Công bố Quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 12-2022 sẽ có 16 bài nghiên cứu về quản lý môi trường, 17 bài về môi trường đô thị và 15 bài về môi trường khu công nghiệp. Đặc biệt trong số 17 bài nghiên cứu về quản lý môi trường có bài nghiên cứu với chủ đề "Đánh giá định lượng các nguy cơ ô nhiễm kim loại nặng trong nước rỉ rác trong quá trình lên men trước khi đốt chất thải rắn đô thị” đã được chia sẻ trên tạp chí khoa học Journal of Cleaner Production, Số 335, ngày 10/2/2022.
Ảnh minh hoạ. ITN
Trong phần tóm tắt nghiên cứu, các tác giả cho biết: Chất thải rắn sinh hoạt (CTRSH) đô thị tạo ra nước rỉ rác trong quá trình lên men trước khi đốt. Nếu các kim loại nặng có trong CTRSH không được xử lý đúng cách, sẽ ảnh hưởng đến hiệu quả đốt CTRSH, đồng thời tạo ra ô nhiễm nghiêm trọng, làm phát sinh thêm chi phí môi trường và ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe. Việc đánh giá định lượng các nguy cơ ô nhiễm của kim loại nặng và ước tính chi phí môi trường như vậy chưa được trình bày trong các tài liệu hiện có.
Để tiến hành nghiên cứu, các nhà khoa học đã sử dụng phương pháp hàm logistic để đánh giá mức độ ô nhiễm do các kim loại nặng như Hg, Pb, Cd, As và Cr gây ra trong nước rỉ rác được tạo ra bởi quá trình lên men trước khi đốt CTRSH tại nhà máy đốt CTRSH Jiangqiao ở Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc và ước tính chi phí môi trường tương ứng.
Kết quả của nghiên cứu điển hình cho thấy tỷ lệ nguy cơ ô nhiễm đơn lẻ trung bình của Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr lần lượt là 1,53%, 1,35%,0,42%, 0,42%, 0,23% và tỷ lệ nguy cơ ô nhiễm toàn diện là 3,9%. Chi phí môi trường do kim loại nặng trong nước rỉ rác gây ra trong quá trình lên men trước khi đốt CTRSH trung bình mất 0,03 USD/tấn. Xem xét mối nguy hiểm của kim loại nặng trong nước rỉ rác đối với môi trường nước và chi phí môi trường có thể gây ra cho Thượng Hải lên tới 9919 - 17550 USD mỗi năm. Nghiên cứu này là cung cấp thông tin có ý nghĩa và quan trọng cho các nhà hoạch định chính sách về xử lý CTRSH.
Dưới đây là Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 12-2022 với những nội dung chính như sau:
Về quản lý môi trường
- Nền kinh tế vòng tròn thông minh với nước - Hình thành khái niệm, các công cụ chính sách chuyển tiếp và nhận thức của các bên liên quan.
- Đất công nghiệp có ảnh hưởng lớn đến năng suất đất không? Một nghiên cứu điển hình về các khu công nghiệp của Hàn Quốc.
- Phân tích lượng khí thải carbon và cách tiếp cận giảm thiểu sản xuất magie ở Trung Quốc.
- Tác động của phát triển thị trường vốn chủ sở hữu đối với tiêu thụ năng lượng tái tạo: Vai trò của FDI, độ mở thương mại và tăng trưởng kinh tế có quan trọng trong các nền kinh tế châu Á không?
- Đánh giá tác động kinh tế và môi trường của quy định môi trường ở Trung Quốc: Các quan điểm động và không gian.
- Giải mã quản trị thích ứng với khí hậu: Góc nhìn công nghệ xã hội của các sân bay Hoa Kỳ.
- Đánh giá toàn diện các tác động môi trường hiện có của các tòa nhà bằng cách sử dụng các yếu tố tác động môi trường chuẩn hóa.
- Giảm phát thải carbon trong nông nghiệp và các yếu tố thay đổi đằng sau tăng trưởng hiệu quả sinh thái nông nghiệp ở Trung Quốc.
- Một cách tiếp cận không gian địa lý để giải quyết các vấn đề quản lý chất thải rắn dài hạn: Khai thác giá trị từ chất thải.
Về môi trường đô thị
- Phát hiện SARS-CoV-2 trong nước mưa đô thị: Một hồ chứa môi trường và giao diện tiềm năng giữa nguồn người và động vật.
- So sánh kết tủa và các phương pháp thu hồi SARS-CoV-2 dựa trên lọc và ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ, độ đục và tải lượng chất hoạt động bề mặt trong nước thải đô thị.
- Tác động của đô thị hóa đến mối quan hệ lương thực - nước - đất - hệ sinh thái: Một nghiên cứu về Thâm Quyến, Trung Quốc.
- Dược phẩm trong nước và trầm tích của các dòng suối nhỏ dưới áp lực của đô thị hóa: Nồng độ, tương tác và rủi ro.
- Lựa chọn chất oxy hóa thân thiện với môi trường nhất để phân hủy UVC của các chất vi lượng trong nước thải đô thị bằng cách đánh giá tác động của vòng đời: Hydrogen peroxide, peroxymonosulfate hay persulfate?
- Dự đoán chì tiếp cận sinh học trong đất đô thị và ngoại ô bằng quang phổ phản xạ khuếch tán Vis-NIR.
- Đặc điểm ô nhiễm, đánh giá mức độ phơi nhiễm và khả năng gây độc cho tim của benzotriazole liên kết với PM2.5 và các dẫn xuất của nó ở các thành phố điển hình của Trung Quốc.
- Các mô hình không gian và sự thiếu công bằng trong khả năng tiếp cận không gian xanh đô thị và mối quan hệ của nó với sự mở rộng không gian đô thị ở Trung Quốc trong thời kỳ đô thị hóa nhanh chóng.
- Hiệu suất hoạt động của bộ lọc sinh học lõi ngô / mùn cưa kết hợp với pin nhiên liệu vi sinh xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt.
- Đánh giá định lượng các nguy cơ ô nhiễm kim loại nặng trong nước rỉ rác trong quá trình lên men trước khi đốt chất thải rắn đô thị.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
- Xử lý nước thải công nghiệp bán dẫn với ứng dụng của màng gốm và màng polyme.
- Chuyển hóa chất thải công nghiệp và chất thải hữu cơ thành than hoạt tính pha tạp titan - cellulose nanocompozit để loại bỏ nhanh chóng các chất ô nhiễm hữu cơ.
- Sự biến đổi và số phận của thallium và kim loại đi kèm trong đất trồng lúa và lúa: Một nghiên cứu điển hình từ một khu công nghiệp quy mô lớn ở Trung Quốc.
- Mô hình quy trình tích hợp đầu nguồn để đánh giá các nguồn thủy ngân, vận chuyển và các kịch bản xử lý trong tương lai tại một địa điểm bị ô nhiễm công nghiệp.
- Khi điện hóa vi sinh gặp UV: Khả năng áp dụng cho nước thải công nghiệp dược phẩm thực có cường độ cao.
- Các yếu tố nguy cơ ALS: Chất thải hóa học trong không khí công nghiệp.
- Tiến bộ gần đây trong pin nhiên liệu vi sinh để xử lý nước thải công nghiệp và tạo ra năng lượng: Các nguyên tắc cơ bản để mở rộng quy mô ứng dụng và những thách thức.
- Tăng cường quá trình phân hủy kỵ khí trong nước thải công nghiệp dược phẩm với việc bổ sung hỗn hợp sắt không hóa trị (ZVI) và than hoạt tính dạng hạt (GAC).
- Tăng cường khai thác các ngành công nghiệp: Các quy trình tách màng tích hợp và kết hợp áp dụng cho nước thải công nghiệp ngoài quá trình xử lý để thải bỏ.
- Giảm COD hoàn toàn đồng bộ đối với nước thải hữu cơ công nghiệp-hóa chất khó phân hủy bằng cách sử dụng hệ thống xử lý tích hợp.
Sau đây là tên và phần tóm tắt các bài nghiên cứu bằng tiếng Anh:
1. Evaluating and optimizing the cold energy efficiency of power generation and wastewater treatment in LNG-fired power plant based on data-driven approach
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130149
Energy shortage, greenhouse effect and environmental pollution are the three major crises faced by mankind. How to solve these three problems effectively has become the focus of all countries. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative LNG cold energy utilization method that can simultaneously alleviate these three problems. This method includes an improved structure of the organic Rankine cycle, CO2 capture cycle and supercritical CO2 extraction of wastewater. In addition, automated machine learning based on data-driven approach is effectively used for modeling the wastewater extraction. Then, after verifying the accuracy of the proposed model, some parameters have great influence on the system performance. For instance, the temperature of supercritical CO2 and working fluid water affect the local exergy efficiency and their regression coefficients are −0.29%/°C and 0.13%/°C, respectively. These parameters in wastewater extraction process are studied. Finally, under the optimization of genetic algorithm, the maximum wastewater treatment can reach 62.7 t/h increasing by 14.0%, and the LNG cold energy generation can reach 110.1 kWh/tLNG with an increase of 28.9%, while the exergy efficiency of the system is 50.4% increasing by 24.1%. Thus, organic Rankine cycle power generation, carbon capture and wastewater treatment play the roles of energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection. At the same time, the results are compared with those of other scholars to verify the superiority of the proposed scheme.
