saudi Arabia). In addition to the points in both cities, a control point located in the Asir National Park (close to Abha), which is little affected by human activity, was used. The 5 groups of contaminants were found with different but high detection frequencies from 85 % to 100 % in wild and ruderal plants. PAHs were detected in all the analyzed samples at the highest average sum of concentrations (ΣPAHs) 1486 ng·g−1 dry weight (d.w.). Statistically significant differences were obtained between Riyadh, Abha and the point located in the national park (p < 0.05). ΣPAHS in Riyadh >> ΣPAHs in Abha > ΣPAHs in the National Park. Values of the average sum of concentrations for the other groups of contaminants ΣPPCPs, ΣPFASs, Σpesticides and ΣOPFRs were 420.5, 171, 48 and 47 ng g−1 d.w., respectively. High values of PPCPs are due to the presence of salicylic acid. Differences in the average sum of each type of contaminant concentrations between cities were not statistically significant. The results of this assessment of wild and ruderal plants as bioindicators for 5 types of organic contaminants suggest that they can be used to monitor anthropogenic contaminants in the terrestrial environment.

7. An integrated approach for sustainable food waste management towards renewable resource production and GHG reduction
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137251


There has been an increasing interest in diverting food waste from landfills to enhance renewable resource production due to high greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable processing of food waste to generate renewable energy represents a significant, though underutilized, opportunity for producing energy. This study proposes an integrated model to simultaneously boost food waste valorization and reduce GHG emissions using geospatial analyses, a clustering algorithm, and a mixed-integer linear optimization program. We maximized net present value by optimizing network and configuration designs in the Illinois food waste system, using stand-alone anaerobic digestion and co-digestion at wastewater treatment plants. We identified the influences of techno-economic factors like prices and logistics parameters on the model objective, electricity production, digestate sales, and system configuration. Results show that installing anaerobic co-digesters at wastewater treatment plants with a total annual capacity of 9.3 million metric tons (Mg) could generate an 8.3% return on investment while reducing CO2 equivalent by approximately one million Mg annually. Tipping price, capital investment, operational cost, and food waste availability were the most significant factors to the net present value of the system. Anaerobic co-digesters were more economically competitive than stand-alone digesters which were only recommended when the tipping price of sludge was lower than food waste. Expanding digestate marketability is crucial to food waste valorization profitability using both stand-alone anaerobic and co-digestion. The minimum tipping prices to operate the anaerobic digestion system were 40 USD/Mg for food waste and 20 USD/Mg for sludge. Depending on the system size and tipping prices, anaerobic digestion and co-digestion could reduce CO2 equivalent between 29 kMg/y and one MMg/y. Expanding the current framework with advanced regional food waste prediction and other bioprocessing techniques will be essential for improving the profitability of food waste valorization and the circular bioeconomy in agriculture.

8. Tapping into the potential CO2 emission reduction of a crude oil transportation system from carbon footprint perspective
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 413, 10 August 2023, 137409


With more countries adopting a net-zero carbon emission goal, low carbon has become the focus of the transformation of the petroleum industry. Improper operations of the crude oil transportation system, one of the primary energy consumers of oilfields, usually cause severe environmental problems. Following the life cycle assessment method and considering the special process characteristics of the crude oil transportation system, a detailed carbon footprint analysis was conducted from the design to the recycling phase to identify the key phase for carbon emission control. Combined with process modifications, a multi-objective operation optimization model constrained by thermal constraints and insertion oil was developed to reach economic and environmental goals. Then, the multi-objective mixed integer nonlinear programming model was turned into a mixed integer linear programming model by the piecewise linearization method and augmented ε-constraint method. The models were validated using a typical case. The carbon footprint analysis showed that the average CO2e emissions were 2.68 t CO2e/(104 km m3•a) over the lifecycle, and the CO2e emissions during the operation phase were the highest (74.04%) among all phases. Moreover, the optimization model reduced the total cost and CO2e emissions by up to 18.72% and 16.97%. Additionally, sensitivity analysis revealed that the optimal operation scheme was highly sensitive to the crude oil price and transportation volume. The total CO2e emissions per unit volume exhibited a concave trend as the transportation volume increased, indicating the existence of an optimal transportation volume that achieved the lowest emissions. The study captured the weak points of carbon emissions over the lifecycle and tapped into potential CO2 emission reduction, providing a reference for the design and operation of the future pipeline system.

9. How effective is authoritarian environmentalism- evidence from China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 413, 10 August 2023, 137543


Authoritarian environmentalism (AE) in China is embedded in the historical evolution of political centralization and has obvious path dependence; however, its effectiveness lacks empirical evidence. In the light of the cognitive motivation theory and the corpus linguistics, this study uses the multigrain Chinese word segmentation algorithm to construct the will index of provincial and central governments' environmental governance. With this will index and the provincial panel data in China from 2004 to 2017, this paper systematically examines the effectiveness and spatial heterogeneity of AE with the System GMM method. First, there is a negative correlation between the central government's will for environmental governance and environmental quality in provincial administrative regions, and top–down AE, characterized by political centralization, is less effective in China. However, the interaction term coefficients between the central and provincial governments are significantly positive for environmental governance. Second, from the perspective of sub-regions, effectiveness shows spatial heterogeneity across Eastern, Central, and Western China. Third, in Chinese-style AE, the public's environmental appeal has not received sufficient attention, and people's participation in environmental governance is limited. Finally, this study discusses ways to improve Chinese-style AE in China's institutional context and political system.

10. I act in an environmentally responsible fashion since my firm is socially responsible: A pathway for transition to a responsible society
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137523


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and green culture are fields of ethical approaches that are established to contribute positively to business performance and reputation. Yet, it has to be seen if such practices nurture eco-responsible actions on the part of firm employees in their personal lives. This study uses the Operant Conditioning Theory (OCT) to inquire into whether or not green organizational culture (GOC) and CSR initiatives encourage eco-responsible behavior of workers (EERB) outside of the company's premises in society. The data collected from the public and commercial service and manufacturing firms in Turkey are analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. It is found that employees of businesses committed to CSR and green practices actively follow eco-responsible practices in society. In addition, green-cultured businesses are more likely to engage in CSR projects, and CSR serves as an intervening factor between the GOC and the EERB. It is among the pioneer studies that postulate that the scope of social responsibility practices must be expanded from firms to individuals to achieve a sustainable society goal.

11. Exploring the linkage between financial development and ecological footprint in APEC countries: A novel view under corruption perception and environmental policy stringency
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137686


Balancing economic growth and a sustainable environment has been a concern for governments. However, it has been observed that sustainable development is related to economic factors, the institutional environment, and the effectiveness of environmental regulatory policies. This study empirically investigates the relationship between financial development, strict environmental regulations, corruption, foreign direct investment, trade openness, renewable energy consumption, and ecological footprint. We used annual panel data of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries from 1994 to 2018 to fill the research gap. The present study follows a perspective that produces reliable and robust results using Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares and panel fisher causality analysis. The long-run flexibility estimates calculated with the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares approach explain the inverted U relationship between financial development and ecological footprint. Long-run elasticity estimates suggest that strict environmental policies, renewable energy consumption, financial development and corruption, and the interaction of financial development and strict environmental policies reduce the ecological footprint. In addition, foreign direct investment and trade openness are found to increase the ecological footprint. This confirms the pollution haven hypothesis in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation countries. According to the causality test results, bidirectional causality relationships were discovered between ecological footprint and financial development, strict environmental policies, corruption, renewable energy sources, foreign direct investment and trade openness. We suggest that institutional financial framework and financial development for APEC countries will reduce environmental degradation in the long run, and sustainable development can be achieved through the institutional environment and the effectiveness of environmental regulatory policies.

