Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 38-2022

  • Cập nhật: Thứ hai, 10/10/2022 | 8:46:17 AM

QLMT - Chuyên trang Quản lý môi trường giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 38-2022 với những nội dung sau:

Về quản lý môi trường

- Mối quan hệ giữa ô nhiễm môi trường và phát triển kinh tế ở các vùng phát triển muộn.

Phản ứng độ trễ phơi sáng của nhiệt độ không khí đối với tỷ lệ COVID-19 ở mười hai thành phố của Ý: Một phân tích tổng hợp.

- Ảnh hưởng của phát triển kinh tế đến cường độ carbon trong đời sống con người: Bằng chứng từ các phân tích kinh tế lượng không gian.

- Nghiên cứu về sự phát triển cạnh tranh và hiệp đồng của hệ thống nước-năng lượng-thực phẩm ở Trung Quốc.

- Tính hợp pháp hay hiệu quả? Chuyển giao khí thải carbon dưới áp lực của việc thực thi pháp luật về môi trường.

- Khung đánh giá bồi thường sinh thái khu vực đối với tình trạng khan hiếm nước xanh dựa trên tác động không gian của các yếu tố kinh tế xã hội.

- Tương tác động của hệ thống phức hợp nước - kinh tế - xã hội - môi trường sinh thái trong khuôn khổ khả năng mang tải của tài nguyên nước.

- Làm thế nào để giảm thiểu phát thải carbon của các sản phẩm xây dựng bằng thép từ quan điểm từ cơ sở đến địa điểm: Đánh giá có hệ thống các nghiên cứu toàn cầu gần đây.

Về môi trường đô thị

- Xác định nguồn nitrat trong dòng chảy của bão trong môi trường đô thị phức tạp dựa trên các đồng vị nitơ và oxy.

- Điều tra toàn diện về độc tính và khả năng gây ô nhiễm của nước rỉ bãi chôn lấp chất thải rắn thành phố.

- Vi khuẩn và gen kháng kháng sinh trong các nhà máy xử lý nước thải: Từ khi xuất hiện đến chiến lược xử lý.

- Giảm đáng kể thông lượng phát xạ hạt siêu mịn vào bầu không khí đô thị trong quá trình khóa COVID-19.

- Ô nhiễm, các nguồn và nguy cơ sức khỏe của các yếu tố độc hại trong đất của các công viên đô thị karstic dựa trên mô phỏng Monte Carlo kết hợp với mô hình thụ thể.

- Độ nhạy của tiếp xúc với chất hạt mịn trong khu dân cư được mô hình hóa để lựa chọn các đặc điểm của tòa nhà và nguồn gốc: Một nghiên cứu điển hình sử dụng dữ liệu công khai ở Boston, MA.

- Cơ chế tồn tại của nấm mốc trong nhà dưới tác động của độ ẩm, một phương pháp xử lý nước đặc biệt trong bối cảnh trong nhà.

- Sản xuất chất kết dính hỗn hợp geopolymer và kích hoạt kiềm (AGHB) bằng tro bay đốt rác thải đô thị kết hợp vật liệu kết dính bổ sung aluminosilicat (ASCM).

- Dấu chân carbon hộ gia đình không đồng đều trong mô hình phát thải khí nhà kính của Hoa Kỳ đạt đỉnh và suy giảm.

- Tác động bất đối xứng của than và khí đối với phát thải carbon dioxide ở sáu quốc gia châu Á: Sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận phi đối xứng và phi tuyến tính.

Về môi trường khu công nghiệp

- Xử lý phycorex nước thải công nghiệp dệt và thuộc da bằng cách sử dụng vi tảo và tập đoàn của chúng để sản xuất diesel sinh học.

- Quá trình chuyển hóa khí thải công nghiệp thành nhiên liệu sinh học được thúc đẩy nhanh chóng nhờ ánh sáng mặt trời bằng cách sàng lọc thông lượng cao vi chất lỏng theo hướng cải thiện quá trình quang hợp ở vi tảo dưới ánh sáng dao động.

- Đặc điểm của các cụm công nghiệp Vương quốc Anh và Đánh giá chi phí kinh tế-công nghệ để thực hiện vận chuyển và lưu trữ carbon Dioxide.

- Tổng hợp ceramite zeolit hóa xốp phân cấp mới từ chất thải công nghiệp làm chất hấp phụ hiệu quả để tách nitơ amoniac.

- Một quy trình có cấu trúc để lựa chọn các phương án lưu trữ nhiệt năng để sử dụng và chuyển đổi nhiệt thải công nghiệp.

- Ưu tiên loại bỏ khí thải công nghiệp điện tử do chất thơm chiếm ưu thế bằng cách sử dụng tích hợp công nghệ tháp phun và xúc tác quang.

- Ổn định tại chỗ các nguyên tố độc hại tiềm tàng trong hai loại đất ô nhiễm công nghiệp được cải thiện bằng chất xúc tác sinh học biến tính photphat từ đá.

- Nghiên cứu khả thi sử dụng thay thế khí thải công nghiệp giàu CO2 để thăm dò khí đá phiến sét dựa trên đặc điểm hấp phụ.

- Làm sáng tỏ ảnh hưởng của các biến thiết kế đối với cơ chế đông tụ - kết bông trong đông tụ sinh học quy mô phòng thí nghiệm đối với việc xử lý nước thải công nghiệp độc hại.

- Loại bỏ màu khỏi nước thải ngành công nghiệp giấy và bột giấy đã qua xử lý thứ cấp bằng cách sử dụng hỗn hợp Fe-TiO2 định hướng từ chất thải.

Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!


1. Effects of different types of heat wave days on ozone pollution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its future projection
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 837, 1 September 2022, 155762


There are concerns that in the 21st century, global warming will lead to more frequent heat wave days (HWDs), which could amplify ozone pollution (OP). However, a recent study projected that future atmospheric circulation variations may benefit OP control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH). To investigate the possible reasons for this contradiction, this paper discussed the ozone amplification capacity between different HWD types and their future projections based on observations and Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble Simulations (CESM-LENS). Composite analysis shows that not all HWDs amplify the OP in BTH. The main factor determining whether HWDs aggravate OP is the accompanying circulation anomalies rather than the intensity of the HWDs. The HWDs that aggravate ozone pollution are usually accompanied by stable saddle-like circulation anomalies and atmospheric blocking (blocking HWDs), which weaken the meridional temperature gradient and strengthen atmospheric stability. In contrast, HWDs with wave-train circulation anomalies have a limited ability to exacerbate OP in BTH due to their weak atmospheric stability. We introduce the Ozone Weather Index (OWI) to discern the influence of meteorological conditions on OP and overcome the lack of ozone concentration data in CESM-LENS under RCP 8.5 scenario. The OWI shows a significant downward trend in the 21st century, which indicates that the summer mean atmospheric circulation variations are beneficial for OP control in BTH. However, the frequency of blocking HWDs, which could amplify OP, will increase significantly in the 21st century. By the end of the 21st century, the frequency of blocking HWDs will be three times more than that of the end of 20th century. These findings inform policymakers that it is imperative to consider the mean climate state and the risks associated with extreme events when formulating future ozone pollution control policies.

2. Relationship between environmental pollution and economic development in late-developing regions shows an inverted V
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156295


In late-developing regions, new technologies and previous experiences are applied to reduce the impact of economic development on environmental pollution in the early stages. After economic development has reached a certain level, the application of new environmental remediation technologies and methods can accelerate environmental restoration. Therefore, we hypothesized that the relationship between economic development and environmental pollution would exhibit an inverted V in late-developing regions. We examined water quality changes in 353 monitoring sections of 76 urban rivers in Kunming, southwestern China, over the last 33 years to assess the impact of economic development on river water quality. The results indicate that the relationship between the comprehensive pollution index of urban rivers and the economy shows an inverted V, supporting our hypothesis. The inverted V could be divided into four areas: an environmental self-purification area (<2170 USD); an economic development environmental destruction area (2170–5240 USD); an economic development feedback environment area (5240–11,255 USD); and an economic development promotion environment area (>11,255 USD). On the time axis of economic development, the relationship between economic development and environmental pollution is closer to an inverted U in relatively early developing regions, but the experience with and application of new technologies causes the relationship to change from an inverted U to an inverted V in relatively late-developing regions.

3. Exposure-lag response of air temperature on COVID-19 incidence in twelve Italian cities: A meta-analysis
Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part A, September 2022, 113099


The exposure-lag response of air temperature on daily COVID-19 incidence is unclear and there have been concerns regarding the robustness of previous studies. Here we present an analysis of high spatial and temporal resolution using the distributed lag non-linear modelling (DLNM) framework. Utilising nearly two years’ worth of data, we fit statistical models to twelve Italian cities to quantify the delayed effect of air temperature on daily COVID-19 incidence, accounting for several categories of potential confounders (meteorological, air quality and non-pharmaceutical interventions). Coefficients and covariance matrices for the temperature term were then synthesised using random effects meta-analysis to yield pooled estimates of the exposure-lag response with effects presented as the relative risk (RR) and cumulative RR (RRcum). The cumulative exposure response curve was non-linear, with peak risk at 15.1 °C and declining risk at progressively lower and higher temperatures. The lowest RRcum at 0.2 °C is 0.72 [0.56,0.91] times that of the highest risk. Due to this non-linearity, the shape of the lag response curve necessarily varied by temperature. This work suggests that on a given day, air temperature approximately 15 °C maximises the incidence of COVID-19, with the effects distributed in the subsequent ten days or more.