2. Water-smart circular economy - Conceptualisation, transitional policy instruments and stakeholder perception
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130065
The Circular Economy (CE) is a concept that has gained considerable global attention during the past decade amongst private and public sector actors, politicians and policymakers, citizens and media, and scientific communities. Water and water-related ecosystems, despite their vital role in practically all human activities, have been largely missing from conceptualisations and scientific definitions of the CE. Therefore, this paper presents a definition and concept for a water-smart CE that incorporates water and water-related ecosystems. A water-smart CE would (i) reduce losses of water, energy and valuable substances, (ii) improve water efficiency and productivity, (iii) reuse treated wastewater, and (iv) better protect and lessen pressure upon water-related (both aquatic and groundwater) ecosystems. The paper also touches upon the potential risks of the CE to water-related ecosystems. Policy instruments that could be used to promote a transition towards a water-smart CE in Finland – the setting of the present study – and beyond were also sought. Additionally, actors who provide and/or use water-smart CE solutions were interviewed to shed light on their perceptions about the drivers of, barriers to and potential policy instruments for promoting a transition towards a water-smart CE. Based on the analyses of policy instruments and stakeholder interviews, a mixed use of economic, regulatory and informative instruments is suggested to support the desired transition towards a water-smart CE in Finland and elsewhere.
3. Does industrial land sprawl matter in land productivity? A case study of industrial parks of South Korea
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130209
Despite an enormous amount of research on the urban sprawl of residential and commercial land uses, little attention has been paid to the negative effects of the sprawl of industrial land development. Furthermore, there is increasing interest in industrial land productivity or efficiency of land use, which is emphasized in terms of preventing sprawl, but so far, there is no clear evidence about the "sprawl–land productivity” relationship.
This study aims to understand whether and how industrial park sprawl is associated with land productivity, paying a special attention to a locational factor represented by the "sprawl index.” For methodology, we applied annual sprawl index for 697 industrial parks in South Korea from 2011 to 2020 using a modified gravity model, and conducted a panel regression model to estimate main factors affecting the land productivity of industrial parks. We also conducted specific panel regression models to examine how the influencing factors of land productivity vary by types of industrial parks.
The results of the panel regression models indicate that industrial land developments with sprawled locations are negatively associated with land productivity, regardless of the types of industrial park. We also find that the age of industrial park, the designated area, industrial compositions, land sales rate, large metro cities, and the Seoul metropolitan area are positively associated with land productivity, while the number of firms in an industrial park and the distance to transportation services are negatively associated. The study provides a strong basis for improving land use policies to promote land productivity by preventing future sprawl of industrial lands and by facilitating sustainable and regenerative use of the existing industrial parks.
4. Analysis of carbon footprint and reduction approach of magnesia production in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130194
China shares 13.15% and 69.23% of the global magnesite reserves and production respectively. Magnesia is an important connecting link between magnesite and refractory. It is approximately over 80% of magnesite industry that the carbon emitted from magnesia production is directly caused by carbonate decomposition and fossil fuel combustion. Therefore, the study of carbon footprint in magnesia production is valuable for carbon reduction. However, the researches on carbon reduction in magnesia production are rare. In this paper, the carbon footprint method is employed to quantitatively investigate the carbon reduction capacity in magnesia production under the influence of product structure, production process and equipment, and energy source structure. The results show that, for different magnesia, the carbon footprints are 3.937–4.804 kgCO2-eq/kg of fused magnesia, 2.151–3.064 kgCO2-eq/kg of sinter magnesia and 1.440–2.221 kgCO2-eq/kg of light calcinated magnesia at present, respectively. Moreover, for improvement of production process and equipment, the carbon footprint of flash calcinator is 0.489–1.218 kgCO2-eq/kg lower than that of reverberatory furnace for light calcinated magnesia. Similarly, the application of a high-power electricity arc furnace decreases the carbon footprint by 0.763–3.506 kgCO2-eq/kg of fused magnesia. Furthermore, for energy source replacement, the introduction of nuclear power has a carbon reduction capacity of 0.334–2.058 kgCO2-eq/kg-magnesia compared with coal-fired power. It will be 0.473–3.172 kgCO2-eq/kg-magnesia when hydrogen is employed as fuel compared with natural gas and producer gas. Finally, the combination of nuclear power, hydrogen and the carbon capture system will further pull the carbon footprint down to 0.244–0.767 kgCO2-eq/kg-magnesia.
5. Impact of equity market development on renewable energy consumption: Do the role of FDI, trade openness and economic growth matter in Asian economies?
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130244
Using the panel dataset of 16 Asian economies for the period 1990 to 2019, we examine the impact of equity market development on the consumption of renewable energy by endogenizing foreign direct investment (FDI), trade openness and economic growth. The novel techniques of panel quantile regression (PQR) developed by Canay (2011), Powell (2015 and 2016) and Machado and Silva (2018) are employed to obtain robust findings for the equity market-renewable energy nexus. Interestingly, our numerical outcomes explain the insignificant impact of equity markets on renewable energy consumption in Asian region. The findings further describe that expansion in trade activities and enhancement in economic growth can significantly reduce the consumption of energy through technical effect. In addition, PQR results reveal that equity market development encourages renewable energy projects at high (0.70) quantile group of countries where equity markets are relatively more developed. FDI encourages the consumption of renewable energy through the promotion of investment activities at lower group of Asian countries where capital is relatively scarce. Given these evidences, our research offers significant value to empirical literature and also provides important suggestions for policy formulations.
6. Assessing the economic and environmental effects of environmental regulation in China: The dynamic and spatial perspectives
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130256
The implementation of environmental regulation needs to consider not only pollution control but also its impact on economic growth. Using the provincial panel data in China from 2000 to 2017, this paper constructs dynamic spatial panel models and employs system GMM approach to evaluate the nonlinear and spatial effects of environmental regulation on economic growth and CO2 emissions, respectively. The results suggest that, first, environmental regulation presents a significant "N”-shaped effect on economic growth and an inverted "N” effect on CO2 emissions at the national level and in the eastern and central regions; while the effects are both"N”-shaped in the western region. Second, environmental regulation presents significant spatial effects on economic growth and CO2 emissions. The enhancement of regional environmental regulation helps the economic growth and CO2 emissions reduction in neighboring provinces at the national level and in the eastern and central regions, however, the spatial effects are opposite in the western provinces, proving the co-exists of "race to the top” and "race to the bottom” strategies of environmental regulation competition among China's regions. Third, the effects of environmental regulation on economic growth and CO2 emissions are affected by FDI, and the moderating effect of FDI is regional heterogenous.
7. Decoding climate adaptation governance: A sociotechnical perspective of U.S. airports
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130118
Inadequate governance is considered a major barrier for implementing policy, particularly those concerning global and complex challenges such as climate change adaptation. Literature in adaptation policy point to the lack of methods that monitor and assess how decision-making takes place and by whom. Based on a review of over 200 policy documents, this article benchmarks for the first time, the current airport climate adaptation regime in the United States and applies a sociotechnical system framework to scrutinize institutional capacity to address climate change impacts. An innovative policy review system is designed to decode how airport policies create conditions to use climate data as decision-relevant information and produce adaptation actions. Potential climate-cognizant policies are identified and characterized based on their target, timescale, and governance mode. Review results show that the assumption of climate stationarity is widespread. However, there is high potential for technical and, especially, organizational airport policies to incorporate climate science and adaptation pathways. Results also uncover governance barriers related to institutional path-dependence that include: (1) conflicting rationales between adaptation and reliability values, and (2) overpowering technical policies and market governance. These barriers perpetuate scale-mismatch between airport policies and expected impacts from climate change. Finally, we highlight the latent capacity for collaborative governance to advance adaptation regimes in airports and other multiscalar complex infrastructure systems. Our proposed methods and review results identify pathways to enhance institutional capacity for designing and operationalizing transformative adaptation policies.
8. Comprehensive assessment of embodied environmental impacts of buildings using normalized environmental impact factors
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130083
Buildings are responsible for many environmental issues during construction. Although many studies have evaluated buildings' life cycle embodied environmental impacts (LCEEI), the difference in units usually results in isolation and separation of impact assessments. Assessment results of different indicators and environmental issues often cannot be compared with each other. This paper proposed a building LCEEI evaluation approach by integrating building information modeling (BIM) and life cycle assessment (LCA). In the proposed approach, 24 environmental impact factors (EIFs) from the cradle to the grave are firstly calculated and then linked to 10 building-related environmental issues. The comprehensive assessment of embodied environmental impacts is conducted with a three-step normalization process, including characterization, nondimensionalization, and quantitation. A reinforced concrete structure building is selected as a case to demonstrate the proposed approach. The case indicates that mineral resource consumption, timber consumption, and fossil fuel consumption contribute the top 3 largest proportions (over 80%) to the LCEEI of reinforced concrete structure buildings. The material production stage is the most crucial stage to improve a building's environmental performance. Concrete, steel, and timber are the top 3 materials generating the most EIF. The study enriches the knowledge of sustainable construction by proposing a BIM-LCA integration approach to comprehensively evaluate the LCEEI of buildings at the design stage.
9. A MILP-based operational decision-making methodology for demand-side management applied to desalinated water supply systems supported by a solar photovoltaic plant: A case study in agricultural industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130123
In the field of water management, desalination industry has faced various economic and environmental challenges. Renewable energies and the incorporation of operational strategies such as demand-side management have been able to contribute with the aim of facing them. Nonetheless, it is necessary to continue studying demand-side management for water supply systems emphasising it as a strategic tool to make operational decisions. This article presents a methodology based on a novel Mixed-Integer Linear Programming model in order to program the operation of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant with one pumping station for a desertic remote agricultural zone, in accordance with the principles of demand-side management. A photovoltaic solar plant connected to the grid is considered as a renewable energy source. The mathematical model aims to establish the optimal hourly operating load of the system that minimises the daily margin of purchased electricity costs minus sales income of generated electricity. The case study where the methodology is tested is an agricultural area in Northern Chile. The proposed methodology in this paper establishes the basis for future research and industrial applications, considering that it can be generalised to other geographical situations, as well as being modifiable to be adapted for more complex water supply systems and/or other renewable energy sources.