12. Return volatility, correlation, and hedging of green and brown stocks: Is there a role for climate risk factors?
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137594


We examine the effects of three monthly climate risk factors, climate policy uncertainty (CPU), climate change news (CCN), and negative climate change news (NCCN), on the long-run volatilities and correlation of daily green and brown energy stock returns, and perform a hedging analysis. Given that our dataset combines daily and monthly data, we apply mixed data sampling models such as GARCH-MIDAS and DCC-MIDAS. To deal with volatility clustering, asymmetric effects, and negative skewness in innovations, which characterize our dataset, we use those models in asymmetric form with a bivariate skew-t distribution. Firstly, the GARCH-MIDAS models indicate that climate risk has a significant impact on the long-run volatility of brown energy stocks. Secondly, the DCC-MIDAS models reveal that the long-run correlation of green-brown stock returns decreases with the climate risk, suggesting a negative effect and hedging opportunities. Thirdly, the hedging analysis shows that incorporating a climate risk factor, especially NCCN, into the long-run component of dynamic correlation significantly improves the hedging performance between green and brown energy stock indices. The results are robust to an out-of-sample analysis under various refitting window sizes. They matter to portfolio and risk managers for energy transition and portfolio decarbonization.

13. Does the regional atmospheric quality punishment incentive mechanism (AQPI) promote environmental regulation? Subordinate government as an age
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137718


Subordinate governments act as both agents of superior environmental policies and economic development leaders of the areas under their jurisdiction. The effectiveness of superior–level environmental policy is determined by the degree the subordinate governments are motivated to strengthen environmental regulation. Bottom–up punishment is introduced in the traditional top–down financial rewards to form a two–way atmospheric quality punishment incentive mechanism for the subordinate governments to improve environmental regulation. We take the atmospheric quality punishment incentive implemented in Shandong Province as a case, and the results show that the prefectural governments were encouraged to improve environmental regulation. However, the emission reductions were observed along with the decreased economic output in pollution intensive firms, not based on decreased intensity of key atmospheric pollutant emissions. In this case, the weighting and penalty price established for key pollutants should be increased, so that the subordinate governments can better assume the role of superior environmental policy agent.

14. Examining the impact of Environmental Management Accounting practices and Green Transformational Leadership on Corporate Environmental Performance: The mediating role of Green Process Innovation
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137584


Based on the Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV), we examined the impact of Environmental Management Accounting and Green Transformational Leadership (GTL) on Corporate Environmental Performance (CEP) and we also examined the mediating role of Green Process Innovation (GPI). For this purpose, a survey technique was used to collect data from certified manufacturing setups. SPSS and PLS-SEM 3.0 were used to examine the hypotheses and the results of the study indicate that GTL has a direct significant impact and indirect impact through GPI on CEP. Results also depict that EMA also has a significant impact on CEP. Our study contributed theoretically to NRBV by contributing to the role of GPI in attaining environmental performance. The results of the study also have practical implications by indicating that managers and policymakers should employ practices of EMA along with GTL style to satisfy the environmental sustainability concerns of the stakeholders and sustain their competitive edge in the market.

15. Decoupling analysis to assess the impact of land use patterns on carbon emissions: A case study in the Yellow River Delta efficient eco-economic zone, China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137415


Investigating how land use patterns impact on carbon emissions is crucial, as land use change is a major cause of increased carbon emission. High Efficiency Eco-economic Zone of Yellow River Delta (HEEZ-YRD) are typical of land use patterns affecting carbon emissions due to the fact they have greater dramatic land use changes. Here, we used carbon emission model and the decoupling analysis to assess the impact of land use patterns on carbon emissions based on the 30-m Global Land Cover Dataset (GlobeLand30) and socio-economic data from 2000 to 2019. The results showed that construction land increased while cropland decreased. The construction land area increased from cropland was 9.03 × 104ha from 2000 to 2010 and 1.44 × 105ha from 2010 to 2019, indicating that the increase in construction land mainly from cropland. Moreover, the HEEZ-YRD was the carbon source area. The total net carbon emissions increased from 9155.68 Gg CO2 equivalents (CO2e) in 2000–45817.44 Gg CO2e in 2019, but the increase declined. In the HEEZ-YRD, the land-use mix degree was highest in the east and north and lowest in the west and south. Zouping had the highest carbon emissions of all the cities. The decoupling of land use patterns and carbon emissions was dynamic. During the study period, the decoupling between land use patterns and carbon emissions shifted from an extended negative decoupling to a weak or even a strong decoupling. The consequences will make contributions to the establishment and implementation of low-carbon insurance policies and supply a theoretical framework for sustainable land use.

16. Tracking changes in atmospheric particulate matter at a semi-urban site in Central France over the past decade
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 885, 10 August 2023, 163807


Nearly 10-year (2013−2022) data on atmospheric particulate matters (PMs) were collected to investigate the air quality in a suburban site of Orléans city (France). The PM10 concentration decreased slightly between 2013 and 2022. PMs concentrations showed a monthly variation with higher concentration in cold periods. PM10 presented a clear bimodal diurnal variation peaking at morning rush hour and midnight, whereas the fine PMs such as PM2.5 and PM1.0 only had significant peaks during nighttime. Further, PM10 had more pronounced week-end effect than other fine PMs. COVID-19 lockdown impact on PMs levels was further investigated, showing that the lockdown during cold season could result in an increase of PMs concentrations because of the enhanced household heating. We concluded that PM10 could originate from biomass burning and fossil fuel related activities, air parcels from the western Europe through Paris were also important source of PM10 in the investigated area. Fine PMs, such as PM2.5 and PM1.0, originated mainly from biomass burning in addition to secondary formation at the local scale. This study provides a long-term PMs measurement database to explore the sources and characterization of PMs in central France, which could support future regulation and formulation of air quality standards.

17. Evolution of carbon emissions in China's digital economy: An empirical analysis from an entire industry chain perspective
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137419


Accompanied by the increasing scale of the digital economy, the evolution of carbon emission analyses is becoming increasingly prominent. In this study, we constructed a digital economy input-output model and proposed a carbon emissions measurement framework from an industrial chain perspective. Based on this, we empirically calculated and analyzed the carbon emissions of China's digital economy and its evolution from 2007 to 2017. Moreover, we explored the driving factors of the evolution through a multi-layer nested SDA method. The results reveal that the (1) embodied carbon emissions of the digital economy are more significant than its direct carbon emissions, mainly due to intermediate inputs from non-digital sectors; (2) carbon emissions of China's digital economy are driven by export and investment, primarily gathering in the energy-intensive sectors of the upstream industrial chain and digital-intensive sectors of the downstream industry chain; and (3) expanding demand has led to an increase in carbon emissions from the digital economy while energy use and production processes are the leading drivers for the decrease in embodied carbon. Moreover, the role of demand expansion and energy use has weakened while the role of production processes has increased. This study offers scientific guidance for regulating the development of the digital economy and scientific carbon


1. Recent advances in the control of volatile organic compounds emissions from indoor wood-based panels: A comprehensive review
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 884, 1 August 2023, 163741



Wood-based panels provide efficient alternatives to materials such as plastics derived from traditional petroleum sources and thereby help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, using indoor manufactured panel products also results in significant emissions of volatile organic compounds including olefins, aromatic and ester compounds, which negatively affect human health. This paper highlights recent developments and notable achievements in the field of indoor hazardous air treatment technologies to guide future research toward environmentally friendly and economically feasible directions that may have a significant impact on the improvement of human settlements. Summarizing and synthesizing the principles, advantages, and limitations of different technologies can assist policymakers and engineers in identifying the most appropriate technology for a particular air pollution control program based on criteria such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental impact. In addition, insights into the development of indoor air pollution control technologies are provided and potential areas for innovation, improvement of existing technologies, and development of new technologies are identified. Finally, the authors also hope that this sub-paper will raise public awareness of indoor air pollution issues and promote a better understanding of the importance of indoor air pollution control technologies for public health, environmental protection, and sustainable development.