4. The effect of economic development on carbon intensity of human well-being: Evidence from spatial econometric analyses
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132632


Improving the carbon intensity of human well-being is important not only for nations to improve the lives of their citizens, but also for the world community at large as a means of sustainable development. Based on panel data from 114 nations (or regions) over the period of 1980–2014, this study constructed an index of the carbon intensity of human well-being, and use spatial autocorrelation to explore the pattern of its spatial evolution as well as the characteristics of its spatial clusters. The spatial Durbin model was applied to identify the relationship between economic development and the carbon intensity of human well-being. We drew the following conclusions: First, the carbon intensity of human well-being declined significantly, with spatial differentiation between the high-high and low-low clusters, and a significant gap between developed (or regions) and developing nations. Second, economic development, energy consumption, trade, and mortality rate have increased the carbon intensity of human well-being while industrialization and capital accumulation have reduced it. Third, the dynamic evolution of the carbon intensity of human well-being by various drivers has a regional heterogeneous structure. In particularly, the positive impact of economic development on the carbon intensity of human well-being showed the largest impact on Latin American developing countries, followed by Asian developing and developed countries (or regions), and the smallest impact on African developing countries. Finally, prominent spatial spillover effects were observed on the drivers of the carbon intensity of human well-being. An increase in a nation's neighbors' energy consumption, trade, and industrialization increased its carbon intensity of human well-being, whereas increasing economic development, capital accumulation, and mortality rate had the opposite effect. These empirical insights provide an important decision-making reference for countries with different levels of economic development to choose appropriate policies and cross-regional governance mechanisms.

5. The influence of promotion mode of green products on sharing intention
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132633


Limited-time promotions and limited-quantity promotions are two kinds of promotion modes commonly used by marketers. Previous studies on limited-time promotions and limited-quantity promotions mainly focus on traditional products, but little study focuses on green products. Therefore, this article examines the effect of the promotion mode(limited-time vs. limited-quantity) on sharing intention of green products and explores the products' identity signaling attributes as the boundary condition. More than 890 participants from different Chinese provinces were recruited online and offline and the data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results demonstrated that limited-time promotion can lead to more sharing intention of green products than limited-quantity promotion, in which environmental awareness plays an intermediary role. In addition, the products’ identity signaling attributes moderate the effect of limited-time promotions and limited-quantity promotions on sharing intention. Specifically, for green products with the attributes of identity signaling, limited-quantity promotion can lead to more sharing intention than limited-time promotion. For green products without the attributes of identity signaling, limited-time promotion can lead to more sharing intention than limited-quantity promotion.

6. Research on the competitive and synergistic evolution of the water-energy-food system in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132743


Water, energy, and food are essential and strategic resources for human well-being and socio-economic development and form the water-energy-food (WEF) system with competition and synergy. The competitive and synergistic evolution model was developed to remedy the limitations in quantitatively analyzing the tradeoffs and synergies of the WEF system. Firstly, an assessment model was developed for measuring the synergy and competition of the WEF system based on the order degree of each subsystem (That is, the development degree of each subsystem) and synergy theory. Then the synergy evolution model (SEM), with the help of a logistic model and accelerated genetic algorithm (AGA) model, was developed to measure and identify the steady-state. Furthermore, an empirical study was conducted with 30 provinces in China as examples. The results indicated that the food subsystem had the highest average order degree (0.347), followed by the energy subsystem (0.305), and the water subsystem had the lowest (0.281). The degree of order of the three subsystems exhibited an upward trend in time and has differences in the spatial distribution. Also, the results showed that synergistic, restrictive, and competitive relationships exist within the WEF system. Areas with competitive and restrictive relationships are mainly located in South China and North China, respectively, within the relationship between the water and energy subsystems. The entire country showed a restrictive relationship between the water and food subsystems. The energy and food subsystems showed that the eastern regions with relationship, while the western regions with competitive and restrictive relationship. Finally, effective measures (e.g., optimize the industrial structure, continuing to implement the strategy of "storing grain in the land and technology”, and to hold the arable land minimum) are suggested to achieve the WEF system coordinated and sustainable development. We believe that the assessment model is also applicable to assess the other complex and dynamic system worldwide that involve multiple factors.

7. Exploring degrowth policy proposals: A systematic mapping with thematic synthesis
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132764


Degrowth – the planned and democratic reduction of production and consumption as a solution to the social-ecological crises – is slowly making its way to the sphere of policy-making. But there is a problem: proposals are scattered through a voluminous literature, making it difficult for decision-makers to pinpoint the concrete changes associated with the idea of degrowth. To address this issue, we conducted a systematic mapping of the degrowth literature from 2005 to 2020 using the RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES) methodology. Out of a total of 1166 texts (articles, books, book chapters, and student theses) referring to degrowth, we identified 446 that include specific policy proposals. This systematic counting of policies led to a grand total of 530 proposals (50 goals, 100 objectives, 380 instruments), which makes it the most exhaustive degrowth policy agenda ever presented. To render this toolbox more accessible, we divided it into in 13 policy themes – food, culture and education, energy and environment, governance and geopolitics, indicators, inequality, finance, production and consumption, science and technology, tourism, trade, urban planning, and work – systematically making the difference between goals, objectives, and instruments. Following this, we assess the precision, frequency, quality, and diversity of this agenda, reflecting on how the degrowth policy toolbox has been evolving until today.

8. Legitimacy or efficiency? Carbon emissions transfers under the pressure of environmental law enforcement
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132766


Reducing the carbon footprint of companies will be essential if we are to stabilise climate change. However, many researchers are concerned that companies will simply transfer their carbon emissions to another party resulting in carbon leakage rather than emissions reduction. Thus, there is a need to thoroughly investigate what drives companies to transfer carbon emissions as opposed to reducing them. In this study, we explore the motivations and internal mechanisms behind a company's decision to opt for carbon transfers instead of carbon reduction. Drawing on legitimacy theory with a US sample, we provide evidence that strict environmental laws are an external motivation that place pressure on companies to transfer their carbon emissions. Using overseas capital and declared emissions reductions as a proxy for carbon emissions transfer, we find a significant positive correlation to environmental law enforcement. In addition, when facing the force of environmental law, the carbon strategies companies choose are influenced by a felt pressure to operate with both legitimacy and efficiency. Moreover, as pressure mounts in either of these spheres, companies become more and more likely to opt for emissions transfer not emissions reduction. The results indicate that strict environmental regulations forces companies to transfer carbon emissions, which is exacerbated if companies have a high legitimacy and efficiency pressure. As such, this study provides an in-depth discussion on corporate responses to carbon emissions with valuable implications for carbon emissions policymakers.

9. Spatial-temporal evolution and influencing factors of net carbon sink efficiency in Chinese cities under the background of carbon neutrality
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132547


In the social context of mitigating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, the improvement of carbon emissions efficiency and the protection of biological carbon sequestration have emerged as hot topics recently due to their prospects in carbon dioxide emissions reductions. A large volume of studies has identified the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of carbon emissions efficiency. The contributions of our study lied in constructing a system to measure net carbon sink efficiency. Secondly, this study discussed the carbon neutrality performance of Chinese cities from three different aspects of carbon dioxide emissions, carbon sequestration of vegetation and net carbon sink efficiency. Thirdly, this paper identified the influencing factors of net carbon sink efficiency, and examined the direct and indirect effect of different factors. For this purpose, we evaluated the net carbon sink efficiency of 285 cities in China from 2012 to 2017 using a slacks-based measure model, and explored its spatial distribution characteristics, then employed a spatial Durbin model to explore the influencing factors of net carbon sink efficiency. Our main findings indicate that the net carbon sink efficiency steadily increased during the study period, whereas their spatial characteristics were "high at both ends and low in the middle” from the south to the north. There is a significant spatial autocorrelation in the net carbon sink efficiency of Chinese cities. Several kinds of measures can be applied to promote net carbon sink efficiency, such as increasing the proportion of tertiary industry, promoting economic growth, attracting foreign direct investment, increasing road area, promoting technological progress and strengthening environmental regulation. However, the increase of urban population may decrease efficiency. Nevertheless, an obvious spatial spillover effect exists in the net carbon sink efficiency of Chinese cities. The results can provide policy recommendations for the government to formulate differentiated carbon neutralization policies.