10. Agriculture carbon-emission reduction and changing factors behind agricultural eco-efficiency growth in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130193
Reducing agricultural carbon emissions (ACE) plays a valuable role in China's overall carbon-emission-reduction plan. Using provincial data from 2001 to 2018, this work explores the dynamics of ACE and agricultural eco-efficiency (AEE) in China and the driving factors of AEE growth by DEA–Malmquist–Luenberger and panel data analyses. A previously unexplored aspect is investigated on the different mechanism of AEE growth among three types of agricultural areas. The findings suggest that the trend of ACE shifted from increasing to continuously decreasing after 2015 at the national level, mainly based on the contribution of major grain-producing areas. The results also imply that the AEE growth mechanism changed after 2010, mainly owing to technological progress. The improvement of agricultural infrastructure and human capital positively contributed to AEE growth, whereas public investment in agricultural R&D and agricultural industrial structure undermined it. Hence, green-oriented policies targeted at regional heterogeneity and agricultural public investments are needed for ACE reduction and AEE growth at the same time.
11. A geospatial approach for addressing long-term solid waste management issues: Extracting value from waste
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130282
Mauritius faces significant solid waste management challenges owing to its growing population, limited waste management infrastructures, and increasingly limited land space. Selection of new solid waste management sites is currently limited by a siloed approach, where previous geospatial studies have focused on identifying new suitable landfill sites rather than taking a holistic approach to identify different solid waste management options. Recognising the limitations of space and resources on Mauritius as a closed-loop system, a multi-criteria model incorporating socio-technical, economic, environmental, legal, and climatological factors is implemented to identify propitious sites for the construction of a combined landfill and composting facility equipped with an LFG recovery system at Melrose, and an incineration plant near Seizieme Mille. About 128.0 GWh, representing 4% of the electricity requirement of the country may be met from the incineration facility while the landfill gas recovery system has a technical potential of 67 GWh, representing 2% of the national electricity requirement, using equivalent solid waste streams. The profitability of generating electricity from waste-to-energy facilities, attributed to the lower marginal costs of incineration ($70/MWh) and landfill gas ($119/MWh) as compared to fossil fuels has the potential to spawn long-term environmental benefits, which stems from the avoided emissions due to the reduction in fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation. Emphasis laid on material recovery through the composting of organic wastes to dampen synthetic fertilizer use, and the recycling of certain solid waste categories would ensure a more sustainable and liveable society based on the principle of extracting value from wastes.
12. Multi-objective optimization for sustainable road network maintenance under traffic equilibrium: Incorporating costs and environmental impacts
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130103
It is vital to consider traffic dynamics and environmental burdens when developing sustainable long-term maintenance schedules for asphalt road networks. This paper presents a multi-objective optimization model incorporating the interactions between pavement condition and traffic dynamics to identify a wide range of optimal solutions for the planning of multi-year road network maintenance. The multi-objective optimization model integrates three elements: agency costs, user costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA II) with a mixed initial population is proposed to search for the well-distributed Pareto frontier, to assist decision-makers to conduct trade-off analysis. A hypothetical road network maintenance case study was conducted to test the method. Compared with conventional NSGA II, the proposed method identifies more candidate solutions for the three-objective optimization problem. Trade-off analysis was carried out among the three objectives in both two and three dimensions. The results show that the proposed method generates effective maintenance schedules that minimize user costs and GHG emissions in an equilibrated network. In addition, the minimum total emissions resulting from maintenance and vehicles depend on the sensitivity of pavement deterioration to traffic loading.
13. Proposal of a novel reference system for the green product development process (GPDP)
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 334, 1 February 2022, 130266
This study aimed to investigate the alignment between environmental sustainability and the product development process of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises that operate in Southern Brazil, as well as to propose a system to assist the execution of a green product development process. To that end, an exploratory research was carried out in two steps: (i) narrative bibliographic review and (ii) a field research. The (i) bibliographic review was conducted in the "Web of Science” and "Scopus” databases.
The (ii) field research was executed with managers of 18 industries of different segments. Regarding the theoretical research, results show the state-of-the-art in academic research on product development process and sustainability practices, which provided support for the design of the data collection instrument and for the reference system suggested at the end of the work. As to the field research, results show that the sampled organizations understand the need for product and process environmental sustainability and they define internal drivers for the adoption of adequate practices, adapting such practices to the regulatory pressures and to market demands. Nevertheless, environmental matters do not comprise a dominant topic on product development. In this sense, we propose a reference model that aims to support companies to strategically align environmental aspects to the product development process. Although literature describes specific reference models, the need for a new system is justified since previous models presented specificities, lacked both post development assessment phases and introductory phases of product planning before the conceptual design. Therefore, the reference system proposed present phases that precede the development process (Sustainability-Oriented Organizational Strategic Planning; Portfolio Strategic Planning; and Project Strategic Planning), followed by the development phases (Operational Planning of the Product; Production Preparation; and Product's Launch Plan), and one post-development phase (Market Follow-Up of the Product). Future studies can apply the model in real cases through the action research method.
14. Sustainable development goals (SDGs) reporting and the role of country-level institutional factors: An international evidence
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 335, 10 February 2022, 130290
The study investigates the extent, progress and level of improvement over time of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting by companies worldwide. It also examines whether SDG reporting differs due to country-level institutional factors. Using a sample of 6942 company-year observations in thirty (30) countries from 2016 to 2019, the study utilises 17 SDGs indicators developed by the United Nations (UN) as its SDGs reporting index. The findings indicate that, despite little company-level SDG reporting in 2016, the trend has gradually moved upward over the sample period. We also find that SDGs reporting differs for companies in countries with sustainability regulation and better SDGs performance ratings. Contrary to our expectations, higher SDG reporting was found for companies in shareholder-oriented countries than in stakeholder-oriented countries. Furthermore, we find that companies in developing countries did higher company-level SDGs reporting than those in developed countries. The findings of this study have important implications, given that SDG reporting attracts global attention in recent times.
15. Additive manufacturing of recycled plastics: Strategies towards a more sustainable future
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 335, 10 February 2022, 130236
Materials recycling and additive manufacturing (AM) present challenges and great opportunities in plastic industries. The rapid developments in AM are transforming the manufacturing industry. Reducing CO2 emissions, saving cost, and escaping from landfill are the decisive factors in this transformation.
In this study, to mitigate any risk caused by production speed and scaling and accelerate shift towards a more localized recycling and manufacturing of plastic parts and components, a collection-recycling-manufacturing (CRM) model is built to envision the evaluation of process flow as well as process integration.
The novelty of the CRM model enables optimization between recycling facilities and transportation distance calculation. It further strengthens a seamless integration between recycling and AM processes and envisions the areas that need enhancements. The study reveals that AM creates opportunities such as prototyping, customizing, transportation cost reduction, and creation of jobs in rural areas, which may stop unnecessary immigration; and, most importantly, reducing CO2 emissions and plastic waste despite challenges such as skills requirement and disadvantages in speed and scale production.
With a combination of recycling and AM, sustainable manufacturing can be achieved effectively, although several conditions must be met and obstacles must be overcome. A few innovations are further proposed in this study to streamline the transformation and to support the "cradle-to-cradle’’ approach towards "zero waste” for a sustainable future.
16. Does economic agglomeration affect haze pollution? Evidence from China's Yellow River basin
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 335, 10 February 2022, 130271
Economic agglomeration is an important driving force for China's economic growth and the transformation of its industrial structure. However, whether economic agglomeration is accompanied by haze pollution is a major concern for environmental managers and policymakers. As one of the most significant ecological barriers and major economic zones, China's Yellow River basin faces severe air pollution. Hence, taking energy consumption as an input factor and haze pollution as an undesirable output in an output density model, this study investigates, both theoretically and empirically, the transmission mechanisms among economic agglomeration, labor productivity, and haze pollution. We construct a spatial Durbin model to verify the explanatory power of our theoretical model based on panel data for 74 cities in China's Yellow River basin during 2005–2016. Economic agglomeration's effect on haze pollution is further tested using a mediating effect model and the instrumental variable method. The results show that there is an N-shaped relationship between economic agglomeration and haze pollution and a U-shaped relationship between labor productivity and haze pollution. Labor productivity is an important mediator in economic agglomeration's effect on haze pollution. Haze pollution not only has path dependence in the time dimension but also has a significant spillover effect in the spatial dimension. Therefore, we propose actively cultivating urban agglomeration in the Yellow River basin, enhancing the degree of economic agglomeration, and improving regional haze pollution prevention and control mechanisms.
1. A nationwide study of air pollution from particulate matter and daily hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in Italy
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 807, Part 3, 10 February 2022, 151034
The relationship between air pollution and respiratory morbidity has been widely addressed in urban and metropolitan areas but little is known about the effects in non-urban settings. Our aim was to assess the short-term effects of PM10 and PM2.5 on respiratory admissions in the whole country of Italy during 2006–2015.
We estimated daily PM concentrations at the municipality level using satellite data and spatiotemporal predictors. We collected daily counts of respiratory hospital admissions for each Italian municipality. We considered five different outcomes: all respiratory diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lower and upper respiratory tract infections (LRTI and URTI). Meta-analysis of province-specific estimates obtained by time-series models, adjusting for temperature, humidity and other confounders, was applied to extrapolate national estimates for each outcome. At last, we tested for effect modification by sex, age, period, and urbanization score. Analyses for PM2.5 were restricted to 2013–2015 cause the goodness of fit of exposure estimation.