2. Submicron particle exposure and stroke hospitalization: An individual-level case-crossover study in Guangzhou, China, 2014–2018
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 886, 15 August 2023, 163988



Short-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters ≤2.5 μm and 10 μm, respectively) has been linked with hospitalization and mortality from stroke. However, the effect of PM1 (≤1 μm) exposure on the risk of hospitalization from stroke and its subtypes has rarely been investigated, in particular, on the basis of fine-scale exposure assessment at the individual level.


We collected data on hospital admissions due to stroke and its subtypes in Guangzhou, China from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018. Daily exposures to PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 were assessed from satellite-derived estimates at a 1-km2 spatial resolution based on residential addresses. A time-stratified case-crossover analysis combined with a conditional logistic regression model was performed to examine the associations of stroke hospitalization risks with short-term exposure to size-fractional particles. We conducted stratified analyses by sex, age, season, and ambient temperature.


A total of 178,586 stroke hospitalizations were recorded during the study period, among which 141,709 cases were ischemic stroke and 25,255 cases were hemorrhagic stroke. The mean concentrations on the day of hospitalization were 20.0 μg/m3 (control days: 19.9 μg/m3) for PM1, 37.6 μg/m3 (37.4 μg/m3) for PM2.5, and 59.3 μg/m3 (59.0 μg/m3) for PM10. Short-term exposure to size-fractional particles was significantly associated with increased risks of hospital admission for overall stroke and ischemic stroke, whereas null or negative associations were observed for hemorrhagic stroke. Compared with PM2.5 and PM10, PM1 was associated with greater excess risks of stroke hospitalizations. For each 10-μg/m3 increase in PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 exposure at lag 03-day, the odds ratios were 1.016 (95% confidence interval: 1.008, 1.024), 1.007 (1.003, 1.011), and 1.007 (1.004, 1.010) for overall stroke hospitalization, and were 1.023 (1.014, 1.033), 1.010 (1.005, 1.014), and 1.009 (1.006, 1.013) for ischemic stroke, respectively. These associations were robust to co-pollutant adjustments and did not vary by sex and age, while significantly elevated risks were identified in cold months (October to March of the next year) and low-temperature days (<23.8 °C) only.


Short-term exposure to particulate matter air pollution, particularly PM1, was associated with increased risks of hospitalization for overall stroke and ischemic stroke.

3. Comprehensive assessment of soil and dust heavy metal(loid)s exposure scenarios at residential playgrounds in Beijing, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 887, 20 August 2023, 164144


Small playgrounds situated within residential communities are popular recreational areas. However, heavy metal(loid)s (HMs) in soil or equipment dust may pose a public health risk. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the health risk associated with HMs exposure at residential playgrounds in cities, a field that has not been thoroughly investigated previously. 70 soil and 70 equipment dust samples were collected from 30 urban and 40 suburban playgrounds in Beijing. Results indicated significant enrichment of Cu, As, and Ni in the soil with Enrichment Factors (EFs) >5 from both anthropogenic and lithogenic sources. Correlation analyses showed that the levels of Be, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni in soil and Be, Mn, As, Cd in dust were positively correlated with the distance to the nearest highway, with p-values < 0.01. Enrichment and correlation analyses contributed to a better understanding of the sources and transport pathways of HMs in urban environment. Based on a site-specific Conceptual Site Model (CSM), the carcinogenic risks (CRs) and Hazard Quotients (HQs) were quantified for residents as the ratio of HMs exposure to reference doses. Risk assessment indicated the mean predicted CR for children and adults exposed to soil was 3.75 × 10−6 and 5.29 × 10−6, respectively, while that at dust exposure scenarios was lower, at 2.47 × 10−6 and 3.49 × 10−6, respectively, all of which were at the upper end of U.S. EPA's acceptable criteria of 1 × 10−6 to 1 × 10−4. Among the HMs, As and Ni were identified as the priority control contaminants due to significant contribution to CRs. Furthermore, the spatial distribution revealed an increasing trend in health risk from the urban center to the suburbs. This study emphasizes the need for effective measures to mitigate potential health risk and enhance the safety of recreational areas, particularly for susceptible individuals.

4. Identification, occurrence, concentration and composition profile of fiproles in municipal wastewater treatment plants
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 888, 25 August 2023, 164198


Although fipronil and several of its transformation products are ubiquitous in aquatic environments, limited information is available on the structural identities, detection frequencies, concentrations and composition profiles of fiproles (fipronil and its known and unknown transformation products) in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In this study, a suspect screening analysis was applied to identify and characterize fipronil transformation products in 16 municipal WWTPs from three cities in China. In addition to fipronil and its four transformation products (fipronil amide, fipronil sulfide, fipronil sulfone and desulfinyl fipronil), fipronil chloramine and fipronil sulfone chloramine were detected for the first time in municipal wastewater. Moreover, the cumulative concentrations of six transformation products were 0.236 ng/L and 3.44 ng/L in wastewater influents and effluents, and accounted for one-third (in influents) to half (in effluents) of fiproles. Of those transformation products, two chlorinated byproducts (fipronil chloramine and fipronil sulfone chloramine) were major transformation products in both municipal wastewater influents and effluents. Notably, the log Kow and bioconcentration factor (evaluated by EPI Suite software) of fipronil chloramine (log Kow = 6.64, and BCF = 11,200 L/kg wet-wt) and fipronil sulfone chloramine (log Kow = 4.42, and BCF = 382.9 L/kg wet-wt) were greater than that of their parent compound. Considering the persistence, bioaccumulation potential and toxicity, the high detection rates of fipronil chloramine and fipronil sulfone chloramine in urban aquatic systems need to be specifically considered in future ecological risk assessments.

5. Multi-method analysis to identify criteria interrelations for sustainability assessment of urban transportation services
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137416


To comply with the European Green Deal, decarbonization of transportation is decisive, especially a shift towards more sustainable transportation services is essential. Due to the tripartite nature of sustainability (society, environment and economy), multiple interrelated criteria are part of the sustainability assessment of transportation services. Discovering these interrelations between criteria to anticipate conflicts and integrate them appropriately into multi-criteria analysis is important for ranking urban transportation services. This paper presents a novel, two-folded methodology for assessing the sustainability of different urban transportation services. First, integrative structural modeling with polarity (ISM-P) is used for universally identifying sustainability criteria interrelationships and weighting them. Second, the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) method is applied to a sustainability assessment of five specific urban transportation services (public and sharing). In conclusion, applying the methodology to the example of urban transportation services in the Ruhr region, the importance of public transportation as the most sustainable alternative is proven.