10. Full circle: Challenges and prospects for plastic waste management in Australia to achieve circular economy
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133127


Plastic manufacturing accounts for 6% of global oil consumption and is one of the world's fastest-growing waste streams. As the global supply of fossil fuels becomes critical, it is important to quantify how virgin plastic made from fossil fuel sources is recovered, reused, and remanufactured. In this study, the authors undertook the first systematic literature review of Australia's plastic waste (PW) management system to assess challenges and opportunities in moving towards a circular economy. Sources included government reports, industry survey reports, academic research articles, and national household and waste data. Results of the study showed that despite the sharp exponential growth in consumption of plastics (3.5 million tonnes (Mt) in 2018–19), Australia's national recovery rate is only 11.5%, which leaves substantial room for improvement. From 2007 to 2019, average PW generation was just over 2.6 Mt and in 2019, the generation was close to 2.55 Mt. In terms of polymer types, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) generated the most, followed by polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Close to half (47%) the volume of plastic waste is generated by households (specifically, PET and HDPE). Market growth was of biodegradable plastics is much slower than expected. Most recycling facilities use mechanical recycling as the main processing technology, and more facilities are required to process PET (especially in NSW and Victoria). The construction (built environment) sector consumes the largest quantity of recycled plastics; however, local recycled material use was only 10% in all the Australian sectors. Plastic waste is also used for energy recovery, with polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). This study also discusses the benefits of implementing state-of-the-art processing facilities using diversified recycling technology; vertical integration of plastic manufacturers and pre-processors; regulatory and structural reform; and development of local manufacturing industries using recycled plastics. It is incompetent to efficiently resolve the Australian plastic waste problem with simply bans, it is a global cross-sectoral issue that calls for cross-departmental cooperation. The future of plastic waste management not only relies on the effectiveness of local government and recyclers, but also on community involvement, and initiatives on national, regional, and global level. Numerous stakeholders including industry insiders, governments, customs agencies, regulators, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society need to be involved.

11. A benefit evaluation for recycling medical plastic waste in China based on material flow analysis and life cycle assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133033


Recycling medical plastic waste has the potential to significantly reduce environmental pollution while also providing significant economic benefits. This study develops a benchmark model for the benefit evaluation of China's medical plastic waste recycling decision system in 2019, focusing on the recovery system's benefits and costs. Following model construction, a sensitivity analysis is conducted on the relevant parameters affecting the recycling system's efficiency. Finally, the system's primary recovery indexes are predicted for three development scenarios based on the results of sensitivity analysis: low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed development. The results indicate that each ton of medical plastic waste generates an economic benefit of 2708.6 yuan in 2019, 187.8 μg TEQ of dioxin during incineration, and 1.48 tons of carbon dioxide during the recovery process. The total emission reduction is approximately 0.76 tons when compared to the initial production. If the illegal recovery rate is reduced by 0.5% and the mixed disposal rate is reduced by 5%, the comprehensive benefits increase by approximately 15.3% and 2.2%, respectively. The results of the scenario simulations indicate that the recovery benefit and potential for emission reduction associated with each ton of medical plastic waste increase year after year, while carbon dioxide emissions exhibit an inverted "U" shape evolution.

12. A regional eco-compensation assessment framework for blue water scarcity based on the spatial effects of socio-economic factors
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133171


The conflicts between the utilization and conservation of water resources induced by blue water scarcity have become increasingly prominent. Aiming to balance the ecological and socio-economic benefits derived from blue water resources, this study proposed a regional eco-compensation assessment framework. Based on the blue water budget (deficit or surplus), the formulae for calculating the eco-compensation amount were developed. The blue water scarcity index and its explanatory variables were designed. Considering the spatial dependence of blue water scarcity, the spatial lag model was adopted to perform the spatial econometric analysis. The panel data in 21 prefecture-level cities of Guangdong Province in China from 2009 to 2018 was used for the case study. The findings suggested that blue water scarcity presented significant spillover effects. The precipitation had significantly negative total effects on blue water scarcity, while GDP per capita, population density and water use intensity exhibited significantly positive total effects. Thereupon, a modified coefficient was incorporated to adjust the eco-compensation amount to local condition, so as to achieve targeted restriction and advocate a more sustainable consumption pattern. We believe that the eco-compensation could serve as a potential tool for regional blue water management and contribute to the implementation of sustainable development goals.

13. Dynamic interaction of water–economic–social–ecological environment complex system under the framework of water resources carrying capacity
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133132


Dynamic interactions occur among water resources, the economy, society, and the ecological environment in the water resources carrying capacity system, which jointly determines the comprehensive level of water carrying capacity (WRCC). To reveal the interaction relationship and degree of interaction among the subsystems of WRCC, this study introduced the PVAR model into the field of water resources carrying capacity for the first time. From the perspectives of water resources, the economy, society, and the ecological environment, this study discussed the dynamic relationship within WRCC.

The results show that the water resources subsystem is the core of WRCC; the impulse response functions of the water resources subsystem and the economic and social subsystems conform to the EKC curve hypothesis; there is a positive mutual promotion between the water resources and the ecological environment subsystem; and the four subsystems have the greatest and a positive influence on themselves.

The relationship among subsystems verifies the feasibility of dividing the WRCC evaluation framework from the perspectives of water resources, the economy, society, and the ecological environment. And improving the WRCC in the Yellow River Basin requires vigorously promoting the implementation of water-saving policies and coordinating the relationships among subsystems.

14. How to minimise the carbon emission of steel building products from a cradle-to-site perspective: A systematic review of recent global research
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133156


Steel is the second-most commonly used building material, after concrete, which results in considerable amount of carbon emission. Growing number of studies have explored the opportunities of minimising the carbon emission of steel building products. Numbers of carbon reduction strategies (CRSs), such as coke dry quenching technology, blast furnace off gas recovery measures, biomass energy, and carbon capture technology have been proposed and investigated. Owing to the different aims, scopes, and methods of the existing studies, they have led to mixed conclusions and a question has been frequently asked: how to efficiently minimise the carbon emission of steel building products, especially from a cradle-to-site perspective? Therefore, the present study systematically reviews and critically analyses the relevant research literature. 286 peer-reviewed studies have been reviewed and 12 categories of CRSs have been identified. The most frequently studied CRSs include the recovery of furnace gas and waste heat, use of alternative fuels and energy, alternative/improved ironmaking technologies and etc. However, it is found that these studies have largely ignored the CRSs applicable to the upstream and downstream manufacturing processes, and have insufficiently examined, especially from a quantitative perspective, the carbon emission reduction potential of policy drivers and the cumulative effects of multiple CRSs. The results of this review also reveal the steady growth of research interest in this field with the significant research contributions made by Chinese academia. Last but not least, the best available technologies have been fully investigated in the reviewed literature, while the emerging cleaner production technologies, such as electrification of ironmaking, carbon capture and storage, clean fuel and energy, yet demand further investigation. The findings presented herein is expected to guide future research direction in this field and also to assist industry practitioners to formulate efficient CRSs.

15. The negative impact of the COVID-19 on renewable energy growth in developing countries: Underestimated
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 367, 20 September 2022, 132996


According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for the economy and the energy sector, as well as uncertainty for the renewable energy industry. However, the impact on renewable energy during the pandemic has not been consistently determined. Instead of relying on data from year-to-year comparisons, this study redesigned the analytical framework for assessing the impact of a pandemic on renewable energy. First, this research designed an "initial prediction-parameter training-error correction-assignment combination” forecasting approach to simulate renewable energy consumption in a "no pandemic” scenario. Second, this study calculates the difference between the "pandemic” and "no pandemic” scenarios for renewable energy consumption. This difference represents the change in renewable energy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Various techniques such as nonlinear grey, artificial neural network and IOWGA operator were incorporated. The MAPEs were controlled to within 5% in 80% of the country samples. The conclusions indicated that renewable energy in China and India declined by 8.57 mtoe and 3.19 mtoe during COVID-19 period. In contrast, the rise in renewable energy in the US is overestimated by 8.01 mtoe. Overall, previous statistics based on year-to-year comparisons have led to optimistic estimates of renewable energy development during the pandemic. This study sheds light on the need for proactive policy measures in the future to counter the global low tide of renewable energy amid COVID-19.


1. Tracking synthetic microdebris contamination in a highly urbanized estuary through crabs as sentinel species: An ecological trait-based approach
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 837, 1 September 2022, 155631


Synthetic microdebris (particles of <5 mm) are a worldwide concern because they can affect the community structure of the aquatic ecosystems, organisms, and even food webs. For the biomonitoring of synthetic microdebris (especially microplastics, MPs), mainly benthic invertebrates are used, but crabs have been less studied in the literature. We studied the synthetic microdebris contamination in water, sediments, and three representative intertidal crabs (Neohelice granulata, Cyrtograpsus angulatus and Leptuca uruguayensis) with different lifestyles from the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. The results obtained show the presence of cotton-polyamide (PA), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in surface waters. In sediments, we identified cellulose modified (CE), polyester (PES), polyethylene (PE), and alkyd resin, while in crabs, cotton-PA and CE were the predominant ones. The MPs abundance ranged from 8 to 68 items L−1 in surface water, from 971 to 2840 items Kg−1 in sediments, and from 0 to 2.58 items g−1 ww for the three species of crabs. Besides, paint sheets ranged from 0 to 17 in the total samples, with Cr, Mo, Ti, Pb, Cu, Al, S, Ba and Fe on their surface. There were significant differences between the microdebris abundances in the abiotic matrices but not among crabs species. The ecological traits of the different crabs helped to understand the accumulation of synthetic microdebris, an important characteristic when determining the choice of a good biomonitor.