A total of 4,154,887 respiratory admission were registered during 2006–2015, of which 29% for LRTI, 12% for COPD, 6% for URTI, and 3% for asthma. Daily mean PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations over the study period were 23.3 and 17 μg/m3, respectively. For each 10 μg/m3 increases in PM10 and PM2.5 at lag 0–5 days, we found excess risks of total respiratory diseases equal to 1.20% (95% confidence intervals, 0.92, 1.49) and 1.22% (0.76, 1.68), respectively. The effects for the specific diseases were similar, with the strongest ones for asthma and COPD. Higher effects were found in the elderly and in less urbanized areas.
Short-term exposure to PM is harmful for the respiratory system throughout an entire country, especially in elderly patients. Strong effects can be found also in less urbanized areas.
2. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban stormwater: An environmental reservoir and potential interface between human and animal sources
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 807, Part 3, 10 February 2022, 151046
While wastewater has been found to harbor SARS-CoV-2, the persistence of SARSCoV-2 in stormwater and potential transmission is poorly understood. It is plausible that the virus is detectable in stormwater samples where human-originated fecal contamination may have occurred from sources like sanitary sewer overflows, leaky wastewater pipes, and non-human animal waste. Because of these potential contamination pathways, it is possible that stormwater could serve as an environmental reservoir and transmission pathway for SARS-CoV-2. The objectives of this study are: 1) determine whether the presence of SARS-CoV-2 could be detected in stormwater via RT-ddPCR (reverse transcription-digital droplet PCR); 2) quantify human-specific fecal contamination using microbial source tracking; and 3) examine whether rainfall characteristics influence virus concentrations. To accomplish these objectives, we investigated whether SARS-CoV-2 could be detected from 10 storm sewer outfalls each draining a single, dominant land use in Columbus, Xenia, and Springboro, Ohio. Of the 25 samples collected in 2020, at minimum one SARS-CoV-2 target gene (N2 [US-CDC and CN-CDC], and E) was detected in 22 samples (88%). A single significant correlation (p = 0.001), between antecedent dry period and the USCDC N2 gene, was found between target gene concentrations and rainfall characteristics. Grouped by city, two significant relationships emerged showing cities had different levels of the SARS-CoV-2 E gene. Given the differences in scale, the county-level COVID-19 confirmed cases COVID-19 rates were not significantly correlated with stormwater outfall-scale SARS-CoV-2 gene concentrations. Countywide COVID-19 data did not accurately portray neighborhood-scale confirmed COVID-19 case rates. Potential hazards may arise when human fecal contamination is present in stormwater and facilitates future investigation on the threat of viral outbreaks via surfaces waters where fecal contamination may have occurred. Future studies should investigate whether humans are able to contract SARS-CoV-2 from surface waters and the factors that may affect viral longevity and transmission.
3. The first pilot-scale demonstration of the partial nitritation/anammox-hydroxyapatite process to treat the effluent of the anaerobic membrane bioreactor fed with the actual municipal wastewater
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 807, Part 3, 10 February 2022, 151063
Recently, it was reported that for synthetic low-strength wastewater, the excellent nitrogen removal rate (NRR) accompanied with phosphorus removal could be achieved through the partial nitritation/anammox (PNA)-hydroxyapatite (HAP) process. Thus, this research further investigated the performance of the pilot-scale PNA-HAP process treating the effluent of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) fed with the actual municipal wastewater. The results showed that with the hydraulic retention time of 4.0 h, the influent ammonium concentration ranging from 36.0 to 41.0 mg/L, and the BOD5 ranging from 6.3 to 12.7 mg/L, the average NRR and the nitrogen removal efficiency was 0.13 kg/m3/d and 63.38%, respectively. The specific activity test of sludge confirmed that the PNA process was the main nitrogen metabolism pathway. The effluent nitrate and the BOD5 were almost zero, indicating the existence of denitrification activity in reactor. Given that the oxygenation condition, the heterotrophic organic matter oxidization activity also occurred in reactor. The sludge analysis confirmed the phosphate formation in sludge. Thus, in the reactor, four kinds of biological activities and chemical crystallization occurred harmoniously in sludge. From the mixed liquid volatile suspended solid of 2.4 g/L and the low distribution range of granule size, it was obvious that the sludge had a high dispersity. Based on the well settling ability of sludge during the operation, it was inferred that there was a close bond between biomass and HAP in sludge, which was helpful to enhance the settleability of sludge granule. Besides, the phosphorus-containing sludge was suitable as the fertilizer. In all, this study demonstrated that the PNA-HAP process is an ideal alternative treating the effluent of the AnMBR process in the municipal wastewater treatment.
4. A comparison of precipitation and filtration-based SARS-CoV-2 recovery methods and the influence of temperature, turbidity, and surfactant load in urban wastewater
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 808, 20 February 2022, 151916
Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has become a complimentary surveillance tool during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Viral concentration methods from wastewater are still being optimised and compared, whilst viral recovery under different wastewater characteristics and storage temperatures remains poorly understood. Using urban wastewater samples, we tested three viral concentration methods; polyethylene glycol precipitation (PEG), ammonium sulphate precipitation (AS), and CP select™ InnovaPrep® (IP) ultrafiltration. We found no major difference in SARS-CoV-2 and faecal indicator virus (crAssphage) recovery from wastewater samples (n = 46) using these methods, PEG slightly (albeit non-significantly), outperformed AS and IP for SARS-CoV-2 detection, as a higher genome copies per litre (gc/l) was recorded for a larger proportion of samples. Next generation sequencing of 8 paired samples revealed non-significant differences in the quality of data between AS and IP, though IP data quality was slightly better and less variable. A controlled experiment assessed the impact of wastewater suspended solids (turbidity; 0–400 NTU), surfactant load (0–200 mg/l), and storage temperature (5–20 °C) on viral recovery using the AS and IP methods. SARS-CoV-2 recoveries were >20% with AS and <10% with IP in turbid samples, whilst viral recoveries for samples with additional surfactant were between 0–18% for AS and 0–5% for IP. Turbidity and sample storage temperature combined had no significant effect on SARS-CoV-2 recovery (p > 0.05), whilst surfactant and storage temperature combined were significant negative correlates (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). In conclusion, our results show that choice of methodology had small effect on viral recovery of SARS-CoV-2 and crAssphage in wastewater samples within this study. In contrast, sample turbidity, storage temperature, and surfactant load did affect viral recovery, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the viral concentration methodology used when working with wastewater samples.
5. Impact of urbanization on the food–water–land–ecosystem nexus: A study of Shenzhen, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 808, 20 February 2022, 152138
The food–water–land–ecosystem (FWLE) nexus is fundamental for achieving sustainable development. This study examines the influence of urbanization on the FWLE nexus. Toward this end, land was deemed as an entry point. Therefore, the impact of urbanization on the nexus was explored based on changes in land use. We selected Shenzhen, a city in China, as the study area. First, a land change modeler was employed to analyze historical land-use changes from 2000 to 2010, to build transition potential submodels, and to project future land-use patterns for 2030 under a business-as-usual scenario. Second, based on land-use maps, we assessed habitat quality, water yield, and water supply from 2000 to 2030 using Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs. Moreover, crop production was estimated according to statistical materials. Finally, the study presents the analyses and discussion of the impacts of urbanization on ecosystem services related to the FWLE nexus. The results of land-use changes indicated that a significant expansion of artificial surfaces occurred in Shenzhen with varying degrees of decrease in cultivated land, forest, and grassland. Furthermore, habitat quality, water supply, and crop production decreased evidently due to rapid urbanization. In contrast, the total water yield indicated an upward trend owing to the increased water yield from increasing artificial surfaces, whereas water yield from other land-use areas declined, such as the forest and grassland. The results demonstrated a significant positive correlation between artificial surfaces and total water yield. However, negative correlations were observed in the interaction among habitat quality, water supply, and crop production. The study presented temporal and spatial assessments to provide an effective and convenient means of exploring the interactions and tradeoffs within the FWLE nexus, which, thus, contributed to the sustainable transformation of urbanization.
6. Pharmaceuticals in water and sediment of small streams under the pressure of urbanization: Concentrations, interactions, and risks
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 808, 20 February 2022, 152160
Small streams are crucial but vulnerable elements of ecological networks. To better understand the occurrence of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in streams, this study focused on the occurrence, distribution, and environmental risk of 111 PhACs and 7 trace elements based on a total of 141 water and sediment samples from small streams located in the urbanizing region of Budapest, Hungary. Eighty-one PhACs were detected in the aqueous phase, whereas sixty-two compounds were detected in the sediment. Carbamazepine (CBZ) was the most frequently identified PhAC in water, and was found in 91.5% of all samples. However, the highest concentrations were measured for lamotrigine (344.8 μg·L−1) and caffeine (221.4 μg·L−1). Lidocaine was the most frequently occurring PhAC in sediment (73.8%), but the maximum concentrations were detected for CBZ (395.9 ng·g−1) and tiapride (187.7 ng·g−1). In both water and sediment, more PhACs were found downstream of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) than in the samples not affected by treated wastewater, even though no relationship was observed between the total amount of treated wastewater and the number of detected PhACs. The PhAC concentrations were also independent of the distance from the WWTP effluents. PhAC-polluted samples were detected upstream of the WWTPs, thereby suggesting the relevance of diffuse emissions in addition to WWTP outlets. The most frequently detected PhACs in the sediment were usually also present in the water samples collected at the same place and time. The varying concentrations of PhACs and the fluctuating water–sediment properties resulted in a lack of correlation between the general chemical properties and the concentrations of PhACs, which makes it difficult to predict PhAC contamination and risks in urbanized small streams. The environmental risk assessment indicated that diclofenac had the highest risk in the sampling area.