6. Ozonation Vs sequential solar driven processes as simultaneous tertiary and quaternary treatments of urban wastewater: A life cycle assessment comparison
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 413, 10 August 2023, 137507


Solar driven advanced oxidation processes (S-AOPs) have been successfully investigated in the last years as tertiary and quaternary treatment of urban wastewater for simultaneous inactivation of microorganisms and removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), respectively. However, the lack of data about the comparison with consolidated technologies, including also the evaluation of their impact on the environment, has contributed to humper their application at full scale so far. In this study, the environmental impact of a new S-AOP, namely sequential treatment (ST) with sunlight/H2O2 and solar photo-Fenton (SPF) at neutral pH (using Ethylenediamine-N, N′-disuccinic acid (EDDS) as chelating agent) operated at pilot scale in a raceway pond reactor, was compared to a pilot scale ozonation (O3) treatment unit in terms of simultaneous bacteria inactivation and CECs removal, through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Different urban wastewater treatment plant (UWWTP) sizes and scenarios (namely effluent disposal and reuse) were evaluated. While the reuse scenario resulted in a higher impact compared to the disposal scenario in the construction/deconstruction phase, due to the more stringent limits that resulted in longer treatment time and a higher consumption of raw materials, the positive impact on water resources saving compared to disposal makes the reuse scenario a more sustainable solution. Despite O3 disinfection by-products were taken into account, ST resulted in a higher toxicity to human health (0.27·10−9 DALYs Vs 2.11 10−9 DALYs, respectively) due to the higher residual concentration of the target CECs. However, it is noteworthy that both values are significantly lower than the acceptable DALYs value (≤10−6). Chemicals, energy, groundwater consumption and residual CECs can affect resources 1125 and 1874 times more for O3 treatment than for the ST, for disposal and reuse scenarios, respectively. The total impact of O3 on the human health was 13 and 19 times higher compared to ST, for disposal and reuse scenarios, respectively, due to the higher energy and chemical consumption. According to the LCA results, ST resulted in a better overall environmental performance compared to O3 and it is a more sustainable and attractive solution in particular for small UWWTPs.

7. What's going on? Urban agglomerations and firm green innovation: Evidence from Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137662


Urban agglomerations are an important spatial form of integrated regional development. However, their development may cause several environmental problems. The Chinese government has established a green strategy for urban agglomeration construction to achieve clean transformation by enhancing firm green innovation. In this context, this study collects green-granted patent data of listed firms in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle from 2000 to 2021, employs the difference-in-differences method to analyze whether firm green innovation is influenced by urban agglomerations, and explores the mediating effects of green finance as well as some moderating effects. The results show that urban agglomerations significantly improve firm green innovation. Second, urban agglomerations can partially enhance firm green innovation through the green finance channel, and firm digitalization positively moderates the mediating role of green finance. Third, the moderating analysis shows that large firms are more affected by urban agglomerations than small ones; the manufacturing industry has a greater influence than other industries; state-owned firms are not as impacted as non-state-owned firms; the level of economic and educational development can significantly enhance the positive impact of urban agglomerations on firms’ green innovation. This study presents empirical evidence on the development of regional green innovation in China.

8. The impact of air pollution on urban land price and willingness to pay for clean air - Evidence from micro level land transactions in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137790


We investigate the impact of air pollution on land prices by combining Chinese micro level land transaction data and PM2.5 concentrations grid data, and evaluate the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) for clean air through the hedonic price model. The empirical results show that air quality improvement significantly increases the land unit price, and the MWTP value for clean air is estimated to be USD 32.08–33.13/m2 after controlling for variables related to both parcel characteristics and a series of facilities of general interest. Considering the differences in terms of different land use types and administrative levels of cities, the MWTP for clean air is found to exhibit significant heterogeneity both within and between cities. Specifically, the MWTP value of commercial and residential land is significantly higher than that of industrial land, and the value of ordinary prefecture-level cities is much lower than that of municipalities directly under the central government, cities specifically designated in the state plan and provincial capital cities. In addition, mechanism tests suggest that population mobility is a key channel through which changes in land prices reflect the value of clean air. This study provides a new idea for future use of hedonic price model to estimate willingness to pay for public goods such as clean air from the perspective of China's land transaction market, and also provides a reference for policy makers to formulate relevant policies.

9. Assessing the environmental impact of waste management: A comparative study of CO2 emissions with a focus on recycling and incineration
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 415, 20 August 2023, 137745


In waste management, the assessment of CO2 emissions offers the possibility to evaluate and compare the environmental impact of different waste treatment processes. Here, we compare the performance of waste incineration with alternative thermal treatment scenarios and recycling scenarios to the primary production of materials to analyze the respective CO2 emissions. The aim is to determine whether thermal and material recycling of waste results in (net) CO2 surpluses or reductions, thus, showing whether it makes sense for climate ambitions to recover waste, thermally or materially. A case study of an internationally active waste management company in Austria is analyzed, conducting a life cycle assessment of its thermal and material waste recycling. On thermal waste treatment the core of the analysis is the comparison with primary energy sources. Using waste as an energy source, especially in cement plants and the paper industry, has proven to be an effective technology for reducing CO2 emissions. We also find current practices in material recycling to be of lower CO2 emissions than alternative primary material supply. Scaling results to the national level we find that for the case of Austria current waste management practices have the potential to save an equivalent of 2.6% of Austria's total CO2 emissions (all sectors) for thermal fractions and an equivalent of 1% for material recycling.

10. Reusable passive sampler with carbon nanotubes for monitoring contaminants in wastewater: Application, regeneration and reuse
Chemosphere, Volume 332, August 2023, 138855


Progress in excogitation suitable strategies for monitoring chemical compounds in wastewater is an essential step for further research into the occurrence, impact, and fate of the pollutants in the aquatic environment. At present, it is desirable to advance and use economical, environmentally friendly and non-labour intensive methods of environmental analysis. In this study, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were successfully applied, regenerated, and reused as a sorbent in passive samplers for monitoring contaminants in treated and untreated wastewater at three wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in different urbanization areas in northern Poland. Three cycles of chemical and thermal regeneration of used sorbents were performed. It was shown that it is possible to regenerate CNTs a minimum of three times and reuse them in passive samplers while maintaining the desired sorption properties. The obtained results confirm that the CNTs are perfectly in line with the main principles of green chemistry and sustainability. Carbamazepine, ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, p-nitrophenol, atenolol, acebutolol, metoprolol, sulfapyridine and sulfamethoxazole were detected in each of the WWTPs, both in treated and untreated wastewater. The obtained data drastically show the inefficiency of the removal of contaminants by conventional WWTPs. More importantly, the results even indicate negative contaminant removal in most cases, i.e. higher concentrations (up to 863%) of these substances in the effluent compared to the influent.

11. Joint associations and pathways from greenspace, traffic-related air pollution, and noise to poor self-rated general health: A population-based study in Sofia, Bulgaria
Environmental Research, Volume 231, Part 1, 15 August 2023, 116087



Little is still known of how multiple urban exposures interact as health determinants. This study investigated various ways in which greenspace, traffic-related air pollution, and noise could operate together, influencing general health status.


In 2022, a cross-sectional population-based survey was conducted in Sofia, Bulgaria. Included were 917 long-term adult residents who completed questionnaires on poor self-rated health (PSRH), total time spent in physical activity (PA), home garden presence, time spent in urban greenspace and nature, and sociodemographics. Residential greenspace was operationalized using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), tree cover density, number of trees, and access to local greenspace and parks. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was modeled for the study area. Road traffic, railway, and aircraft day-evening-night sound levels (Lden) were extracted from EU noise maps. Area-level income and urbanicity were considered. Analyses included multivariate ordinal regressions, interactions, and structural equation modeling (SEM).


Associations with PSRH were per 0.10 NDVI 300 m: OR = 0.65 (0.42–1.01), home garden: OR = 0.72 (0.49–1.07), per 5 μg/m3 NO2: OR = 1.57 (1.00–2.48), per 5 dB(A) Lden road traffic: OR = 1.06 (0.91–1.23), railway: OR = 1.11 (1.03–1.20), and aircraft: OR = 1.22 (1.11–1.34). Spending >30 min/week in nature related to better health. In multi-exposure models, only associations with aircraft and railway Lden persisted. People with lower education and financial difficulties or living in poorer districts experienced some exposures stronger. In SEM, time spent in nature and PA mediated the effect of greenspace.