2. Determining nitrate sources in storm runoff in complex urban environments based on nitrogen and oxygen isotopes
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155680


Urban storm runoff, as the primary transport medium for nutrients entering urban rivers, contributes to urban water contamination. Accurate source identification is critical for controlling water pollution. Although some studies have used nitrate isotopic composition (δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3−) to identify nitrate (NO3−-N) in urban storm runoff, the relatively low frequency of collecting samples in surface runoff within a single functional area hinders the understanding of spatial variations and dynamic process of NO3−-N sources over the runoff process. This study investigated the nitrogen (N) concentrations and analyzed dynamic changes of NO3−-N sources in surface runoff in different urban functional areas, drainage pipeline runoff, and channels during the complete runoff process in Wuxi, east China. The results showed that N concentrations in pipeline runoff and channels were higher than those in surface runoff, indicating that high concentration of N pollutants were accumulated in drainage pipelines. Information of δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3− suggested that the main NO3−-N source varied between runoff stages. NO3−-N contribution from atmospheric deposition decreased in the order: surface runoff (57%) > residential pipeline runoff (25%) > channels (14%), while the opposite trend was observed for the contributions from sewage, increasing from 10%, 26% to 39%. In urban storm runoff, more sewage, fertilizers, and soil N were carried into the surface runoff after 30% of cumulative runoff ratio and carried into pipeline runoff in the initial 25% of cumulative runoff ratio in the residential area. As the first attempt to identify nitrate sources over the cumulative runoff in different urban functional areas, this work expands our understanding of the primary nitrate source in urban storm runoff. The findings provide important insights for developing strategies to mitigate non-point source water pollution.

3. A comprehensive investigation of toxicity and pollution potential of municipal solid waste landfill leachate
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155891


It is evident from the literature that research on the treatment of leachate generated from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills has been a focus area of environmental management. However, the available information is discrete because most studies have reported only one or a couple of aspects of either closed or active MSW landfill leachate treatment. Hence, this investigation has focused on comprehensive attributes of both closed landfill leachate (CLL) and active landfill leachate (ALL), including generation, characterisation, and toxicity assessment to quantify and establish their pollution potential. The results indicated that CLL generation is higher (188.59 m3/d) than ALL (49.53 m3/d). The concentrations of principal physical, chemical, and biological constituents and concomitant leachate pollution index were higher in CLL (33.20) than in ALL (26.65). Furthermore, the germination indices of CLL (57.48) and ALL (79.14) and tail DNA damage of CLL (56.49%) and ALL (23.8%) ratified greater phytotoxicity and genotoxicity potential, respectively of CLL over ALL. The reasons for the variations in the generation, characteristics, and toxicity of CLL and ALL were discussed in detail. Evaluation of the commonly used landfill leachate treatment methods through the analytical hierarchy process confirmed that the activated sludge process and Fenton oxidation process are the most and least preferred treatment methods. The comprehensive investigation of CLL and ALL have established their pollution potential and the inevitable necessity for their treatment. The findings of this investigation will serve as a ready reference for researchers from academia and industry who work on the monitoring, treatment, and management of landfill leachate.

4. Residential greenness, air pollution, and incident ischemic heart disease: A prospective cohort study in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155881


Greener residential surroundings are associated with beneficial health outcomes, whereas higher air pollution exposure is linked with elevated risks of chronic diseases. To date, limited studies have explored the interaction between residential greenness and air pollution on the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD). We performed a prospective cohort study that included 29,141 adult participants recruited from Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) around each participant's residence was calculated to measure residential greenness exposure. Land-use regression models were conducted to estimate long-term individual exposure to air pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and ≤10 μm (PM10). Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for the associations of residential greenness and air pollutants with the risk of incident IHD. During 101,172.5 person-years of follow-up, 1392 incident IHD cases were reported in the study population. Residential greenness, expressed as an interquartile range (IQR) increase in NDVI within 250 m, was inversely associated with incident IHD (HR = 0.89, 95%CI: 0.81,0.98). However, long-term exposures to air pollution were associated with higher IHD incidence (HR = 1.21, 95%CI:1.10,1.33 per IQR increase for PM2.5; HR = 1.12, 95%CI:1.03,1.22 per IQR increase for PM10; HR = 1.09, 95%CI:1.02,1.16 per IQR increase for NO2). Mediation analyses suggested that the beneficial effect of residential greenness on incident IHD could be partly mediated by reducing the exposure to PM2.5. These findings suggested that higher greenness was associated with decreased risk of IHD, while air pollutants were positively associated with incident IHD. Meanwhile, residential greenness may decrease the risk of IHD by reducing exposure to PM2.5.

5. Negative impacts of cleaning agent DEPTAL MCL® on activated sludge wastewater treatment system
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155957


DEPTAL MCL® is a professional cleaning agent approved by the Portuguese Food Regulatory Authority and is used in agro-food industries, namely in fish canning industries in the north of Portugal. Its extensive use during cleaning procedures results in potential significant negative impacts on the performance of the downstream municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). A lab-scale extended areation activated sludge wastewater treatment system, continuously fed by influent collected at a municipal WWTP, was used to assess the impact of a range of DEPTAL MCL® concentrations during 72 h. Despite distinct activated sludge community composition (due to its dynamic nature) and variations in real influent characteristics, a relevant impact was observed. DEPTAL MCL® effect was underscored through the use of a multivariate analysis using seventeen physicochemical operational factors and nineteen quantitative image analysis (QIA) parameters. DEPTAL MCL® exerted a severe negative impact on phosphorous (P-PO4) removal, total nitrogen (TN) removal and sludge volume index (SVI). With increasing DEPTAL MCL® concentrations, both P-PO4 and TN removal were affected and diminished proportionally. Moreover, several QIA parameters indicate defloculation when DEPTAL MCL® was present, in particular for intermediate size aggregates with significant impacts. Optical density of the effluent (Ode), displayed an increase of effluent turbidity. Percentage of area covered by small aggregates (%Areasml) was also significantly higher for the intermediate and higher DEPTAL MCL® concentrations tested. Principal component analysis exhibited 3 distinct ordenations: (i) control without addition of DEPTAL MCL®; (ii) addition of 0.03% and 0.06% and of (iii) 0.13 and 0.26% (v DEPTAL MCL®/v aeration tank). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to correlate the physicochemical data, QIA and the filamentous bacteria species prevalence to DEPTAL MCL® concentration and incubation time. A time persistent DEPTAL MCL® effect was observed, underscoring the need of a pretreatment of wastewater containing this cleaning agent.

6. Antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in wastewater treatment plants: From occurrence to treatment strategies
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 4, 10 September 2022, 156544


This study aims to discuss the following: (1) occurrence and proliferation of antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs); (2) factors influencing antibiotic resistance bacteria and genes in WWTPs; (3) tools to assess antibiotic resistance in WWTPs; (4) environmental contamination of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) from WWTPs; (5) effects of ARB and ARGs from WWTPs on human health; and (6) treatment strategies. In general, resistant and multi-resistant bacteria, including Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli, exist in various processes of WWTPs. The existence of ARB and ARGs results from the high concentration of antibiotics in wastewater, which promote selective pressures on the local bacteria present in WWTPs. Thus, improving wastewater treatment technology and avoiding the misuse of antibiotics is critical to overcoming the threat of proliferation of ARBs and ARGs. Numerous factors can affect the development of ARB and ARGs in WWTPs. Abiotic factors can affect the bacterial community dynamics, thereby, affecting the applicability of ARB during the wastewater treatment process. Furthermore, the organic loads and other nutrients influence bacterial survival and growth. Specifically, molecular methods for the rapid characterization and detection of ARBs or their genes comprise DNA sequencing, real-time PCR, simple and multiplex PCR, and hybridization-based technologies, including micro- and macro-arrays. The reuse of effluent from WWTPs for irrigation is an efficient method to overcome water scarcity. However, there are also some potential environmental risks associated with this practice, such as increase in the levels of antibiotic resistance in the soil microbiome. Human mortality rates may significantly increase, as ARB can lead to resistance among several types of antibiotics or longer treatment times. Some treatment technologies, such as anaerobic and aerobic treatment, coagulation, membrane bioreactors, and disinfection processes, are considered potential techniques to restrict antibiotic resistance in the environment.

7. Significant reduction of ultrafine particle emission fluxes to the urban atmosphere during the COVID-19 lockdown
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 4, 10 September 2022, 156516


The worldwide restrictions of social contacts that were implemented in spring 2020 to slow down infection rates of the SARS-CoV-2 virus resulted in significant modifications in mobility behaviour of urban residents. We used three-year eddy covariance measurements of size-resolved particle number fluxes from an urban site in Berlin to estimate the effects of reduced traffic intensity on particle fluxes. Similar observations of urban surface-atmosphere exchange of size-resolved particles that focus on COVID-19 lockdown-related effects are not available, yet. Although the site remained a net emission source for ultrafine particles (UFP, Dp < 100 nm), the median upward flux of ultrafine particles (FUFP) decreased from 8.78 × 107 m−2 s−1 in the reference period to 5.44 × 107 m−2 s−1 during the lockdown. This was equivalent to a relative reduction of −38 % for median FUFP, which was similar to −35 % decrease of road traffic intensity in the flux source area during that period. The size-resolved analysis demonstrated that, on average, net deposition of UFP occurred only during night when particle emission source strength by traffic was at its minimum, whereas accumulation mode particles (100 nm < Dp < 200 nm) showed net deposition also during daytime. The results indicate the benefits of traffic reductions as a mitigation strategy to reduce UFP emissions to the urban atmosphere.