7. Selecting the most environmentally friendly oxidant for UVC degradation of micropollutants in urban wastewater by assessing life cycle impacts: Hydrogen peroxide, peroxymonosulfate or persulfate?
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 808, 20 February 2022, 152050
The quality of water bodies has been decreasing over time. Urban wastewater treatment plants (UWWTPs) are key players to avoid that potentially toxic micropollutants reach the environment, and advanced treatment processes are being applied to address this issue. However, several variables have to be taken into account, particularly environmental sustainability. The aim of this study is to assess the life cycle impacts of combining UVC with different oxidants – hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), peroxymonosulfate (PMS) and persulfate (PS) –, considering different concentrations (0.05, 0.20 and 0.50 mM) and UVC dosages of 42, 63 and 170 J/L, corresponding to UV contact times of 4, 7 and 18 s in a specific industrial equipment. UVC/PMS was the worst performing process (despite being able to achieve removals similar to UVC/H2O2), followed by UVC/PS. Both would only be preferred relatively to H2O2 if much lower concentrations of PMS or PS could be used to achieve the same removal of micropollutants (10 times lower was not enough). Additionally, PMS and PS production contributes more to the environmental footprint than the electricity use, unlike H2O2. Therefore even if considering lower treatment times when using sulfate-based oxidants, these will still be more impactful than using H2O2 at the studied conditions. Based on both avoided and generated impacts, H2O2 is the best option environmentally. In this case, the environmental impacts are more affected by an increase in treatment time rather than by an increase in the H2O2 concentration. It is thus best to opt for a higher concentration and the lowest treatment time possible for a significant ecotoxicity reduction. Electricity is a relevant parameter in all cases and its impact can be reduced in nearly all endpoint categories by opting for cleaner energy sources.
8. Prediction of bioaccessible lead in urban and suburban soils with Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 809, 25 February 2022, 151107
The successful use of visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) reflectance spectroscopy analysis requires selecting an optimal procedure of data acquisition and an accurate modeling approach. In this study, Vis-NIR with 350–2500 nm wavelengths were applied to detect different forms of lead (Pb) through the spectrally active soil constituents combining principal component regression (PCR) and Partial least-square regression (PLSR) for the Vis-NIR model calibration. Three clouds with different soil spectral properties were divided by the Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) in categories of Pb contamination risks: "low,” "health,” "ecological,” ranging from 200 to 750 mg kg−1. Farm soils were used for calibration (n = 26), and more polluted garden soils (n = 36) from New York City were used for validation. Total and bioaccessible Pb concentrations were examined with PLSR models and compared with Support Vector Machine (SVM) Regression and Boosting Regression Tree (BRT) models. Performances of all models' predictions were qualitatively evaluated by the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Residual Prediction Deviation (RPD), and coefficient of determination (R2). For total Pb, the best predictive models were obtained with BRT (R2 = 0.82 and RMSE 341.80 mg kg−1) followed by SVM (validation, R2 = 0.77 and RMSE 337.96 mg kg−1), and lastly by PLSR (validation, R2 = 0.74 and RMSE 499.04 mg kg−1). The PLSR technique is the most accurate calibration model for bioaccessible Pb with an R2 value of 0.91 and RMSE of 68.27 mg kg−1. The regression analysis indicated that bioaccessible Pb is strongly influenced by organic content, and to a lesser extent, by Fe concentrations. Although PLSR obtained lower accuracy, the model selected many characteristic bands and, thus, provided accurate approach for Pb pollution monitoring.
9. Pollution characteristics, exposure assessment and potential cardiotoxicities of PM2.5-bound benzotriazole and its derivatives in typical Chinese cities
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 809, 25 February 2022, 151132
Benzotriazole and its derivatives (BTRs), classified as high-volume production chemicals, have been widely detected in various environmental media, including the atmosphere, water, soil and dust, as well as organisms. However, studies on the pollution characteristics and health impact of PM2.5 related BTRs are so far limited. This study is the first to demonstrate the regional scale distribution of PM2.5-bound BTRs and their potential cardiotoxicities. Optimized methods of extraction, purification and GC-EI-MS/MS were applied to characterize and analyze PM2.5-bound BTRs from three cities in China during the winter of 2018. The concentration of ∑BTRs in Taiyuan (6.28 ng·m−3) was more than three times that in Shanghai (1.53 ng·m−3) and Guangzhou (1.99 ng·m−3). Benzotriazole (BTR) and 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (5TTR) contributed more than 80% of ∑BTRs concentration as the major pollutants among three cities. The correlation analysis indicated that there was a positive correlation between temperature and concentration of BTR and a negative correlation between temperature and concentration of 5TTR. In addition, the risk of BTRs exposure to toddlers should be paid more attention in Taiyuan by the human exposure assessment. Furthermore, toxicity screening by experimental methods indicated that 4-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (4TTR) was the most harmful to cardiomyocytes. The western blot assay showed a ROS-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis signaling pathway was activated after exposure to 4TTR in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (NRCMs). On the other hand, metabolomics revealed that exposure of 4TTR to NRCMs disturbed mitochondrial energy metabolism by disturbing pantothenate and coenzyme A synthesis pathway. Our study not only clarifies the contamination profiles of PM2.5-bound BTRs in typical Chinese cities but also reveals their cardiotoxicities associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
10. Spatiotemporal patterns and inequity of urban green space accessibility and its relationship with urban spatial expansion in China during rapid urbanization period
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 809, 25 February 2022, 151123
Equitable access to urban green spaces (UGS) is an important component of social justice and can be quantified using indices such as urban green space accessibility (UGSA). However, the spatiotemporal patterns and inequity of UGSA among cities with different developments during rapid urbanization are unclear, especially lack evidence at a macroscopic national scale during rapid urbanization. Therefore, we evaluated the UGSA in 366 cities of China during 1990–2015 by the Gaussian-based two-step floating catchment area method (Gaussian-based 2SFCA). Then, the inequity pattern of UGSA among cities with different economic developments was analyzed by the concentration curve and concentration index. Finally, the relationship between UGSA and urban spatial expansion was explored quantitatively by the spatial econometric model. The results showed that: (1) The overall UGSA in China declined significantly by nearly 57.23% during 1990–2015. From the regional perspective, the UGSA in the southeastern region was always lower than that in the northwestern region, the Eastern zone presented a downward trend. From the perspective of different sizes cities, the UGSA of the megacities kept decreasing during 1990–2015, while UGSA of the large, medium, and small cities had turned to increase since 2010. (2) During rapid urbanization, the equity of UGSA among the cities gradually improved, while the cities with low economic developments tended to have higher UGSA. (3) Urban spatial expansion led to the decrease of UGSA during 1990–2015, while the impact had spatiotemporal heterogeneity, and UGSA had a positive spatial spillover effect. Our research provides a comparative baseline for the improvement of UGSA from a macroscopic perspective for China's urbanization policy in the future and novel insights into the green justice issue. The results can be compared with the development of UGS in other countries at different urbanization stages to promote UGS design and policy.
11. Operational performance of corncobs/sawdust biofilters coupled to microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 809, 25 February 2022, 151115
Biofilters coupled to microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are the most integral treatment technology that generate water-energy nexus for rural zones sanitation. Moreover, biofilters coupled to MFCs, using organic residues as bed filter have not been studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was comparatively to evaluate biofilters based on corncobs/sawdust coupled to MFCs treating domestic wastewater. Biofilters based on corncobs/sawdust (50%, v/v) as bed filter incorporating microorganisms (BM), earthworms/microorganisms (BEM, Eisenia foetida Savigny), plants/microorganisms (BPM, Canna indica L.), and all organisms (HB) were evaluated. These biofilters were coupled to 2 electrochemical systems based on graphite cathodes with graphite (G)/stainless-steel mesh (M) anodes. Three nominal hydraulic loading rates (0.3, 0.5, and 1 m3 m−2 d−1) evaluating removal of organic matter, nutrients and pathogens were monitored. Voltage within electrochemical systems also were registered. Results demonstrated that biofilters based on corncob/wood chips coupled to MFCs reach mean organic matter removal efficiencies over 80% (COD: 86%, BOD5: 91%). Nevertheless, HBG was the most efficient (up to 6%) biofiltration technology monitored. The biofiltration typologies studied reported removal efficiencies of nutrients (NH3-N, PO43−) and pathogens (fecal coliforms) up to 99%. Specifically, BMG and HBG were the biofiltration typologies that registered the highest energy recovery (up to 104 mV, 29 mW m−2). Within all the biofiltration typologies studied, the hybrid biofiltration coupled to MFCs using graphite (HBG) is the one that offers the best water-energy nexus conditions, thanks to its biological complexity.
12. PM2.5-bound silicon-containing secondary organic aerosols (Si-SOA) in Beijing ambient air
Chemosphere, Volume 288, Part 1, February 2022, 132377
Volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) have been widely used in personal care products and industrial applications, and are an important component of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) indoors. They have sufficiently long lifetimes to undergo long-range transport and to form secondary aerosols through atmospheric oxidation. To investigate these silicon-containing secondary organic aerosols (Si-SOA), we collected PM2.5 samples during 8th-21st August 2018 (summer) and 3rd-23rd January 2019 (winter) at an urban site of Beijing. As the oxidation of VMS mainly results in hydrophilic polar semi-volatile and non-volatile oxidation products, the differences between total water-soluble Si and total water-soluble inorganic Si were used to estimate water-soluble organic Si, considered to be secondary organic Si (SO–Si). The average concentrations of SO–Si during the summer and winter campaigns were 4.6 ± 3.7 and 13.2 ± 8.6 ng m−3, accounting for approximately 80.1 ± 10.1% and 80.2 ± 8.7% of the total water-soluble Si, and 1.2 ± 1.2% and 5.0 ± 6.9% of total Si in PM2.5, respectively. The estimated Si-SOA concentrations were 12.7 ± 10.2 ng m−3 and 36.6 ± 23.9 ng m−3 on average in summer and winter, which accounted for 0.06 ± 0.07% and 0.16 ± 0.22% of PM2.5 mass, but increased to 0.26% and 0.92% on certain days. We found that net solar radiation is positively correlated with SO–Si levels in the summer but not in winter, suggesting seasonally different formation mechanisms.