Greenspace was associated with better general health, with time spent in nature and PA emerging as intermediate pathways. NO2, railway, and aircraft noise were associated with poorer general health. These results could inform decision-makers, urban planners, and civil society organizations facing urban development problems. Mitigation and abatement policies and measures should target socioeconomically disadvantaged citizens.

12. Seasonal characteristics of particle size distribution of organic markers in atmospheric particulate matters in Beijing
Environmental Research, Volume 231, Part 2, 15 August 2023, 116044


Beijing is a metropolis that is quickly growing, which has significant and unusual air pollution issues. In Beijing, organic matter makes up about 40%–60% of the total mass of fine particles, making it the most prevalent portion and highlighting its crucial role in reducing air pollution. However, a thorough chemical analysis of particulate organic matter has never been reported in Beijing. In this work, the organic components of fine particles in Beijing's urban environment were examined by the Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) method. In 30 p.m. (Particulate matter) 2.5, more than 101 unique chemical compounds were identified and measured. Seven samples from the 2015–2016 summer, including harvest, cold, Aromatic hydrocarbons, unsaturated fats, ferulic acid, polyaromatic, and some tracer substances (hopanes, present in environmental samples, and corticosteroids) were the main ingredients, with their total concentrations being 489, 1369, and 1366 ng*m−3 in the summer, respectively. Due to their various primary pollution sources, such as combustion processes, fuel combustion, and culinary emissions, various organic compounds displayed ostensibly varied seasonal tendencies. Discussion of these organic chemicals' prevalence and a source reveals Beijing's seasonal air pollution patterns.

13. Machine learning based estimation of urban on-road CO2 concentration in Seoul
Environmental Research, Volume 231, Part 3, 15 August 2023, 116256


The urban on-road CO2 emissions will continue to increase, it is therefore essential to manage urban on-road CO2 concentrations for effective urban CO2 mitigation. However, limited observations of on-road CO2 concentrations prevents a full understanding of its variation. Therefore, in this study, a machine learning-based model that predicts on-road CO2 concentration (CO2traffic) was developed for Seoul, South Korea. This model predicts hourly CO2traffic with high precision (R2 = 0.8 and RMSE = 22.9 ppm) by utilizing CO2 observations, traffic volume, traffic speed, and wind speed as the main factors. High spatiotemporal inhomogeneity of hourly CO2traffic over Seoul, with 14.3 ppm by time-of-day and 345.1 ppm by road, was apparent in the CO2traffic data predicted by the model. The large spatiotemporal variability of CO2traffic was related to different road types (major arterial roads, minor arterial roads, and urban highways) and land-use types (residential, commercial, bare ground, and urban vegetation). The cause of the increase in CO2traffic differed by road type, and the diurnal variation of CO2traffic differed according to land-use type. Our results demonstrate that high spatiotemporal on-road CO2 monitoring is required to manage urban on-road CO2 concentrations with high variability. In addition, this study demonstrated that a model using machine learning techniques can be an alternative for monitoring CO2 concentrations on all roads without conducting observations. Applying the machine learning techniques developed in this study to cities around the world with limited observation infrastructure will enable effective urban on-road CO2 emissions management.

14. Association of the components of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and chronic kidney disease prevalence in China
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 339, 1 August 2023, 117885


Previous research has implicated PM2.5 as a potential environmental risk factor for CKD, but little is known about the associations between its components and CKD. We conducted a nationwide cross-sectional study using the updated air pollution data in the nationwide population (N = 2,938,653). Using generalized additive models, we assessed the association between long-term exposure to PM]), and CKD prevalence. The air pollution data was estimated using high-resolution and high-quality spatiotemporal datasets of ground-level air pollutants in China. Besides, we adopted a novel quantile-based g-computation approach to assess the effect of a mixture of PM was 1.094 (95%CI: 1.060–1.130), for SO42− was 1.239 (95%CI: 1.208–1.272), and for the OM was 1.387 (95%CI: 1.354–1.421), respectively. Subgroup analysis showed females, younger, and healthier were more vulnerable to this effect. In the further exploration of the joint effect of PMSO42− has the highest contribution to this relationship. This study provides clinical and public health guidance for reducing specific air particle exposure for those at risk of CKD.

15. Understanding the trade-offs of national municipal solid waste estimation methods for circular economy policy
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137349


Policies embracing circular economy concepts have taken hold in national legislation around the world. As the number of governments and organizations adopting circular economy policies increases, so does the need for accurate and timely measurement of material resource flows. Since many countries do not have access to centrally reported municipal solid waste (MSW) data, estimation and modeling are critical in evaluating circular economy policy effectiveness. The purpose of this paper is to examine three modeling approaches estimating national MSW data in the United States, including industry-based material flow analysis, waste-extended input-output modeling, and aggregated regional waste reporting. We establish five criteria to guide the analysis through the context of policy monitoring (data quality, flow totality, update frequency, sensitivity to disruption, and product granularity) and use these criteria to analyze and score each model. We then use a literature search to identify five, internationally-implemented options for circular economy policy and determine the data and modeling components that are most helpful in evaluating policy effectiveness. Finally, we provide a crosswalk of the model scores and policy needs to inform the suitability of model selection by policy type. We found that data quality and update frequency are identified as critical components for evaluating circular economy policies within the models evaluated, and can both be fulfilled by aggregated regional waste reporting. Flow totality, sensitivity to disruption, and product granularity requirements vary by both model and policy types. While none of the evaluated models satisfy the combination of requirements for any of the five policies, industry-based material flow analysis offers flow totality for extended producer responsibility, landfill bans, and recycling rate target policies that typically require it. The waste-extended input-output model can provide disruption sensitivity and product granularity as needed for policies like minimum recycled content and market restrictions. Policy developers in areas where strong centralized data collection is not an option should design policy action(s) with modeling tradeoffs in mind, including the potential hybridization of modeling approaches that may provide the most accurate national MSW estimates.

16. Distinct seasonal variability of source-dependent health risks from PM2.5-bound PAHs and related derivatives in a megacity, southwest China: Implications for the significance of secondary formation
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 885, 10 August 2023, 163742


In contrast to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which have been regularly monitored, the source-dependent health risk of their derivatives in ambient environment has not been well understood, especially regarding seasonal variability. In this study, oxygenated and nitrated PAHs (OPAHs and NPAHs) in PM2.5 samples from different seasons in urban Chongqing were analyzed and compared with PAHs from a human health perspective. Benzo[a]pyrene equivalent concentrations (BaPeq) were annually averaged at 6.13 ± 8.97 ng/m3 (n = 118) in the present study, with highest levels in winter followed by spring, autumn, and summer. The BaPeq values of OPAHs were higher than PAHs in spring and summer with seasonal averaged value up to 3.7 times of that for PAHs, manifesting significant underestimation of the health impact if only PAHs were considered. Incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) model results suggested that the potential cancer risks were accumulated mostly from inhalation exposure during infancy and adulthood. Furthermore, in comparison with PAHs, OPAHs, mainly 6H-Benzo[c,d]pyren-6-one, had significant contribution to cancer risks (annually averaged at 58.3 %). Source-dependent cancer risks based on positive matrix factorization model denoted secondary formed PAH derivatives as a critical contributor to cancer risk, particularly in spring and summer (attributed to about 61 % of ILCR). The enhanced secondary formation of PAH derivatives during spring and summer was partially justified by diagnostic ratios and further analysis revealed that higher temperature, higher O3 level, and lower relative humidity besides stronger solar intensity during these two seasons as the most likely causes of this seasonal variation. Results in this study emphasizes that more knowledge on the formation and toxicity of OPAHs is imperative, especially in the context of complex PM2.5-ozone pollution in China.