8. Contamination, sources and health risks of toxic elements in soils of karstic urban parks based on Monte Carlo simulation combined with a receptor model
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 839, 15 September 2022, 156223


Understanding the health risks of toxic elements (TEs) in urban park soils and determining their priority control factors are crucial for public health and pollution management. Soil samples were collected from 33 urban parks in Guiyang, a typical karstic city. For each park, 15–45 topsoil samples were collected according to the area and then thoroughly mixed to obtain a representative sample. The results showed that the mean concentrations of TEs in park soils (22.5, 0.37, 88.6, 43.7, 0.26, 39.9, 44.7, and 101.0 mg/kg for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn, respectively) were higher than their background values. Approximately 54.5% and 33.3% of enrichment factor (EF) values reached moderately enriched to significantly enriched levels for Cd and Hg, respectively. Moreover, 54.5% and 42.4% of monomial potential ecological index (EI) values were at considerable to high risk levels for Cd and Hg, respectively. These results illustrate that Cd and Hg pose high ecological risks. According to the potential ecological risk index (RI) values, 21.2% of the parks were exposed to considerable ecological risk and 48.5% were at moderate risk. Based on the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model, four sources governing TE contamination (including coal combustion, natural sources, traffic emissions, and industrial activities) were identified, with contribution rates of 32.3%, 31.0%, 19.6%, and 17.1%, respectively. A probabilistic health risk assessment showed acceptable non-carcinogenic risks and high levels of carcinogenic risk in all populations. Based on the source-specific health risk assessment, arsenic from coal combustion was determined to be a major contributor to human health risks. Although several efforts have been made by the local government to eliminate coal-borne arsenicosis, our results revealed that the accumulation of arsenic in the soil due to coal combustion poses a potential threat to human health.

9. Aerosol liquid water content of PM2.5 and its influencing factors in Beijing, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 839, 15 September 2022, 156342


Aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) has important influences on atmospheric radiation and aerosol chemical processes. In this work, the changes in ALWC of PM2.5 were investigated over four seasons based on hourly monitoring of inorganic water-soluble ions and their gaseous precursors using the thermodynamic model ISORROPIA II. The results showed that the ALWC concentrations exhibited pronounced seasonal (autumn > summer > spring > winter) and diurnal variation characteristics. The sensitivity tests indicated that ALWC depended strongly on TSO4 (total sulfate (gas and aerosols) expressed as equivalent H2SO4), followed by TNO3 (total nitrate (gas and aerosols) expressed as equivalent HNO3). The relatively low concentration of TCl (total chloride (gas and aerosols) expressed as equivalent HCl) limit its importance in the atmosphere. ALWC showed exponential growth features as a function RH in all four seasons. RH became the most influential factor on the variation of ALWC when RH exceeded 80% in all seasons. The seasonal average data showed that the ALWC increased from 2.92 μg·m−3 to 75.83 μg·m−3 when ambient RH increased from 30% to 90%, the associated sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium (abbreviated as SNA) mass fraction in PM2.5 rose from 0.39 to 0.58 in the atmosphere. The ALWC facilitated the formation of SNA through gas-particle conversion and partitioning. The self-amplifying processes between ALWC and SNA enhanced aerosol formation. By modeling ALWC under different seasonal atmospheric scenarios, it was found that reductions in chemical species could reduce ALWC concentrations in different degrees. Based on the current emission conditions, controlling excess NH3 emission could effectively reduce ALWC to a maximum of 45.71% in summer, indicating that NH3 control was crucial for reducing ALWC and PM2.5 concentrations under high levels of SO42− and NO3−.

10. Sensitivity of modeled residential fine particulate matter exposure to select building and source characteristics: A case study using public data in Boston, MA
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 840, 20 September 2022, 156625


Many techniques for estimating exposure to airborne contaminants do not account for building characteristics that can magnify contaminant contributions from indoor and outdoor sources. Building characteristics that influence exposure can be challenging to obtain at scale, but some may be incorporated into exposure assessments using public datasets. We present a methodology for using public datasets to generate housing models for a test cohort, and examined sensitivity of predicted fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposures to selected building and source characteristics. We used addresses of a cohort of children with asthma and public tax assessor's data to guide selection of floorplans of US residences from a public database. This in turn guided generation of coupled multi-zone models (CONTAM and EnergyPlus) that estimated indoor PM2.5 exposure profiles. To examine sensitivity to model parameters, we varied building floors and floorplan, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) type, room or floor-level model resolution, and indoor source strength and schedule (for hypothesized gas stove cooking and tobacco smoking). Occupant time-activity and ambient pollutant levels were held constant. Our address matching methodology identified two multi-family house templates and one single-family house template that had similar characteristics to 60 % of test addresses. Exposure to infiltrated ambient PM2.5 was similar across selected building characteristics, HVAC types, and model resolutions (holding all else equal). By comparison, exposures to indoor-sourced PM2.5 were higher in the two multi-family residences than the single family residence (e.g., for cooking PM2.5 exposure, by 26 % and 47 % respectively) and were sensitive to HVAC type and model resolution. We derived the influence of building characteristics and HVAC type on PM2.5 exposure indoors using public data sources and coupled multi-zone models. With the important inclusion of individualized resident behavior data, similar housing modeling can be used to incorporate exposure variability in health studies of the indoor residential environment.

11. Mechanisms of indoor mold survival under moisture dynamics, a special water treatment approach within the indoor context
Chemosphere, Volume 302, September 2022, 134748


Mold contamination is one of the most important causes for indoor air pollution. Previous studies have indicated the feasibility of employing wet-dry cycles, a special water treatment approach in indoor environments, to control indoor mold contamination. However, the underlying mechanisms regulating the responses of indoor molds to changing moisture conditions remains to be elucidated. Here, we studied the mechanisms regulating the responses to wet-dry cycles (termed as moisture dynamics) in Aspergillus penicillioides, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and Aspergillus niger. First, the dormant spores of each mold species were grown to the swollen stage. Next, swollen spores were incubated at different water activity (aw) levels (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 aw) for up to 15 days. Afterward, the viability, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activities (both enzymatic and non-enzymatic) of treated molds were determined. Our results show that the mold species that survived better under moisture dynamics also encountered less oxidative damage and exhibited stronger antioxidant activities. Moreover, lower RH imposed severer oxidative stress to C. cladosporioides and A. niger. Pearson correlation coefficient indicate significant correlations between oxidative stress and aw of dry periods, oxidative damage and mold survival, as well as oxidative responses and mold survival. Collectively, these results imply that oxidative stress adaptation regulates the viability of A. penicillioides, C. cladosporioides, and A. niger in response to moisture dynamics. Our findings facilitate the development of novel engineering solutions for indoor air pollution.

12. Manufacture of alkali-activated and geopolymer hybrid binder (AGHB) by municipal waste incineration fly ash incorporating aluminosilicate supplementary cementitious materials (ASCM)
Chemosphere, Volume 303, Part 1, September 2022, 134978


The treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI FA) faces many challenges, such as landfill space occupation, high costs and potential environmental threats. In this study, coal fly ash (CFA), metakaolin (MK) and silica fume (SF) were used as aluminosilicate supplementary cementitious materials (ASCM), and mixed with MSWI FA as precursors for the synthesis of alkali-activated and geopolymers hybrid binder (AGHB). The results show that this alkali-activated technology efficiently immobilized the heavy metals in MSWI FA, and the ASCM contributes to the compressive strength enhancement of the AGHB. The highest compressive strength of the synthesized products that mixed MSWI FA with CFA and MK as precursors, reached 5.34 and 9.06 MPa, respectively. The compressive strength of the ASCM synthesized by mixing MSWI FA and SF in the mass ratio of 70:30 with the alkali activator modulus of 1.6 M could reach 11.2 MPa after 28 d of curing, which met the quality standard of MU10 (NY/T 671–2003) for load-bearing brick.The leaching concentrations of Hg and Pb were reduced from 0.15 to 3.96 mg/L to less than 0.003 and 0.107 mg/L, which were below the limit established by the Chinese standard (GB 8978-1996). The research provides the technical parameters of the optimization conditions on the synthesis of MSWI FA-based AGHB, for the resource utilization of MSWI FA and reduction of the environmental risk.

13. How long-term air pollution and its metal constituents affect type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence? Results from Wuhan Chronic Disease Cohort
Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part A, September 2022, 113158



Epidemiological evidence linking type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with air pollution is discrepant and most are restricted to the influences of air-pollutant mass concentration. This study aims to explore the effects of long-term exposure to air pollution and its metal constituents on T2DM prevalence in China.


We used data on 10,253 adult residents from the baseline survey of Wuhan Chronic Disease Cohort in 2019. Ambient PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 exposure were estimated at residences based on Chinese Air Quality Reanalysis Dataset. Concentrations of 10 metal constituents were measured by 976 PM2.5 filter samples collected from four monitoring stations. Logistic regression models were employed to examine associations of T2DM prevalence with 3-year mean concentrations of each air pollutant and PM2.5 metal constituents prior to the baseline investigation.