13. Characteristics of PAHs, PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PCNs in atmospheric fine particulate matter in Dalian, China
Chemosphere, Volume 288, Part 1, February 2022, 132488
Organic species in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) may exhibit significant health risks. The level, composition and sources of PM2.5-bound organic pollutants are temporally and spatially highly variable. In this study, the pollution characteristics and health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) in PM2.5 of Dalian were investigated. PM2.5-bound organic pollutants in Dalian were generally lower than other regions in China and other countries, significant seasonal changes were observed, higher levels appeared in winter than in summer. Concentrations of 16 PAHs were 2.07 ng/m3 and 13.99 ng/m3 in summer and winter, respectively. PAHs with 4-ring and 5-ring were the dominant components. Diagnostic analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that PAHs mainly originate from petroleum emissions and combustion. Concentrations of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PCNs in PM2.5 ranged from 0.05 to 3.27, 0.04–0.65 and 0.05–1.42 pg/m3, respectively. PCDD/Fs and PCBs were mainly consisted of high-chlorinated homologues during the sampling period. High-chlorinated PCNs were dominated only in winter, while low-chlorinated PCNs were dominated in summer, industrial thermal activity was one of the main sources of PCNs. The high correlation coefficients of the concentration of PAHs, PCBs, PCNs, and PCDD/Fs with that of SO2 indicated that combustion sources contributed more to PM2.5-bound organic pollutants than that of motor vehicle emissions. The incremental lifetime cancer risk induced by PM2.5-bound POPs is relatively lower in Dalian than other regions.
14. Fouling and cleaning of thin film composite forward osmosis membrane treating municipal wastewater for resource recovery
Chemosphere, Volume 288, Part 1, February 2022, 132507
Concentrating municipal wastewater by forward osmosis (FO) membrane to a high level of water recovery rate to facilitate downstream resource recovery might cause more serious membrane fouling. This study investigated the concentration of synthetic and real municipal wastewater to 90% water recovery rate by hollow fiber and flat-sheet thin film composite (TFC) FO membranes and their associated membrane fouling and cleaning. Results show that the FO membrane had high rejection rates of COD, phosphate, Ca2+ and Mg2+ with concentration factors at around 8 when achieving a 90% water recovery rate, which facilitated downstream phosphate recovery by precipitation and energy recovery by anaerobic digestion. Ca2+ concentration in municipal wastewater at 61 mg/L was found to be the main factor to cause inorganic scaling, and the fouling caused by calcium precipitates was harder to be cleaned by physical cleaning compared with suspended solids (SS) such as cellulose particles. In addition, the TFC FO membrane for treating real sewage with SS is not applicable for the hollow fiber configuration used in this study due to lumen clogging, while the TFC flat sheet configuration was able to achieve a 90% water recovery rate. The use of a spacer in the flat sheet configuration improved the efficiency of the following physical cleaning by around 15% although it did not alleviate membrane fouling during the membrane filtration process. This study highlighted the importance of the chemistry of FS and DS and FO membrane configuration on membrane fouling particularly at high water recovery rates and the necessity of pre-treatment of municipal wastewater by removing suspended solids.
15. Solidification of heavy metals and PCDD/Fs from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash by the polymerization of calcium carbonate oligomers
Chemosphere, Volume 288, Part 2, February 2022, 132420
Calcium carbonate oligomers are gel-state precursors that can be crystallized by low-temperature heat treatments to form an inorganic material with a monolithic and continuous structure, this material can effectively solidify/stabilize heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI FA). Calcium chloride addition achieves FA stabilization/solidification by the formation and polymerization of calcium carbonate oligomers. The effects of calcium, triethylamine (TEA), and water-washing pretreatment on the solidification of heavy metals by the polymer were studied. Consequently, as more calcium was added, the solidification improved. When the ratio of TEA/Ca2+ was increased from 2:1 to 3:1, the solidification efficiency of As and Cd increased, but it decreased when the ratio was continuously increased to 4:1. After the water-washing pre-treatment, the MSWI FA had a significantly improved solidification effect on the heavy metals, and the solidification efficiencies of zinc, copper, cadmium, chromium, lead, and arsenic were 81.9%, 90.0%, 93.5%, 91.8%, 99.6% and 95.5%, respectively. Additionally, the solidification efficiency of PCDD/Fs was 56.5%. The heavy metals and PCDD/Fs in MSWI FA solidified by physical adsorption, wrapping and chemical precipitation. The continuous calcium carbonate structure adsorbed and encased the MSWI FA, and the heavy metals in the MSWI FA were converted from a free state to carbonate precipitates through carbonation, and the carbonate precipitate was more likely to be physical solidification by calcium carbonate.
16. Bioaugmentation with syntrophic volatile fatty acids-oxidizing consortia to alleviate the ammonia inhibition in continuously anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge
Chemosphere, Volume 288, Part 2, February 2022, 132389
Ammonia inhibition easily affects the performance of anaerobic digestion (AD) for municipal sludge and the oxidization of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) is the rate-limiting step of this process. Bioaugmentation is considered to be an effective method to alleviate ammonia inhibition of AD, but most study used the hydrogenotrophic methanogens as the bioaugmentation culture. In this study, bioaugmentation of mesophilic AD (MAD) and thermophilic AD (TAD) under ammonia inhibition with syntrophic acetate and propionate oxidizing consortia was investigated. The results showed that the bioaugmented reactors recovered earlier than control reactors with 20 (MAD) and 8 (TAD) days, respectively. The high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing indicated that the relative abundance of carbohydrates fermenter (Lentimicrobium), syntrophic VFAs-oxidizing bacteria (Rikenellaceae_DMER64, Smithella and Syntrophobacter) and acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanosaeta, Methanolinea and Methanospirillum) increased in MAD after bioaugmentation. However, part of the bioaugmentation culture could not adapt to the high free ammonia (FAN) concentration in MAD and the effect was weakened. In TAD, proteolytic bacteria (Keratinibaculum and Tepidimicrobium), syntrophic VFAs-oxidizing bacteria (Syntrophomonas) and hydrogenotrophic methanogen (Methanosarcina) were strengthened. The effect of bioaugmentation in TAD was durable even at higher organic loading rate (OLR), due to its positive influence on microbial community. These results suggested that the different bioaugmentation mechanism occurred in MAD and TAD, which are derived from the synergetic effects of ammonia tolerance and microbial interactions. Our study revealed the VFAs-oxidizing consortia as bioaugmented culture could be the potential strategy to alleviate the ammonia stress of AD.
17. Quantitative evaluation of heavy metal pollution hazards in leachate during fermentation before municipal solid waste incineration
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 335, 10 February 2022, 130200
Municipal solid waste (MSW) produces leachate during the fermentation process before it is incinerated. If the heavy metals contained in it are not properly treated, it will affect the subsequent MSW incineration effect, and produce serious pollution and aggravate more environment and health costs. Quantitative evaluation of heavy metals’ pollution hazards and estimation of such environmental costs are under-represented in the existing literature. This study uses the logistic function method to evaluate the extent of pollution caused by heavy metals such as Hg, Pb, Cd, As, and Cr in the leachate produced by fermentation before the MSW incineration at the Jiangqiao MSW incineration plant in Shanghai, China, and estimates the corresponding environmental cost. The results of the case study demonstrated that the average single pollution hazards rate of Pb、Cd、Hg、As and Cr reached 1.53%、1.35%、0.42%、0.42% and 0.23% respectively, and the comprehensive pollution hazards rate reaches 3.9%. The environmental cost caused by heavy metals in leachate during fermentation before MSW incineration reaches US$ 0.03 per ton on average. Considering the hazards of heavy metals in the leachate to the water environment, and the environmental costs that may inflict on Shanghai to be as much as US$ 9919 - US$ 17550 per year, this study provides meaningful and important information to policy makers.
1. How to reduce CO2 emissions in pharmaceutical industry of China: Evidence from total-factor carbon emissions performance
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 337, 20 February 2022, 130505
With China's aspiration of building a healthy nation and increasing its average life expectancy, the pharmaceutical industry will continue to grow in the coming years. Considering the high energy consumption and emissions in the pharmaceutical industry, striving for sustainability will be essential to achieving the 2030 target of peaking CO2 emissions and becoming carbon neutral by 2060. This paper quantifies the reduction potential for CO2 emissions in the pharmaceutical industry to provide policymakers with some references when decomposing the reduction task. By constructing a non-radical metafrontier Malmquist CO2 performance index (NMMCPI), we find that the NMMCPI in the pharmaceutical industry is improved from 2005 to 2016. The three main factors influencing the changes are technical efficiency, technological advancement and technological leadership. These three factors have contributed to the growth of NMMCPI in the eastern Chinese pharmaceutical industry; however, the technological leadership effect is lacking in central and western China. There is a huge CO2 emissions reduction potential in the pharmaceutical industry, which can be compared to UK and Brazilian emissions in 2016. In light of this, we recommend some policy implications to reduce the CO2 emissions of the pharmaceutical industry in the future.