1. Diversity, functional potential, and assembly of bacterial communities in metal(loid)-contaminated sediments from a coastal industrial basin
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 886, 15 August 2023, 163831


A comprehensive understanding of ecological processes related to bacterial communities in these ecosystems is critical for improving the sustainability of estuarine-coastal ecosystem functions. However, the community composition, functional potential, and assembly mechanisms of bacterial community in metal(loid)-contaminated estuarine-coastal habitats remain poorly understood, especially along lotic systems extending from rivers to estuaries and to bays. Here, we collected sediment samples associated with sewage outlets from rivers (upstream/midstream of sewage outlet), estuaries (sewage outlets), and Jinzhou Bay (downstream of sewage outlets) within Liaoning Province, China in order to evaluate the relationships between microbiome and metal(loid) contamination. Sewage discharge markedly increased the concentrations of metal(loid)s in sediments, including of As, Fe, Co, Pb, Cd, and Zn. Significant discrepancies in alpha diversity and community composition were observed among the sampling sites. The above dynamics were primarily caused by salinity and metal(loid) concentrations (i.e., of As, Zn, Cd, and Pb). Furthermore, metal(loid) stress significantly increased abundances of metal(loid)-resistant genes, but decreased abundances of denitrification genes. Dechloromonas, Hydrogenophaga, Thiobacillus, and Leptothrix were denitrifying bacteria present within sediments of this estuarine-coastal ecosystem. Moreover, the stochastic processes dominated the community assembly in estuary offshore sites, while deterministic processes dominated river community assembly mechanisms. Salinity and total nitrogen concentration, rather than metal(loid) concentrations, governed the assembly processes in these sites. Overall, these elucidate mechanisms involved in constructing community diversities, functional potential, and assembly.

2. The role of coagulation on the fate of PFAS, brominated flame retardants and other trace contaminants in tertiary wastewater treatment for phosphorus control
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 887, 20 August 2023, 163982


Coagulant dosing to achieve low phosphorus concentrations in wastewater effluents may favour the removal of trace organics such as pharmaceuticals, plasticisers and flame retardants. Nevertheless, the behaviour of trace organics in coagulation processes is currently poorly understood because of the complex interactions between these compounds, the coagulants and dissolved organic matter (DOM). This study assessed the coagulation removal from synthetic secondary effluent of twenty-four compounds including ten PFAS and four brominated flame retardants. Testing involved two coagulants (alum, ferric chloride) and five DOM surrogates (resorcinol, benzoic acid, citric acid, tannic acid, humic acid); DOM surrogates had assorted molecular weights, structures, charges, and hydrophobicity. With coagulant doses of 14 mg Fe/L and 4 mg Al/L, ten trace organics were removed by >30 % in the presence of at least one DOM surrogate. Humic acid effected the highest removals owing to complexation of trace organics and subsequent co-removal by adsorption or sweep floc. For instance, removal extents for three brominated diphenyl ethers were 60 to 75 % with Al and 50 to 88 % with Fe (initial concentration 0.4 to 0.8 ng/L); PFTDA, a long-chain PFAS, was removed by 87 and 91 % with Fe in the presence of tannic or humic acid, respectively (initial concentration 0.03 μg/L). The varying coagulation performance of different treatment works in terms of trace substance removal can be explained because of the site-specific DOM characteristics. Addition of humic acids as complexing agents has the potential to improve the removal of hydrophobic trace substances, including some long-chain PFAS and brominated flame retardants.

3. Integrated carbon footprint with cutting parameters for production scheduling
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137307


A large part of the global carbon footprint comes from manufacturing. Apart from material distribution during product assembly, rational optimization of cutting parameters and production scheduling during processing are the main ways to realize low-carbon manufacturing. The existing researches mainly focus on cutting parameters or production scheduling when reducing manufacturing carbon emissions, but seldom considers the coupling relationship between the two. This limits the reduction of emissions to some extent. On this basis, a collaborative low-carbon optimization system suitable for the actual use of enterprises was developed. The optimization of production scheduling is a discrete problem, while cutting parameters are continuous and processing time brought by different cutting parameters will cause different effects on the scheduling scheme. Therefore, a two-stage optimization strategy is adopted to achieve collaborative optimization of cutting parameters and production scheduling. To achieve multi-objective optimization of the model and speed up convergence, the Crowding Niche mechanism and elite retention strategy are introduced into the selection operator to improve the genetic algorithm based on Pareto Optimality. In addition, different from the traditional that need to manually determine the machine tool and cutting tool according to the demand, a knowledge base module is integrated into the system. The knowledge base module is qualified for the knowledge acquisition and instance matching of the model in order to meet the processing capacity and constraints and enhance the ability of intelligent decision-making during production. Finally, the interactive application interface of the collaborative low-carbon optimization system has been implemented and the effectiveness of the system is verified by taking the manufacturing case of electromechanical enterprises as an example.

4. Financing decision of heavy pollution enterprises under green credit policy: Based on the perspective of signal transmission and supply chain transmission
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137454


More and more countries have successively promulgated various environmental policies to mitigate climate change and environmental pollution. These policies have become important in promoting low-carbon development and green transformation through enterprise financing. This study employs a difference-in-difference (DID) model to examine how a green credit policy affects the financing choices of highly polluting businesses using the data of A-share listed corporations from 2009 to 2021. The research finds that: (1) The number of bank loans has significantly decreased for highly polluting companies; a green credit policy will also reduce the scale of any non-bank loans. (2) The extent of equity financing and bond financing of highly polluting firms on the capital market decreased due to market constraints and the function of policy signaling. (3) The impact of a green credit policy will spread to upstream and downstream enterprises through trade credit, thus reducing enterprises’ commercial credit scale. (4) The impact of a green credit policy on bank loans is more significant in state-owned enterprises, in regions with a high degree of marketization, and in regions with low intensity environmental regulation. The research results provide targeted policy recommendations for promoting the development of green credit and achieving carbon neutralization.

5. Al-rich industrial waste as new alternative of fumed silica for the manufacture of vacuum insulation panels for building energy conservation
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 415, 20 August 2023, 137854


Nano-structured fumed silica (FS) is the most used vacuum insulation panel (VIP) core material for building applications. However, the FS VIP core has the majority of the environmental burden associated with conventional VIP manufacture and FS-based VIPs are very expensive. This paper explores aluminium anodizing sludge (ALW), a residue from the aluminium industry, as a new substitute for FS in VIP cores. Al-rich sludge waste is thoroughly characterised, and 100%-based ALW and its hybrid core mixtures with FS are formulated to produce VIPs cores, which are then evaluated. ALW was observed as aggregated clusters of nanosized individual particles in round and smooth-shaped forms typical of hydrated gel-like pure amorphous materials. The microstructure system of the sole ALW VIP core is found to be dissimilar to that of an FS VIP core, with the pore size range of 0.1–0.8 μm for the former and 0.01–0.04 μm for the latter, but the overall volume of large pores being much higher for the FS than ALW cores. The hybridization of ALW and FS resulted in a restructure of the initial ALW core systems. While the thermal conductivity of the ALW VIP core is less proficient than that of the single FS core, the effective thermal conductivity of both ALW50FS50 and ALW25FS75 core compositions at 1 Pa even suppressed that of the sole FS core, presenting 5.8 mW m−1·K−1 against 6.3 mW m−1·K−1 respectively. A life cycle assessment (LCA) study of these hybrid core solutions was also conducted to illustrate the positive environmental benefit of ALW-based VIP compared to FS-based VIP production. The study highlights the potential of using industrial residue ALW in VIP production, contributing to developing more sustainable superinsulation materials.