A total of 673 T2DM cases (6.6%) were identified. The 3-year mean exposures to PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 were 50.89 μg/m3, 82.86 μg/m3, and 39.79 μg/m3, respectively. And interquartile range (IQR) of 10 metals in PM2.5 varied from 0.03 ng/m3 to 78.30 ng/m3. For 1 μg/m3 increment in PM2.5, PM10 and NO2, the odds of T2DM increased by 7.2% (95%CI: 1.026, 1.136), 3.1% (95%CI: 1.013, 1.050), and 2.1% (95%CI: 1.005, 1.038) after adjusting for potential confounders. Cd and Sb in PM2.5 were significant risk factors to T2DM with odds ratios of 1.350 (95%CI: 1.089, 1.673) and 1.389 (95%CI: 1.164, 1.658) for per IQR increase, respectively. Stratification analyses indicated that males and those aged ≥45 years were more susceptive to long-term air pollution.


Long-term exposure to PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 increased T2DM prevalence in a Wuhan population, especially for men and middle-aged and elderly people. Moreover, T2DM was significantly associated with Cd and Sb in PM2.5. Further research to validate these results and to clarify the underlying mechanisms is warranted.

14. Unequal household carbon footprints in the peak-and-decline pattern of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 132650


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. peaked and declined in the first decade of the 21st century, largely attributed to the increased use of natural gas and renewable energy replacing coal. However, if and to what extent household consumption also played a role in this trend is still debated. Finding demand-side options is necessary to hedge against the risks of technology solutions failing to materialize. To fill this gap, this study analyzes the change in GHG emissions driven by U.S. household consumption, explores the drivers of this change and the contribution of different income groups. To this end, this study combined the U.S. consumer expenditure survey with an environmentally-extended multi-regional input-output framework to analyze changes in GHG emissions induced by household consumption between 2001 and 2015. This study further analyzed how much population, consumption volume and consumption patterns drove emission changes by quintile income groups. The results show that changes in household consumption contributed approximately one-third of the national emission decline. The decline in GHG emissions from U.S. households was mainly associated with a decrease in the consumption of carbon-intensive products, including gasoline, electricity, and animal-based food products. The top quintile income households were the main contributors to the emission increase before the peak, while the third and fourth income quintiles became emission mitigation leaders after 2010. Carbon inequality increased during the 2001–2006 period, mainly driven by increased wealth and consumption of high-income households, and was relatively stable after the peak. Emissions from certain consumption categories of the top quintile group are significantly higher than the bottom four quintiles with increasing trends, especially leisure-related services and goods, which require more attention in future policymaking for emission reduction.

15. Asymmetric impact of coal and gas on carbon dioxide emission in six Asian countries: Using asymmetric and non-linear approach
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 367, 20 September 2022, 132934


The Industrial Revolution began when machines powered by new energy sources replaced humans, and it has since brought about Climate Change, which is now the world's most challenging concern. This article's primary purpose is to investigate the impacts of coal and gas consumption on environmental quality in six Asian countries: China, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and Bangladesh. While these countries' borders are interconnected, each country's economic growth and environmental changes have repercussions for the others. This analysis uses annual time-series data from 1990 to 2017. We employed modern techniques such as Johansen, NARDL, and asymmetric and symmetric Granger causality. For China and Bangladesh, long-term shock values of coal consumption demonstrate a positive co-integration relationship with carbon dioxide emissions. According to the feedback hypothesis, positive shocks between coal consumption and the environment have a Granger cause-effect for Pakistan and Russia, whereas four other countries do not. Due to rising gas use, the carbon dioxide emissions of Bangladesh have increased over time from the view of symmetric causal effect. According to the residual diagnostics checks, the NARDL model is stable, reliable, and credible in its current state. We discovered asymmetric unidirectional causalities in Russia, Pakistan, and Iran of carbon emission impacts on capital. Furthermore, the Environmental Ministries of the six nations should strictly enforce existing environmental standards, encourage a shift from natural gas and coal to clean energy sources such as ethanol, and promote eco-friendly vehicles such as electric cars and motors.


1. Phycoremediation of textile and tannery industrial effluents using microalgae and their consortium for biodiesel production
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 367, 20 September 2022, 133100


The study reveals the treatment of textile and tannery effluents using freshwater microalgal strains, Chlorella vulgaris (NRMC-F 0128), Scenedesmus dimorphus (NRMC-F 0178), Coelastrella sp., (NRMC-F 0179) and Chlorococcum sp., (NRMC-F 0181) isolated from betel field. The physiochemical parameters of the textile and tannery effluents were analyzed prior to the experimentations. The nutrient removal efficiency of all the cultures was evaluated in both lab and outdoor conditions. Further, a consortium of two efficiently growing and lipid producing strains, Chlorella vulgaris (NRMC-F 0128), Scenedesmus dimorphus (NRMC-F 0178) was tested against effluent degradation under 30 L pond conditions. The levels of pH, TDS (total dissolved solids), EC and nitrite, nitrate, sodium, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, lead, iron, copper and cadmium of both the textile mill and tannery industrial effluents were reduced upon algae mediated remediation. Further, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus dimorphus consortium produced high amounts of lipid in lab conditions of about 31.20% and 29.50% using textile mill effluent and tannery industrial effluent, respectively; while in outdoor conditions, the lipid was 30.40% and 28.50% respectively. Eventually, the fatty acid analysis showed oleic acid as the major fatty acid in lipids of the consortium, which makes it a plausible candidate for biodiesel production.

2. Accelerated sunlight-driven conversion of industrial flue gas into biofuels by microfluidic high-throughput screening towards improving photosynthesis in microalgae under fluctuating light
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 443, 1 September 2022, 136487


Sunlight-driven microalgal conversion of CO2 is a promising carbon neutral strategy for the sustainable production of various value-added products. However, its real-world application is challenging due to the irregularity of sunlight which reduces photosynthetic efficiency. Here, we report that microdroplet-based screening of photosynthesis-augmented microalgae mutant under fluctuating light accelerates mass production of CO2-derived algal biofuel in natural sunlight. Random insertional Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants were cultivated in single-layered microdroplet photobioreactors to be effectively applied to light conditions mimicking natural sunlight without self-shading. High-density microdroplets containing fast-growing mutants were efficiently selected at the single-droplet level by a centrifugation-assisted droplet sorting platform for high-throughput screening. Consequently, we isolated a mutant exhibiting cell growth 1.85-fold that of the wild-type even under continuous and rapid alteration in light intensity, which can serve as a cell stressor. After whole-genome resequencing, we found disruption in the SNF2 gene encoding ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, which reveal its importance for the regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis and accumulation of reactive oxygen species under fluctuating light. After a 1.6 ton-scale field culture utilizing natural sunlight and industrial CO2, the mutant showed increased biomass productivity, CO2 fixation rate, and calorific value, a crucial parameter of fuel performance, by 34.38%, 45.07%, and 16.82%, respectively. Our results indicate that improving photosynthesis of microalgae in fluctuating light environments elucidates the mechanisms responsible for enhancing the sunlight utilization, allowing industrial-scale biological CO2 conversion.

3. Characterisation of UK Industrial Clusters and Techno-Economic Cost Assessment for Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Implementation
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 119, September 2022, 103695


The UK Government and British industries are making important efforts for the development and implementation of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCTS). Critical to this will be an understanding of the composition and characteristics of the industrial clusters and of the costs for the CCTS systems. However, the available literature presents a wide range of cost values and many of the studies do not tend to consider all of the carbon transport and storage elements together. Moreover, there are a very limited number of UK specific analyses and in some cases the studies are considered to be too historical.

In this paper, we present a review and characterisation of the main UK industrial clusters, in terms of geographical limits, available infrastructure, industries present and level of emissions. We then provide a brief review of carbon transport and storage (T&S) cost models and costing information before conducting a techno-economic assessment of the potential T&S system costs for the UK industrial clusters. To the best of our knowledge, this integrated analysis has not been conducted for the UK context, and this is key for policy development and to assess the wider economic impacts of CCTS.
From our cluster characterisation and techno-economic analysis, we found that there is important potential for CCTS for industrial decarbonisation in the UK. Also, the creation of a CO2 shipping industry will allow for industrial clusters that do not have an adequate storage sites nearby to use the CCTS infrastructure in other sites. The development of a CO2 shipping infrastructure also enables carbon management and storage services to be exported to polluters overseas, potentially creating and maintaining jobs and economic growth.

We believe that the cluster characterisation and cost estimates produced here provide valuable insight to inform policy and can be used as a first step for to develop further analysis in policy relevant areas such as an analysis of the wider economic impacts of these investments, the effect on jobs and competitiveness and the impact on the wider society.

4. Does market-oriented reform make the industrial sector "Greener” in China? Fresh evidence from the perspective of capital-labor-energy market distortions
Energy, Volume 254, Part A, 1 September 2022, 124183


The market-oriented reforms boost economic take-off in China, but the lag of the factor market still leads to many disadvantages where the factor market distortion is a stylized fact. There is rarely direct evidence showing whether market-oriented reform can spur industrial green development (IGD) although the industrial sector is the main battlefield of market-oriented reform. Herein this study integrates labor, capital, and energy into a unified research framework and investigates the impact of market-oriented reforms in different fields on IGD from the perspective of factor market distortion. The results from China's 30 provinces show that the distortions in the capital market and energy market play a significantly negative role in IGD while the impact of labor market distortion on IGD is not statistically significant. Further calculation shows that the growth potential of the national IGD level is 10.117% and 2.291% per year under the ideal condition of eliminating the market distortions of capital and energy, and the growth potential in central and western China is greater than that in eastern China. It is encouraging that increasing investment in R&D and pollution control will weaken the inhibitory effect. Of note, the inhibition effects are significantly heterogeneous and asymmetric across quantiles where capital market distortion shows a relatively weaker inhibitory effect in areas already in the late stage of industrialization. However, an interesting finding is that the negative effect of energy market distortion is the weakest in areas in the mid-industrialization stage, where government regulation should not be completely abandoned. The findings help shed important insights into the ongoing debate regarding the role of market-oriented reform in the high-quality development of the industrial sector in emerging economies.