2. Treatment of semiconductor-industry wastewater with the application of ceramic membrane and polymeric membrane
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 337, 20 February 2022, 130569
There is an abundance of wastewater produced by the semiconductor industry. These wastewaters can be hazardous to the environment if they are discharged without treatment. Furthermore, they contain silicon residues that can be recovered and recycled. Though membrane technologies have the potential to recover the silicon while treating wastewaters, fouling remains a major obstacle. This study thus aims to evaluate the performance of commercial ultrafiltration (UF) ceramic and polymeric membranes in treating three types of semiconductor-industry wastewaters; diluted back grinding wastewater (DBGW), diluted chemical mechanical polishing wastewater (DCMPW), and collection tank wastewater (CTW). One type of ceramic membrane and two types of polymeric membranes were evaluated. The ceramic membrane achieved the highest permeate flux (131.23–308.98 L/m2h) for all three types of wastewaters and was least susceptible to fouling as indicated by the lowest relative flux reduction (RFR) (8.22–57.59%) due to its high porosity, hydrophilicity, and permeability. Irreversible fouling on the ceramic membrane can be mitigated by alkaline cleaning agents to regain flux during DCMPW (96.93%) and DBGW (53.80%) filtration. Acidic agents should be used to regain flux during CTW (79.54%) filtration. Silicon retained on the membrane had a high purity of 39.8 wt% as evidenced by the X-ray spectrometer (EDX) results. The long-term applications of ceramic and polymeric membranes for silicon recovery and wastewater treatment via various cleaning methods were therefore covered in this study.
3. Removal of heavy metals from contaminated water using industrial wastes containing calcium and magnesium
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 337, 20 February 2022, 130472
Two industrial wastes (IW1 and IW2) were investigated as potential sorbents to retain cadmium and lead from contaminated water. The sorption experiments have been conducted through lab-engineered cartridge filtration system in order to get as close as possible to industrial processes. The effectiveness of IW1 and IW2 were compared to that of activated charcoal Norit® (AC), the best-known matrix for its excellent retention capacity. The sorption isotherms of metals on the three solid sorbents (IW1, IW2 and AC) were built, and then mathematically modelled. Free Gibbs energy (ΔG°) of the sorption processes as well as the equilibrium parameter (RL) have been calculated for each pollutant-sorbent couple. The study revealed that: i) for cadmium sorption, IW2 was much more effective than IW1 and especially than AC (18-fold higher in term of maximal sorption capacity); ii) if IW2 was slightly less effective than AC to retain lead, it can be still considered as an interesting sorbent due to its low cost; iii) the sorption of cadmium was as spontaneous on AC as on IW1, and almost half as much on IW2; iv) regarding lead retention, the sorption on the three sorbents was spontaneous; (v) the retention of cadmium and lead was mainly explained by precipitation since otavite, cerussite and hydrocerussite were identified and characterized by X-ray diffraction of used sorbents. The study showed that the industrial wastes studied stood out as new efficient materials with sorption power equal to or greater than the reference material AC. The prospect of a new generation of industrial wastes with lasting efficiency as contaminated water depollution agents comes at a key moment in the search for new perspectives in the circular economy.
4. Transformation of industrial and organic waste into titanium doped activated carbon – cellulose nanocomposite for rapid removal of organic pollutants
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 423, Part A, 5 February 2022, 126958
Production of cost-efficient composite materials with desired physicochemical properties from low-cost waste material is much needed to meet the growing needs of the industrial sector. As a step forward, the current study reports for the first time an effective utilization of industrial metal (inorganic) waste as well as fall leaves (organic waste), to produce three types of nanomaterials at the same time; "Titanium Doped Activated Carbon Nanostructures (Ti-ACNs)”, "Nanocellulose (NCel)”, and combination of both "Titanium Doped Activated Carbon Cellulose Nanocomposite (Ti-AC-Cel-NC)”. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and microanalysis (EDXS) measurements reveal that the Ti-ACNs material is formed by Ti-nanostructures, generally poorly crystalized but in some cases forming hexagonal Ti-crystallites of 15 nm, embedded in mutated graphene clouds. Micro- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro-FTIR) confirms that the chemical structure of NCel with bond vibrations between 1035 to 2917 cm−1 remained preserved during Ti-AC-Cel-NC formation. The prepared materials (Ti-ACNs, Ti-AC-Cel-NC) have demonstrated rapid removal of organic pollutants (Crystal Violet, Methyl Violet) from wastewater through surface adsorption and photocatalysis. In the first 20 min, Ti-ACNs have adsorbed ≈87% of the organic pollutants and further photocatalyzed them up to ≈96%. When Ti-ACNs are combined with NCel, their efficiency is increased of about four times. This performance originates from the adsorption by mutated graphene-like carbon and assisted photocatalysis by Ti nanostructures as well as the good supporting capacity of NCel for the homogenous Ti-ACNs distribution.
5. Transformation and fate of thallium and accompanying metal(loid)s in paddy soils and rice: A case study from a large-scale industrial area in China
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 423, Part A, 5 February 2022, 126997
Thallium (Tl) is an extremely toxic metal, while its occurrence and fate in paddy soil environment remain understudied. Herein, the enrichment and migration mechanisms and potential health risks of Tl and metal(loid)s were evaluated in paddy soils surrounding an industrial park utilizing Tl-bearing minerals. The results showed that Tl contamination was evident (0.63–3.16 mg/kg) in the paddy soils and Tl was generally enriched in root of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with a mean content of 1.27 mg/kg. A remarkably high level of Tl(III) (30–50%) was observed in the paddy soils. Further analyses by STEM-EDS and XPS indicated that Tl(I) in the paddy soils was jointly controlled by adsorption, oxidation, and precipitation of Fe/Mn(hydr)oxide (e.g. hematite and birnessite), which might act as important stabilization mechanisms for inhibiting potential Tl uptake by rice grains. The health quotient (HQ) values indicated a potentially high Tl risk for inhabitants via consumption of the rice grains. Therefore, it is critical to establish effective measures for controlling the discharge of Tl-containing waste and wastewater from different industrial activities to ensure food safety in the rice paddy soils.
6. Integrated watershed process model for evaluating mercury sources, transport, and future remediation scenarios in an industrially contaminated site
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 423, Part B, 5 February 2022, 127049
We used the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) as a framework to develop an empirical Hg flux model for Upper East Fork Poplar Creek (UEFPC), a Hg-contaminated watershed in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. By integrating long-term Hg monitoring data with simulated flow and suspended solid loads in a site-specific empirical Hg transport model, we (1) quantified the spatial, temporal, and flow regime controls on daily Hg flux (adjusted R2 = 0.82) and (2) made predictions about Hg flux under future climate, land use, and management scenarios. We found that 62.79% of the average daily Hg flux in the watershed is currently driven by base flow, whereas variability in Hg flux is driven by storm and extreme flow. We estimate an average annual Hg flux of 28.82 g day-1 leaving the watershed under baseline precipitation, with an estimated 43.73% reduction in daily Hg flux under drought conditions and a 296% increase in daily Hg flux in extreme precipitation scenarios. We estimated that a new mercury treatment facility would result in a 24.7% reduction in Hg flux under baseline conditions and a 33.4% reduction under extreme precipitation scenarios. The study demonstrated the merit of this approach, which can be replicated for sites where information on flow, suspended solids, and Hg concentrations is available.
7. When microbial electrochemistry meets UV: The applicability to high-strength real pharmaceutical industry wastewater
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 423, Part B, 5 February 2022, 127151
Wastewater from pharmaceutical and related industries contains many residual pharmaceutical components rich in color and high COD contents, which cannot be removed through the traditional wastewater treatment processes. Recently, microbial electrolysis ultraviolet cell (MEUC) process has shown its promising potential to remove recalcitrant organics because of its merits of wide pH range, iron-free, and without complications of iron sludge production. However, its application to the real pharmaceutical-rich industrial wastewater is still unknown. In this study, the MEUC process was validated with real ciprofloxacin-rich (6863.79 ± 2.21 µg L−1) industrial wastewater (6840 ± 110 mg L−1 of COD). The MEUC process achieved 100% removal of ciprofloxacin, 100% decolorization, and 99.1% removal of COD within 12, 60 and 30 h, respectively, when it was operated at pH-controlled at 7.8, applied voltage of 0.6 V, UV intensity of 10 mW cm−2, and cathodic aeration velocity of 0.005 mL min−1 mL−1. Moreover, fluorescence analysis showed that protein- and humic-like substances in such wastewater were effectively removed, providing further evidence of its high treatment efficiency. Furthermore, eco-toxicity testing with luminescent bacteria Vibro Feschri confirmed that the treated effluent was utterly non-toxic. The results demonstrated the broad application potential of MEUC technology for treating industrial wastewater.
8. Current advancements on the fabrication, modification, and industrial application of zinc oxide as photocatalyst in the removal of organic and inorganic contaminants in aquatic systems
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 424, Part B, 15 February 2022, 127416
Industrial wastewaters contain hazardous contaminants that pollute the environment and cause socioeconomic problems, thus demanding the employment of effective remediation procedures such as photocatalysis. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanomaterials have emerged to be a promising photocatalyst for the removal of pollutants in wastewater owing to their excellent and attractive characteristics. The dynamic tunable features of ZnO allow a wide range of functionalization for enhanced photocatalytic efficiency. The current review summarizes the recent advances in the fabrication, modification, and industrial application of ZnO photocatalyst based on the analysis of the latest studies, including the following aspects: (1) overview on the properties, structures, and features of ZnO, (2) employment of dopants, heterojunction, and immobilization techniques for improved photodegradation performance, (3) applicability of suspended and immobilized photocatalytic systems, (4) application of ZnO hybrids for the removal of various types of hazardous pollutants from different wastewater sources in industries, and (5) potential of bio-inspired ZnO hybrid nanomaterials for photocatalytic applications using renewable and biodegradable resources for greener photocatalytic technologies. In addition, the knowledge gap in this field of work is also highlighted.