6. Towards a sustainable future: Nexus between the sustainable development goals and waste management in the built environment
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 415, 20 August 2023, 137865


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were introduced to the world in 2015 to provide a roadmap for development in domains, such as poverty reduction, health, education, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, and climate action. Among the domains that must be worked on to reach the SDGs, waste management in the present day Built Environment (BE) is a domain that has been found to be significantly involved in achieving the SDGs and ensuring a sustainable future. Addressing the significance of this observation, the review aims to provide an overview of the current environmental and social factors related to waste management in the BE, identifies how waste management is important in achieving each SDG, and discusses key challenges and opportunities regarding the waste sector along with innovative approaches to waste management. Furthermore, the review presents cooperative game theory as a tool for providing models for the better identification of gaps in the compliance of waste laws and potential predictions of the future behaviour of the generators and handlers of waste to make better policies regarding waste management in the BE by considering SDGs as a guiding tool.

7. Biological and green remediation of heavy metal contaminated water and soils: A state-of-the-art review
Chemosphere, Volume 332, August 2023, 138861


Contamination of the natural ecosystem by heavy metals, organic pollutants, and hazardous waste severely impacts on health and survival of humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. Diverse chemical and physical treatments are employed in many countries, however, the acceptance of these treatments are usually poor because of taking longer time, high cost, and ineffectiveness in contaminated areas with a very high level of metal contents. Bioremediation is an eco-friendly and efficient method of reclaiming contaminated soils and waters with heavy metals through biological mechanisms using potential microorganisms and plant species. Considering the high efficacy, low cost, and abundant availability of biological materials, particularly bacteria, algae, yeasts, and fungi, either in natural or genetically engineered (GE) form, bioremediation is receiving high attention for heavy metal removal. This report comprehensively reviews and critically discusses the biological and green remediation tactics, contemporary technological advances, and their principal applications either in-situ or ex-situ for the remediation of heavy metal contamination in soil and water. A modified PRISMA review protocol is adapted to critically assess the existing research gaps in heavy metals remediation using green and biological drivers. This study pioneers a schematic illustration of the underlying mechanisms of heavy metal bioremediation. Precisely, it pinpoints the research bottleneck during its real-world application as a low-cost and sustainable technology.

8. Industry, occupation, and exposure history of mesothelioma patients in the U.S. National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank, 2006-2022
Environmental Research, Volume 230, 1 August 2023, 115085



Malignant mesothelioma is associated with environmental and occupational exposure to certain mineral fibers, especially asbestos. This study aims to examine work histories of mesothelioma patients and their survival time.


Using the NIOSH Industry and Occupation Computerized Coding System, we mapped occupations and industries recorded for 748 of 1444 patients in the U.S. National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank (NMVB) during the period 2006–2022. Descriptive and survival analyses were conducted.


Among the 1023 industries recorded for those having mesothelioma, the most frequent cases were found for those in manufacturing (n = 225, 22.0%), construction (138, 13.5%), and education services (66, 6.5%); among the 924 occupation records, the most frequent cases were found for those in construction and extraction (174, 18.8%), production (145, 15.7%), and management (84, 9.1%). Males (583) or persons aged >40 years (658) at the time of diagnosis tended to have worked in industries traditionally associated with mesothelioma (e.g., construction), while females (163) or persons aged 20–40 years (27) tended to have worked in industries not traditionally associated with mesothelioma (e.g., health care). Asbestos, unknown substances, and chemical solvents were the most frequently reported exposure, with females most often reporting an unknown substance. A multi-variable Cox Hazard Regression analysis showed that significant prognostic factors associated with decreased survival in mesothelioma cases are sex (male) and work experience in utility-related industry, while factor associated with increased survival are epithelial or epithelioid histological type, prior history of surgery and immunotherapy, and industry experience in accommodation and food services.


The NMVB has the potential of serving as a sentinel surveillance mechanism for identifying industries and occupations not traditionally associated with mesothelioma. Results indicate the importance of considering all potential sources of asbestos exposures including occupational, environmental, and extra-occupational exposures when evaluating mesothelioma patients and advising family members.

9. Optimization of dye-contaminated wastewater treatment by fungal Mycelial-light expanded clay aggregate composite
Environmental Research, Volume 231, Part 2, 15 August 2023, 116207


Dye-contaminated wastewaters from the printing batik industry are hazardous if discharged into the environment without any treatment. Finding an optimization and reusability assessment of a new fungal-material composite for dye-contaminated wastewater treatment is important for efficiency. The study purposes to optimize fungal mycelia Trametes hirsuta EDN 082 – light expanded clay aggregate (myco-LECA) composite for real priting batik dye wastewater treatment by using Response Surface Methodology with Central Composite Design (RSM-CCD). The factors included myco-LECA weight (2–6 g), wastewater volume (20–80 mL), and glucose concentration (0–10%) were applied for 144 h of incubation time. The result showed that the optimum condition was achieved at 5.1 g myco-LECA, at 20 mL wastewater, and at 9.1% glucose, respectively. In this condition, the decolorization values with an incubation time of 144 h were 90, 93, and 95%, at wavelengths 570, 620, and 670 nm, respectively. A reusability assessment was conducted for 19 cycles and the result showed that decolorization effectiveness was still above 96%. GCMS analysis showed the degradation of most compounds in the wastewater and the degradation products of the wastewater demonstrated detoxification against Vigna radiata and Artemia salina. The study suggests that myco-LECA composite has a good performance and therefore is a promising method for the treatment of printing batik wastewater.

10. Bioremediation efficiency of free and immobilized form of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus tubigenesis biomass on tannery effluent
Environmental Research, Volume 231, Part 3, 15 August 2023, 116275


Untreated tannery effluent discharge, which causes severe environmental pollution. This research was performed to assess the bioremediation (multi-pollutant adsorption) potential of pre-identified and multi metal tolerant Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus tubigenesis through a stirred tank bioreactor in free and immobilized form. Physicochemical property analysis results showed that most of the tannery effluent properties were beyond the permissible limits. These A. niger and A. tubigenesis effectively immobilized on corncob and coir solid support material. The stirred tank bioreactor based bioremediation study revealed that the fungal biomass (Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus tubigenesis) immobilized coir and corncob material demonstrated remarkable multi-pollutant (TSS: 22.5% & 13.5%, TS: 29% & 22%, BOD: 21% & 10%, TDS: 28% & 19%, COD: 30% & 22%, Cr: 27% & 19%, Cu: 28% & 12%, and Pb: 48% & 29% respectively) adsorption potential in a week of treatment. Moreover, it reduced the toxicity of tannery effluent and promotes the sprouting of Oriza sativa seeds, as demonstrated by petri plate bioassay. These finding suggest that the metal-tolerant fungal isolates A. niger and A. tubigenesis demonstrated impressive bioremediation proficiencies in an immobilized state. A field investigation is required to assess the feasibility of this strategy on tannery effluent.