5. Synthesis of novel hierarchical porous zeolitization ceramsite from industrial waste as efficient adsorbent for separation of ammonia nitrogen
Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 297, 15 September 2022, 121418


In this study, a green process of high temperature sintering activation + hydrothermal reaction for the synthesis of novel zeolitization ceramsite from industrial wastes was designed. The synthesis process of zeolitization ceramsite was studied by XRD, SEM and FT-IR. The adsorption process of ceramsite was described by experiments and various kinetic model and isothermal adsorption model. The results show that the optimum preparation conditions were as follows: sintering temperature at 1040 ℃, hydrothermal temperature at 160 ℃, NaOH concentration of 3 mol/L and time of 12 h. XRD and FT-IR showed that the modified ceramsite was loaded with cancrinite zeolite crystals, which was the main reason for the increase of specific surface area from 1.259 m2/g to 17.92 m2/g. Furthermore, the adsorption capacity of ammonia nitrogen increased from 2.02 mg/g to 19.9 mg/g. The adsorption mechanism of ammonia nitrogen by ceramsite was mainly ion exchange, which also accords with the structural characteristics of zeolite. The results are highly attractive for many industrial applications due to the simplicity and green of the synthesis procedure and remarkable adsorption properties.

6. A structured procedure for the selection of thermal energy storage options for utilization and conversion of industrial waste heat
Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 51, July 2022, 104411


Thermal energy storage is a key enabling technology for the recovery and valorisation of industrial waste heat. Nevertheless, there is a wide gap between the variety of heat storage options investigated and the recurrent few types virtually implemented in the industries. To take advantage of a wider spectrum of solutions, a structured procedure is proposed in this work for the selection of storage material and layout. The algorithm developed consists of a preliminary storage design followed by a performance estimation of the overall system where the heat storage is integrated. The preliminary design allows a first screening and ranking of sensible, latent or thermochemical materials using a quasi-stationary approach. The performance estimation leads to the final selection of the heat storage system, which is based on the analysis of the dynamic thermal response of the heat storage along with physically based or input-output models for the load. The algorithm is applied to improve the heat recovery of a discontinuous and fluctuating flue gas at medium temperature from a steel industry, targeting the production of process steam or electricity. The results show that the integration of a packed bed heat storage, either of the sensible or latent type, allows the highest amount of steam to be generated in the discharging. Moreover, the combination of the same heat storage with an organic Rankine cycle or the Kalina cycle results in the highest amount of generated electricity. The investment in a packed bed rock storage was found to result in payback times of about seven years, whereas tank-based storage units appear not profitable due to the high cost of the silicone oil.

7. Preferential removal of aromatics-dominated electronic industrial emissions using the integration of spray tower and photocatalysis technologies
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132706


Industrial emissions from the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs) are characterized by low concentration and high gas flow rates, and are one of the important sources of toxic and odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They are deleterious to human health and considered as important precursors for the formation of ozone. Herein, we conducted a case study in which an integrated decontamination technique consisting of a spray tower (ST) and photocatalysis (PC) was applied to purify the waste gas emitted from a PCB manufacturing facility. Total of 66 VOCs including halogenated hydrocarbons (HHs), aromatic hydrocarbons (AHs), oxygen-containing hydrocarbons (OVOCs), and aliphatic hydrocarbons (AIHs) were quantified using GC-MS during four sampling events. The results showed that AHs were the largest group (contributing >85.0% of the total VOCs). The average removal efficiency (RE) of VOCs during the nine months’ continuous treatment was 72.39%. High RE was attributed to the following three aspects: the capture efficiencies of HHs with slight water solubility (50.16% of RE) and AIHs with low saturation pressure (54.75% of RE) were improved by the process consisting of ST upstream of PC, whereas AHs was preferentially degraded by PC (61.34% of RE). In addition, the ozone formation potential and the health risk (cancer and non-cancer risks) greatly decreased after the ST-PC treatment. This study suggests that ST-PC technique is a promising approach for removing continuously emitted organic waste gas with low concentration and high gas flow rates, as well as reducing the ozone formation and risk of health hazards.

8. In-situ stabilization of potentially toxic elements in two industrial polluted soils ameliorated with rock phosphate-modified biochars
Environmental Pollution, Volume 309, 15 September 2022, 119733


The present study was aimed at determining the efficacy of rock phosphate (RP) 3% loaded in a green coconut shell, chicken manure, and vegetable waste to make green coconut-modified biochar (GMB), chicken manure modified-biochar (CMB), and vegetable waste-modified biochar (VMB) in the fixation of Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd in Sharafi goth and Malir polluted soils. The impact of RP impregnated with organic waste material to produce modified biochars (MBs) on stabilizing PTEs from polluted soils and reducing their uptake by mustard plant has not yet been thoroughly investigated. All modified BCs in 0.5, 1, and 2% doses were used to stabilize Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd in two polluted soils and to reduce their uptake by the mustard plant. The obtained results revealed that the maximum mustard fresh biomass was 17.8% higher with GMB 1% in Sharafi goth polluted soil and 25% higher with VMB 0.5% in Malir polluted soil than in the control treatment. After applying modified BCs, immobilization of Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cd was observed in both soils and it reduced the uptake of these elements by mustard plants. On the other hand, although Zn mobilization increased by 0.38% for CMB 0.5% and by 5.9% for VMB 0.5% in Sharafi goth polluted soil, as well as by 3.15% for GMB 1%, 6.34% for GMB 2%, and 4.78% for VMB 0.5% in Malir polluted soil, this was due to changes in soil pH and OM. It was found that GMB 1%, CMB 0.5%, and VMB 0.5% have the potential to increase Zn uptake by mustard, while VMB 2% can reduce the element uptake by the plant. Redundancy analysis showed that soil chemical parameters were negatively correlated with PTEs in both soils and reduced their uptake by mustard. The present study revealed that MBs can stabilize PTEs in industrial and wastewater soils polluted with multiple metals and reduce their uptake by plants.

9. Implementation and physico-chemical characterization of new alkali-modified bio-sorbents for cadmium removal from industrial discharges: Adsorption isotherms and kinetic approaches
Process Biochemistry, Volume 120, September 2022, Pages 213-226


This study consists of using for the first-time new alkali-modified natural adsorbents as underused lignocellulosic remains in a physicochemical adsorption process, to treat polluted discharges of industrial origin. Four different lignocellulosic materials were mercerized using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and tested to investigate their ability to adsorb cadmium II (Cd2+) as a toxic heavy metal ion. The physicochemical features and the performance of the bio-sorbents were evaluated by FTIR, BET, SEM, TGA, XRD and zeta potential analysis. The influence of different experimental parameters (solution pH, temperature, contact time, and Cd2+ concentration) was studied. Results showed that the treated bio-sorbents exhibited remarkable elimination from the first 25 min. Among the used lignocellulosic materials red algae (RA) exhibited the highest adsorption percentages (99.54%) at neutral pH (7) and room temperature (25 °C). Interestingly, the kinetic adsorption model (pseudo-secondary order) adequately simulates the Cd2+ adsorption behavior. Also, Langmuir model exhibited a correlation coefficient (R2) close to 1. These results demonstrated high adsorption capacities of all the lignocellulosic materials used. Accordingly, their physico-chemical characterization and application can open new perspectives for the development of high value-added materials from under-exploited lignocellulosic products.

10. Treasuring industrial sulfur by-products: A review on add-value to reductive sulfide and sulfite for contaminant removal and hydrogen production
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 438, 15 September 2022, 129462


Reductive sulfur-containing by-products (S-BPs) released from industrial process mainly exist in the simple form of sulfide and sulfite. In this study, recent advances to remove and make full use of reductive S-BPs to achieve efficient contaminant removal and hydrogen production are critically reviewed. Sulfide, serves as both reductant and nucleophile, can form intermediates with the catalyst surface functional group through chemical interaction, efficiently promoting the catalytic reduction process to remove contaminants. Sulfite assisted catalytic process could be classified to the advanced reduction processes (ARPs) and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), mainly depending on the presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the solution. During ARPs, sulfite could generate reductive active species including hydrated electron (eaq-), hydrogen radical (H·), and sulfite radical (SO3•−) under the irradiation of UV light, leading to the efficient reduction removal of a variety of contaminants. During AOPs, sulfite could first produce SO3•− under the action of the catalyst or energy, initiating a series of reactions to produce oxysulfur radicals. Various contaminants could be effectively removed under the role of these oxidizing active species. Sulfides and sulfites could also be removed along with promoting hydrogen production via photocatalytic and electrocatalytic processes. Besides, the present limitations and the prospects for future practical applications of the process with these S-BPs are proposed. Overall, this review gives a comprehensive summary and aims to provide new insights and thoughts in promoting contaminant removal and hydrogen production through taking full advantage of reductive S-BPs.