9. Construction and implementation of floating wetpark as effective constructed wetland for industrial textile wastewater treatment
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 424, Part D, 15 February 2022, 127710
Fimbristylis dichotoma, Ipomoea aquatica, Pluchea tomentosa and their co-plantation (consortium FIP) autonomously degrade Orange 3R. Consortium FIP showed 84% removal of Orange 3R within 48 h, which is a higher dye elimination rate than individual plant systems. Oxidoreductase enzymes like tyrosinase (76%), varatryal alcohol oxidase (85%), lignin peroxidase (150%), riboflavin reductase (151%), laccase (171%), NADH-DCIP reductase (11%) and azo reductase (241%) were expressed in consortia FIP during Orange 3R degradation. UV–vis spectroscopy, enzyme activities, HPTLC, FTIR and GC-MS confirmed mineralization of Orange 3R into its metabolites. Microscopic investigation of root tissue revealed the harsh effect of dye on root tissues. Toxicity assessment on the HepG2 cell line demonstrated the toxic nature of Orange 3R, which gets reduced after phyto-treatment with consortia FIP. Floating wetpark of consortia FIP was found more efficient for the treatment of industrial textile waste and accomplished 87%, 86%, 75%, 49% and 46% removal of COD, BOD, color, TSS and TDS of effluent.
10. Method on site-specific source apportionment of domestic soil pollution across China through public data mining: A case study on cadmium from non-ferrous industries
Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, 15 February 2022, 118605
The lack of emission data of major Cd-emitting enterprises has long limited the source apportionment of soil cadmium (Cd). Non-ferrous metal enterprises (NMEs) contribute the most Cd emissions in China in recent years. We estimated the cumulative Cd emission of 8750 NMEs across China through public data collection and material balance methods for the first time. The results showed that the total Cd emissions were estimated at 133,177 tons, of which 78.68% contributed by zinc primary smelting and mining. The emission hotspots are mainly concentrated in the south of the Yangtze River, such as Nanling Mountain areas, Nanpan River Basin, and Jincheng River Basin, as well as a few parts of the North and Northwest China. Then a significant positive spatial correlation was furtherly detected between NMEs and soil Cd, except for secondary smelting enterprises. Moreover, the hotspots of soil Cd pollution caused by NMEs were identified across China. By promoting the accounting calibrator from annual emission intensity of regional (mainly provincial) scale to the cumulative emission of site-specific enterprise in its entire life cycle, this study realized the finer description of the spatial heterogeneity of Cd emission from non-ferrous industry on a large scale and make it possible to refine the reliability of follow-up site-specific source apportionment, by introducing the emission intensity instead of the enterprise sites density. Finally, a modified approach for the regional source apportionment of soil pollution was proposed to obtain a more realistic and precise drawing. The results pointed out key NMEs subcategories and the affected hotspots which require continuous strengthening of Cd-related rectification. This methodological framework is expected to contribute to the precise management and differential sources control of Cd pollution and can be further extended to other pollutants for the precise targeting of key industries and hotspots during source pollution control in the future.
11. ALS risk factors: Industrial airborne chemical releases
Environmental Pollution, Volume 295, 15 February 2022, 118658
Most amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases are sporadic (∼90%) and environmental exposures are implicated in their etiology. Large industrial facilities are permitted the airborne release of certain chemicals with hazardous properties and report the amounts to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of its Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) monitoring program. The objective of this project was to identify industrial chemicals released into the air that may be associated with ALS etiology. We geospatially estimated residential exposure to contaminants using a de-identified medical claims database, the SYMPHONY Integrated Dataverse®, with ∼26,000 nationally distributed ALS patients, and non-ALS controls matched for age and gender. We mapped TRI data on industrial releases of 523 airborne contaminants to estimate local residential exposure and used a dynamic categorization algorithm to solve the problem of zero-inflation in the dataset. In an independent validation study, we used residential histories to estimate exposure in each year prior to diagnosis. Air releases with positive associations in both the SYMPHONY analysis and the spatio-temporal validation study included styrene (false discovery rate (FDR) 5.4e-5), chromium (FDR 2.4e-4), nickel (FDR 1.6e-3), and dichloromethane (FDR 4.8e-4). Using a large de-identified healthcare claims dataset, we identified geospatial environmental contaminants associated with ALS. The analytic pipeline used may be applied to other diseases and identify novel targets for exposure mitigation. Our results support the future evaluation of these environmental chemicals as potential etiologic contributors to sporadic ALS risk.
12. Recent progress in microbial fuel cells for industrial effluent treatment and energy generation: Fundamentals to scale-up application and challenges
Bioresource Technology, Volume 346, February 2022, 126462
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) technology have the potential to decarbonize electricity generation and offer an eco-friendly route for treating a wide range of industrial effluents from power generation, petrochemical, tannery, brewery, dairy, textile, pulp/paper industries, and agro-industries. Despite successful laboratory-scale studies, several obstacles limit the MFC technology for real-world applications. This review article aimed to discuss the most recent state-of-the-art information on MFC architecture, design, components, electrode materials, and anodic exoelectrogens to enhance MFC performance and reduce cost. In addition, the article comprehensively reviewed the industrial effluent characteristics, integrating conventional technologies with MFCs for advanced resource recycling with a particular focus on the simultaneous bioelectricity generation and treatment of various industrial effluents. Finally, the article discussed the challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives for the large-scale applications of MFCs for sustainable industrial effluent management and energy recovery.
13. Enhancing anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical industries wastewater with the composite addition of zero valent iron (ZVI) and granular activated carbon (GAC)
Bioresource Technology, Volume 346, February 2022, 126566
Anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical wastewater is challenged by its contained toxic compounds which limits the stability and efficiency of methane production and organic degradation. In this study, zero valent iron (ZVI) and granular activated carbon (GAC) were added with different strategies to improve anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical wastewater. The results confirmed synergy effects of ZVI + GAC for both COD removal (increased by 13.4%) and methane production (increased by 11.0%). Furthermore, ZVI + GAC improved the removal of pharmaceutical intermediates, in particular, the residues (%) of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 2,2′-methylenebis(6-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) were only 30.48 ± 6.53 and 39.92 ± 4.50, and effectively reduced biotoxicity. The promoted results were attributed to the establishment of direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET). Microbial community analysis revealed that ZVI + GAC decreased species evenness and richness in bacterial whereas increased in archaeal. The relative abundance of acetotrophic methanogens decreased but hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic methanogens increased, which broadening the pathway of methane production.
14. Enhancing industries exploitation: Integrated and hybrid membrane separation processes applied to industrial effluents beyond the treatment for disposal
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 430, Part 3, 15 February 2022, 133006
Facilities intended for industrial effluents treatment for only disposal are no longer interesting from an environmental and economical perspective. Rather than that, they started to be designed for by-products recovery as well. Stand-alone treatment units are often ineffective for that purpose, which led to researches that investigate integrated and hybrid treatments. It has been reviewed integrated membrane-based technologies intended for by-products recovery from industrial effluents in bench and full-scale applications. Consolidated technologies as ultra-, micro-, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane have been combined with different biological and physicochemical technologies that allow for by-products recovery. It has been summarized the merits and demerits of their integration, in addition to recommendations to improve their efficiency. Besides the conventional membrane separation processes, emerging technologies as electrodialysis and membrane contactors (membrane scrubbers, membrane distillation, and membrane crystallizers) were summarized. Although considered emerging, they have a great potential to be further scale-up and combined with different processes. Aside from their performance in effluent treatment and by-product recovery, their economic viability has been discussed as well. Up-coming membrane modules combining different processes, markedly known for their small area requirement and performance improvement, were also presented. The current literature points out integrated/hybrid systems and effluents valorization as one of the alternatives to overcome the scarcity of the raw materials to be faced in a near future. However, advancements in membranes of greater resistance, lower costs, antifouling characteristics, and lower propensity for wetting would be of paramount importance to extend the application of these systems for effluents beneficiation.
15. Synchronous complete COD reduction for persistent chemical-industrial organic wastewater using the integrated treatment system
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 430, Part 4, 15 February 2022, 133136
Chemical-industrial organic wastewater often contains organic contaminants with low biodegradability. One challenge of chemical-industrial organic wastewater treatment is to select suitable pre-treatment combined with biological wastewater treatment. On the other hand, most wastewater treatment systems are open to the atmosphere, and the emission of gaseous organic matters usually occurs during the wastewater treatment processes. Thus, this work provided a conception of synchronous complete COD reduction during chemical wastewater treatment. Real p-Aminodiphenylamine (RT-Base) wastewater, a kind of typical chemical-industrial organic wastewater, was selected to verify the feasibility of the conception. An integrated closed system was utilized which involving a tourmaline-based Fenton-like process and Activated sludge (AS) process. The results showed that trimethylamine emitted after the wastewater pH adjustment and the emitted gaseous matter could be effectively removed by AS process. Additionally, the biodegradability of the wastewater was enhanced after the tourmaline-based Fenton-like pretreatment. Furthermore, the combination of Fenton oxidation with AS process provided a high total removal efficiency (COD removal rate = 98.87%). The emitted gaseous organic matter could be effectively captured and treated by another independent AS process, and there was no longer emitted gaseous organic matter in the off-gas. Microbial DNA analysis showed that the most dominant phyla in the activated sludge were bacteroidetes, proteobacteria, actinobacteria, and firmicutes. Carbohydrate metabolism was the most abundant pathway and its abundance increased 0.03%-1.19% after the treatment. Consequently, the conception of synchronous complete COD reduction in real chemical-industrial wastewater has been verified.
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