11. The impact of fiscal transfer payments on energy conservation and emission reduction in China: Does the development stage matter?
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 339, 1 August 2023, 117795


Fiscal transfer payments (TRANS) are the institutional supplement of Chinese-style fiscal decentralization, which is of great significance to economic development. However, the relationship between TRANS and energy conservation and emission reduction (ECER) remains to be further discussed. Using panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2003 to 2020, this study empirically examines the impact of TRANS on energy-environmental performance (EEP) from the perspectives of influence mechanism, regional heterogeneity and nonlinearity. The results show that the influence of TRANS on ECER presents an obvious U-shaped relationship, and this influence has regional heterogeneity. At the same time, the investment-driven effect, infrastructure effect and industrial structure effect are important channels through which TRANS affect ECER. The partially linear functional coefficient models show that TRANS have different effects in different development stages. With the continuous improvement of economic level and urbanization level, the promotion effect of TRANS on ECER is more and more obvious. These results indicate that the government should increase fiscal investment in ECER, and pay attention to the development stage of different regions.

12. Simultaneous remediation of co-contaminated soil by ball-milled zero-valent iron coupled with persulfate oxidation
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 340, 15 August 2023, 118004


The problem of co-contaminated soil at e-waste dismantling sites is serious and constitutes a critical threat to human health and the ecological environment. Zero-valent iron (ZVI) has been proven to be effective in the stabilization of heavy metals and the removal of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) from soils. However, for the remediation of co-contamination of heavy metals with HOCs, ZVI has disadvantages such as high remediation cost and inability to take into account both pollutants, which limits its large-scale application. In this paper, boric acid and commercial zero-valent iron (cZVI) were used as raw materials to prepare boric acid-modified zero-valent iron (B-ZVI coupled with persulfate (PS) to achieve simultaneous remediation of co-contaminated soil. The synergistic treatment of PS and B-ZVIbm resulted in the removal efficiency of 81.3% for decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) and the stabilization efficiencies of 96.5%, 99.8%, and 28.8% for Cu, Pb, and Cd respectively in the co-contaminated soil. A series of physical and chemical characterization methods showed that the oxide coat on the surface of B-ZVIbm could be replaced by borides during ball milling. The boride coat facilitated the exposure of the Fe. The analysis of the morphological transformation of heavy metals in soils revealed that most of the heavy metals in the exchangeable, carbonate-bound state were transformed into the residue state, which was the key mechanism for the remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils with B-ZVIbm. The analysis of BDE209 degradation products showed that BDE209 was degraded to lower brominated products and further mineralized by ZVI reduction and free radical oxidation. In general, B-ZVI

13. Analytical study on heavy metal output fluxes and source apportionment of a non-ferrous smelter in southwest China
Environmental Pollution, Volume 331, Part 1, 15 August 2023, 121867


Abandoned Pb/Zn smelters are often accompanied by a large amount of smelting slag, which is a serious environmental problem. Previous studies have demonstrated that slag deposits pose an environmental threat even if the smelters are shut down. Herein, a Pb/Zn smelter and its impacted zone in GeJiu, Yunnan, China were selected as the study area. The risk and source apportionment of heavy metals (HMs) in the soil of the impacted zone were systematically studied. Based on the hydrogeological features, the migration path and output fluxes of the HMs released from smelting slag to the impacted zone were investigated. The HM contents (Cd, As, Zn, Pb, and Cu) in the soil substantially exceeded the screening values of the Chinese soil standard (GB15618-2018). Based on the results of the Pb isotopic and statistical analyses for source apportionment, the contaminated sites and agricultural irrigation water had a large impact on the HMs of soil. The hydrological analysis results showed that runoff, as an HM migration path under rainfall, continued to affect the environment. The water balance calculations using the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance model showed that the rainfall was distributed on site as follows: evaporation (57.35%), runoff (32.63%), and infiltration (10.02%). Finally, the output fluxes were calculated in combination with the leaching experiment. As, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu runoff had the output fluxes of 6.1 × 10−3, 4.2 × 10−3, 4.1, 1.4 × 10−2, and 7.2 × 10−4 mg/kg/y, and infiltration of 1.9 × 10−3, 1.3 × 10−3, 1.3, 4.0 × 10−4, and 2.2 × 10−4 mg/kg/y, respectively. Therefore, this study offers theoretical and scientific recommendations for effective environmental management and engineering remediation.

14. Emission factors of ozone-depleting chloromethanes during production processes based on field measurements surrounding a typical chloromethane plant in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 414, 15 August 2023, 137573


Chloromethanes, including mono, di, tri, and tetrachloromethane, can contribute to stratospheric ozone depletion and hinder ozone layer recovery. Leakage from industrial chloromethane production plants is a major anthropogenic source of chloromethanes; however, accurate estimations of the emission factors are limited. In this study, a plant-scale inversion system was established using field measurements, dispersion simulation, and inversion algorithms to quantify the emission factors of chloromethanes from chloromethane production plants. The results show that, with the exception of the emission factors (kg/kg respective chloromethane produced) of trichloromethane (0.02 ± 0.006), those of dichloromethane (0.04 ± 0.02) and tetrachloromethane (0.03 ± 0.02) were comparable to those provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (0.04 kg/kg fluorinated gas produced). Compared with previous records of emission factors of chloromethanes, this study provided the latest and, to the best of our knowledge, the first field-measurement based estimates of emission factors. Subsequently, using these latest estimates, the emissions of monochloromethane (56 ± 21 Gg/yr), dichloromethane (43 ± 18 Gg/yr), trichloromethane (9.6 ± 3.9 Gg/yr), and tetrachloromethane (2.2 ± 1.6 Gg/yr) from chloromethane production plants in China from 2020 were estimated. Considering the detrimental effects of chloromethanes for ozone layer recovery, the method developed in this study can provide valuable insights for studying emission factors of chloromethanes from other sources and other ozone-depleting substances to accurately assess their impact on the ozone layer.

15. Exploring the relationship of green investment and green innovation: Evidence from Chinese corporate performance
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 412, 1 August 2023, 137444


Companies are increasingly seeking the route of sustainable growth via green innovation in the wake of environmental catastrophe and global warming. Studying its mechanism of action on green innovation has significant consequences for the green and low-carbon transformation of firms as a green development pointer in the capital market. Based on the panel data of Chinese heavy pollution listed enterprises, we use the negative binomial distribution model to conduct a theoretical mechanism analysis and empirical data validation on this issue. We find that green investments significantly contribute to businesses' green innovation, and this effect is influenced by company age heterogeneity and information disclosure heterogeneity. Further mechanism analysis reveals that this effect works mainly through alleviating corporate financing constraints and reducing corporate agency costs. We provide recommendations for the growth of green innovation and the green low-carbon transformation of firms based on the research results.

16. How China's digital technology development affects the environmental costs related to global value chains? Evidence from regional manufacturing sectors
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 886, 15 August 2023, 163978


China needs to address the environmental costs to participate in global value chains (GVCs) more sustainably. Digitalization presents a potential solution to overcome information barriers and improve energy efficiency in global production networks. However, the impact of digital technology on GVC-related carbon intensity has not been systematically studied. This paper utilizes embedded multi-regional input-output (EMRIO) tables to analyze the relationship between digital technology and GVC-related carbon intensity in China's 28 regions and 11 manufacturing sectors. The study calculates three indexes: digital technology development, the openness degree of digital technology, and the carbon intensity related to GVCs for the years 2002, 2007, 2010, and 2012. Through a fixed-effect model, the paper examines how digital technology can reduce domestic embodied carbon intensity related to GVCs in China. The findings indicate that: (1) digital technology development has a negative impact on GVC-related domestic embodied carbon intensity; (2) digital technology development indirectly reduces domestic embodied carbon intensity by decreasing energy consumption intensity and increasing foreign services' input intensity; (3) enhancing the openness of digital technology in China can strengthen the reduction effect of digital technology development on the environmental cost related to GVCs.


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Các tin khác

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 36-2024.

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 35-2024.

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 34-2024.

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 33-2024.

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