11. Feasibility study on using CO2-rich industrial waste gas replacement for shale gas exploration based on adsorption characteristics
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 443, 1 September 2022, 136386


Clean utilization of CO2-rich industrial waste gas (CO2-rich IWG) is of great significance to realize carbon neutralization. Due to the strong adsorption capacity of clay and organic matter in shale to CO2, it has a good potential for CO2-rich IWG storage and replacement. So, the feasibility of using CO2-rich IWG replacement for shale gas exploration from the perspective of adsorption was studied. A shale composite model was constructed based on the adsorption experiments, and the molecular simulation results were fitted with experiments for the model reliability. Then, the slit models of different minerals were constructed to study the adsorption mechanisms. Finally, the competitive adsorption mechanisms of different components with CH4 were revealed. The results show that the overall adsorption capacity on shale minerals are ranked as HF > CO2 > SO2 > H2S > NO2 > CH4 > CO;Hydrogen bond and electrostatic force are the main adsorption modes of HF, and electrostatic force between negatively charged atoms of gas molecule and mineral surface is the main adsorption modes of CO2, SO2 and H2S. That of NO2, CH4 and CO is the weak van der Waals force. In the competition with CH4, the absolute adsorption capacity of gas decreases, but the relative adsorption capacity increases. The relative adsorption capacities of HF, CO2, H2S and SO2 increase by 35, 26, 15 and 12 times, respectively. During competitive adsorption, negatively charged atoms in HF, CO2, H2S and SO2 are more likely to bind with free cations on the surface of illite and smectite, and generate electrostatic repulsion for C atoms in CH4, leading to the weakening or even disappearance of CH4 adsorption capacity.

12. Elucidation the influence of design variables on coagulation–flocculation mechanisms in the lab-scale bio-coagulation on toxic industrial effluent treatment
Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part B, September 2022, 113224


Bio-coagulants are environmentally friendly substances that have shown potential in removing organic and inorganic contaminants from wastewater from the Imitation Paint Industry. Under the optimized conditions, the use of the three bio-coagulants (of plant origin), Strychnos potatorum, Cactus opuntia and Portunus sanguinolentus (crab) shell (of animal origin) were evaluated, and their removal mechanism was based on kinetic models and adsorption isotherms. The error analysis method was used to find the best isotherm fit. In addition, the kinetic model parameters showed the absence of chemisorption and confirmed the existence of pore diffusion. The interaction between coagulant and pollutant, the type, homogeneity and intensity of the coagulation process, the pollutant absorption capacity of the coagulant were evaluated with the aid of the adsorption isotherm models. From the Pseudo first-order kinetic model an equilibrium pollutant uptake (mg/g) was marked as 598, 554 and 597 for Strychnos potatorum, Cactus opuntia and Portunus sanguinolentus respectively. The better affinity between the pollutants and the bio coagulants were observed through the lower values of Langmuir isotherm constant kL. The adsorption intensity from Freundlich model (nF) were ranged between 1 and 10 for all the listed coagulants, which revealed the physisorption behavior and heterogeneous mechanism of removal. With these results, it would be possible to conduct scale-up studies to adopt the process for practical systems.

13. Spatial agglomeration of high-pollution factories and PM2.5 pollution: Evidence from prefecture-level cities in China from 1998 to 2013
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 366, 15 September 2022, 132904


Although many studies have focused on the effects of industrial agglomeration on environmental pollution, their conclusions have differed. In addition, few studies have measured the industrial agglomeration from the perspective of the spatial distribution of factories and explored its effect on the environment. Using the Factory Scatter Index, this paper explored the effects of the spatial agglomeration of high-pollution factories on PM2.5 pollution in China from 1998 to 2013. The spatial distribution of high-pollution factories showed that there is an increasingly scattered spatial distribution of the high-pollution factories in 1998–2013, and the fastest growth in the number of factories was mainly at the administrative junctions of provinces and cities. The empirical analysis of the spatial panel model shows that the spatial agglomeration of high-pollution factories in China aggravated PM2.5 pollution, while the negative impact was reduced or even absent in Eastern China and urban agglomerations due to the higher level of economic development and effective management. The results of this paper may help local governments better understand the impact of industrial agglomeration on environmental pollution, and emphasize that governments need to strengthen the supervision and management while promoting the spatial agglomeration of high-pollution factories.

14. The advantages of co-digestion of vegetable oil industry by-products and sewage sludge: Biogas production potential, kinetic analysis and digestate valorisation
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 318, 15 September 2022, 115566


The production of edible vegetable oils generates considerable amounts of energy-rich waste, which is usually not utilised fully. Besides, inefficient management of such wastes can have a negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, this waste can also serve as a raw material for the production of high value-added products, such is biogas. The mono-digestion of seven different by-products and wastes from the vegetable oil industry was investigated in this study: Pumpkin seeds press cake (PSPC), grape seeds press cake (GSPC), olive mill pomace (OMP), coconut oil cake (CC), filtration additive (FA), spent bleaching earth (SBE) and sludge from a vegetable oil industry (SOI) wastewater treatment plant. In addition, co-digestion of these substrates was performed with municipal sewage sludge (SS). Besides inoculum, rumen fluid was added to the reactors to enhance biogas production. The biogas production potential of the tested substrates was monitored by measuring various parameters. A kinetic analysis was later carried out and a growth test was performed on the digestates to evaluate their potential for agricultural use.

The highest biogas yields in the mono-digestion test were obtained with the substrates with the highest fat content: 1402, 1288, 830 and 750 mL of biogas/gVS for SOI, FA, PSPC and CC substrate, respectively. Co-digestion of SS with by-products of vegetable oil industry such as FA, SBE, CC, SOI and PSPC increased the biogas yields by 94.9%, 74.1%, 30.8%, 27.4% and 23.6% compared to SS mono-digestion. Furthermore, the data for mono-digestion of PSPC, GSPC, and FA, and co-digestion of SS with these substrates, CC and SBE, have not been found in the literature to date. The maximum methane content ranged from 61 to 74 vol%, while the chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency ranged from 42 to 78%. Relatively high fatty acids contents and ammonium concentrations were measured in the reactors. Kinetic analysis showed the best fit to the experimental data for the Cone kinetic model (R2 > 0.98). The First order kinetic model, Monod, and the modified Gompertz model also exhibited high R2 values. The digestates obtained from co-digestion proved to be excellent in the cress seeds growth test at digestate concentrations of 5–10 wt%, while higher concentrations had a toxic effect.

15. Color removal from secondary treated pulp & paper industry effluent using waste driven Fe–TiO2 composite
Chemosphere, Volume 303, Part 3, September 2022, 135143


In the present study, the concurrent fixed-bed dual technology (photocatalysis and photo-Fenton) was performed as a polishing step for the color removal of tertiary treated agro-based paper & pulp industry effluent. For this purpose, the cheap and visibly dynamic Fe–TiO2 composite was prepared using industrial waste materials which also promoted the idea of the circular economy. The effectiveness of the prepared composite and the dual process was evaluated in terms of color removal efficiency and rate constant along with optimizing the process factors. Various kinetic models namely Log-linear, Weibull, and Biphasic with shoulder were used for the comparative study of three different processes i.e. photocatalysis, photo-Fenton, and dual process. Several parameters such as pH (4.5), % surface area covered (100%), and H2O2 dose (525 mgL−1) were optimized which gave the best output using dual-process i.e. 91.6% of color reduction along with good R2 values i.e. 0.874, 0.981 and, 0.998 for Log-linear, Weibull and, Biphasic with Shoulder model respectively. The proposed composite was durable enough to retain its dual catalytic ability with minor activity reduction of 5–10% even after 50 recycles. Thus, this innovative technology with the dual effect of photocatalysis and photo-Fenton can be a potential bet as a tertiary treatment option in the existing industrial wastewater treatment system for removing color from the final treated effluent.

16. Living proximity to petrochemical industries and the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children
Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part A, September 2022, 113128


Evidence regarding the negative neurodevelopmental effects of compound exposure to petrochemicals remains limited. We aimed to evaluate the association between exposure to petrochemical facilities and generated emissions during early life and the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) development in children. We conducted a population-based birth cohort study using the 2004 to 2014 Taiwanese Birth Certificate Database and verified diagnoses of ADHD using the National Health Insurance Database. The level of petrochemical exposure in each participant's residential township was evaluated using the following 3 measurements: distance to the nearest petrochemical industrial plant (PIP), petrochemical exposure probability (accounting for monthly prevailing wind measurements), and monthly benzene concentrations estimated using kriging-based land-use regression models. We applied Cox proportional hazard models to evaluate the association. During the study period, 48,854 out of 1,863,963 children were diagnosed as having ADHD. The results revealed that residents of townships in close proximity to PIPs (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.20, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16–1.23, <3 vs. ≥10 km), highly affected by petrochemical-containing prevailing winds (HR = 1.12, 95% CI: 1.08–1.16, ≥40% vs. <10%), and with high benzene concentrations (HR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.23–1.29, ≥0.75 vs. <0.55 ppb) were consistently associated with the increased risk of ADHD development in children. The findings of the sensitivity analysis remained robust, particularly for the 2004 to 2009 birth cohort and for models accounting for a longer duration of postnatal exposure. This work provided clear evidence that living near petrochemical plants increases the risk of ADHD development in children. Further studies are warranted to confirm our findings.

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Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 35-2024.

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 34-2024.

Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 33-2024.

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